Staying the night

"Aw man! It looked like they were going to ravage each other!" I cry out as I turn to her.

She looks at me with surprise and giggles a bit in laughter at me. What did I say? Did I say something wrong or funny?

"Oh honey, it is time for bed. We will get up and early to take you to the police station and find your mother."

"Aw...Fine. I will go to bed." I say with a sad face.

She pats my head and then leaves the couch and walks towards the a bedroom and opens the door turning on a light. I curl up on the couch and try to get to sleep on the couch but it might be difficult. Feels sort of tough.

I take a few minutes to sleep and I start shivering a bit since I don't have a blanket on me. Then I hear footsteps walking over to me and see Ariels standing above me.

"Oh honey, come to my room. I will keep you warm." she says putting her right hand on her hip.

"A-are you sure miss? I don't want to intrude."

"It is fine. Come with me honey." she takes my hand and walks me over to her bedroom which is a queen-sized bed with red sheets. Looks so big compared to me! I get to sleep in this?! Mother never let me sleep in her bed ever since dad left us.

"I-I get to sleep with you miss?" I say looking up to her.

"Oh of course honey, jump in bed."


I jump on the bed and get under the sheets and start rubbing my cold face against it. So smooth! Feels so good against my face!

"Thank you miss!"

"No worries kiddo. Now I will get on my side and sleep. Wake me if you need anything."


*Few hours later*

"Mmmmm....I need to pee..." I get up and want to wake her but I see her breathing with her mouth open and she looks so peaceful...

I get myself out of the bed and walk over to the bathroom and try to use it.

*few moments later*


I put my pants up and wipe myself and walk out of the bathroom turn the light off and begin making my way back to the bedroom.

I rub my eyes a bit and walk into the door frame with my nose hitting it.


"Ow..." I say rubbing my nose

I continue walking into the bed and cover myself up with the blankets and turn to the outside of the bed. I start dozing off when I feel something touch me from behind.

"Mmm...." I hear behind me

I turn around and look at Ariel and she reaches out grabs the back of my head and pulls me into her chest. Her chest is so soft and warm. I think I can hear her heartbeat.

*badump badump badump*

Wh-what is this feeling? I am feeling tingly again and hot...I start squirming my thighs together and I start feeling weird down there...Do I need to pee again?

Whatever...I am tired and want to get to sleep. I start closing my eyes and begin dozing off into slumber with me wrapping my tiny arms around her body and hugging her. So cozy.

*The next day*

"Mmmm...." I hear as I wake up. I open my eyes to her her chest in my face and I wake up to see she is still asleep.

I Start moving a bit and get out of her grip. But she is hugging my to tightly so I can't get out. Oh well. This feels nice anyway.

I start sleeping again for a few minutes until she starts moving again and begins to wake up.

"Mmm...." she moans while opening her eyes seeing me face to face with her.

"Oh good morning honey. I hope you slept well."

"I did! I slept well."

I get out of her grip and move out of the bed and begin going to the next room over and get myself ready to leave the building. I put my ripped up shoes back on and stand at the door waiting.

"Oh honey we should eat first before we go." she says while sitting up straight rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, okay! Uhm. What are we eating?"

"Oh I will figure it out. Just watch some TV until then."


I walk over to the TV and jump on the couch and begin watching Happy Tree Friends which Ariel seems to dislike the violence in the television show. But she doesn't disturb me.

*few minutes later*

"Honey breakfast is ready!"

"Yay!" I get myself up from my seat and run over to her and she has two plates in her hands. It smells good!

"Here you go, go sit on the couch"

I take the plate and there are scrambled eggs with bacon and hashbrowns. Smells awesome!

"Thank you!"

"You are very welcome"

We both move towards the couch and sit down. I start chowing down at my food really fast again which makes Ariel sigh. Guess she wanted me to savor my food again. But I can't help it if it is good!

I finish my bowl and so does Ariel and she takes my plate and walks off to her sink and washes off the dishes off. I feel full already!

"Can we go now?" I ask standing next to her.

"Yes right after I wash my hands. Go on ahead and wait by the door."

I do as she says and walk over to the door and wait a couple of minutes doodling with my tail. She finally finishes up and gets on some skinny jeans and a white blouse on. She is so pretty!

"Okay ready now!"


I run out of the door in a hurry and she hasn't even gotten her shoes on yet. She trips up a bit but tries to catch up to me. I however look behind me and not realizing who Iw as about to run into.


"Oof" I ran into someone and fall backwards on my butt and rub my head a bit since I hit the side of my head.

I looks up and see see a girl. She has brown hair and brown eyes. Height of about 3'4 in height to my 3'7 so she is a bit shorter than me. She is wearing a white dress with yellow flowers on it.

She runs her own head and looks up to me from across the small distance between each other and just stares at me. I might be in trouble...

"Sorry..." I say getting myself up. I reach my hand out but she doesn't receive it until a few seconds pass.

She takes my hand however and stands wiping herself off of non existant dust. She then stares at me for a bit longer...This is a bit uncomfortable...

"Yes...I am sorry too..." she says with a flat gentle voice.

"So uhm...where were you running to might I ask" I ask her with a bit more upbeat.

"To my mothers dorm across the hallway...Just beyond there" she says while pointing to the dorm room.


"Arla! *huff huff huff* You shouldn't run off like that...*huff huff huff* Who is this kid?"

"Hi" I say waving to her

"This boy and I ran into each other into the hallway when I was running to the dorm room mother. I don't know him but he seems nice..." the girl says pointing to me.

"Hi..." I say again.

"Hello young man. I am sorry to say this but do you know if your mother knows you are in this building?" the elf brown haired woman asks me.

"" I answer.

But then I hear footsteps coming from behind me and it is Ariel walking up to me from behind and touching my shoulder. She turns me around and I look up to her.

"Hello!" I say to her

"Honey you shouldn't run off without an adult I barely had my shoes on before you started running. That is unsafe." she says getting on one knees and talks to me with a look of concern.


I turn around and see the tall brown haired woman and she adjusts her long hair and brushes it around her ear. She is an elf. Which means her daughter might be. She said Arla so it must be her name. That is what I am guessing.

"Well then," says the brown haired woman, " I didn't realized to adopted a caiman son Ariel. Seems very unnatural of you to do so."

"Unless, *gasp* you kidnapped this kid!" she says while Bringer her hand up to her face.

"I-I didnt kidnap him I found him in the road alone and scared! You know me better than that Elly." Ariel says while crossing her arms.

Those two start talking for a bit and I turn to who I assume is named Arla and look at her for a bit. She is sort of cute. Sort of quiet and shy though. Different from my personality.

"So uhm...Is your name is Arla?" I ask

"Yes...and yours?"


We stand in silence for a bit while the other two rant on for a while. I look down at my feet and notice flowers on the ground which I never noticed from before. She must've dropped them after we ran into each other.

I slowly pick up the 3 flowers and give the back to her by reaching my hand out. She looks at me for a bit and stares at them for a while. But then takes them slowly.

"Thank you..." she says.

"No worries!"

I give her a warm smile to her and she just looks at me for a bit. Does she not k ow how to smile? Strange she is. is sort of cute.

"Codaka? Are you ready to move on?" Ariel asks me.

"Huh? Oh yeah ready!"

"Good let's go." she says while taking my hand and walking off with me out the front door. I turn my head around and wave goodbye to Arla and she waves slowly back at me. Both of the adults walk away.