Cool Apartment!

He looks at me with curiosity for a while and then asks a question.

"Uhm, whats with the kid? Why are his clothes torn up?" he asks

"This kid was all alone and fairly hurt and alone when I found him in the middle of the road. I decided to pick him up and plan on taking him to the police station tomorrow."

He looks at me for a while uncomfortably...staring even. I start walking behind Ariel and clentching her dress a bit.

"Oh Charles you are scaring the kid!" she says to him crossing her arms.

"What? Oh sorry I just...Never expected to see someone who looks homeless walk in our establishment."

"He is not homeless he has a home he just needs a place to stay for the night. But yeah he does look homeless." she says while patting my head.

"Well then, proceed..." he says while still looking at me.

Ariel starts walking towards the elevator and I follow in pursuit. I look at the elf and he is still looking at me...why is he staring doesn't he know it is rude?

As we get in the elevator she presses the second floor and we go up. It stops and it opens showing a long hallway with white doors and a brown walls.

She starts walking and I follow her and I look at the doors. They look fancy.

We stop after a short bit of walking and I walk into her by accident. My bad. Mother would be very displeased if I did that to her. Likely would punish me for touching her...

"Here we are, my apartment." she says while pulling a keycard out and scanning it in front of a black looking cube.

*beep beep*

The door unlocks and opens for her and she walks in. I follow in. As I walk in there is a small kitchen that has a marble island. A couch that is all white and a TV. Pretty big TV actually. Well bigger than me at least.

As I stare into the TV. Ariel touches my shoulder and turns me around towards. She is kneeling to me and places both hands on my shoulder and says a couple of words.

"I am going to get changed and then will get you showered and washed up okay?"


She walks into a different room and closes the door behind her. While I look around I walk towards the TV and find a remote to it. I take it and turn on the TV and begin searching for a channel to watch.

"This just in, the Claws are once again on the move within Arcadia causing a disturbance to the pea"

Boring...I want to find something fun to watch!

I start spending the next few minutes searching though channels but nothing of interest comes on so I turn off the TV. But by that time I hear the shower turn on and Ariel comes out a bit afterwords.

"I have started the shower for you. If you can come out with me please"


I get myself up from the couch and run over to the bathroom and trip over the door frame causing me to fall forward with a somewhat loud thud. I fall over to much...


"Oh honey are you okay?"

"Y-yeah! Let me just get up"

I get myself up and the shower is already steamy warm in the bathroom already. Didn't she already start the shower like just a few minutes ago?

I walk over to her and she gives me a gentle smile and comes up to me. She takes off her clothes exposing herself to me.

"Come here honey, we will both take a shower. I will also heal your wounds with my magic in the shower."

Okay! I take off my clothes and walk into the shower and feel the gentle warm water pour onto my scales and begin rubbing myself of the dirt off of me. She start using the soap and washes off her body and then hands it to me next.

As I wash myself off I feel a bit weird inside. This tingly warm feeling inside. My heart starts racing a bit. Why is it?

I ignore it however and begin washing myself off with the soap and turn around to only slip. I slide under her and see her from underneath her and she just looks down and smiles at me.

She picks me on from the armpits and sets me back on my feet. I then take some what I assume is shampoo and begin washing my feathers off. My head feels a bit sore and numb at the same time. Probably because I hit my head on a rock.

I finish showering and then a warm gentle hand touches my shoulder. I look up to see Ariel looking down at me with a soft smile and gets on her knees. She puts both hands on my arms and begins using some kind of magic on me and heals my scrapes up. She continues doing this for a while until all of my scapes are healed up as well as my tail.

She then takes my head and begins massaging it slowly while healing the gash wound behind my head. Feels so nice!

*Few minutes later*

She turns off the water and gets out of the shower and begins drying herself off. Then then takes her towel and wraps it around her body and grabs another towel and dries off her hair with it. She gives me a towel as well and I do what she does and dry myself off. But the towel is a bit big for me so.

I however dry myself off and nearly trip as well coming out of it. I then put the towel on the ground.

She starts putting on a yellow nightgown and looks at me for a moment and leaves the room for a bit closing it behind her. She didn't leave me any clothes I think we forgot to go shopping. I can't put back the dirty clothes on me that would be inappropriate!

Plus they are ripped up...I look around the bathroom and go to the mirror which is still to tall so I attempt to climb it. But I can't. I have nothing to grab onto everything is so smooth that I can't.

Suddenly the door opens behind me and she comes out with clothes! Where did she get them from? I don't remember her buying them.

"Uhm where did you get these clothes from?"

"Oh. You see you were sleeping but I went into the store and bought some clothes for you to wear when we would take a shower. So here you go honey."

She hands me the clothes and it is a pair of small underwear and brown shorts with a white shirt. I begin putting them on but there is a slight issue with the underwear and pants...there isn't a hole for my tail!

"uhm...problem ma'am...There isn't a hole for the tail to go through..."

"Oh no I forgot! My bad honey uhm...Oh I have an idea!" she says while clapping both hands together and walking out of the bathroom into the kitchen.

She however comes back with a pair of scissors and begins cutting up the pants and underwear in the butt region. I think she is making a makeshift hole for me to put the underwear and pants on.

I check them out for a bit and then put them on and they fit! Sort of...The area above my butt itches a bit but nothing that can be done about it.

I put on the rest of my clothes and I proceed to walk out of the bathroom clumsily and exit the bathroom. As I walk out I see Ariel sitting on the couch and watching some sort of drama show likely. Seems interesting wonder if I can watch it....

"Uhm miss?"

"Yes honey?" she says while turning her head to me

"Uhm...can I watch with you?"

"Sure, come here!" she says while gesturing me over with her right hand.


I run over to her and jump next to her on the couch swinging my exposed cold feet back and forth watching the TV. I wonder this movie is about!

"Alissa!" the wolven man says turning his back to a woman on TV

"What you furbag!" the elven woman replies turning around.

"I love you...I always have!"

"I do too, but no we can't be together...our people are at war. And your a slave...I...I can't be with you otherwise we will both betray our people." she says while standing up straight but firm.

The wolven man walks from behind her and grabs her arm and turns her around to face him. He pushes her against a wall and looks down at her small figure in comparison to his size.

He leans in and breaths heavily in next to her ear and says some words in her ear.

"I want to mark you as my own...*growl* I want to ravage you so badly Alissa...Do you not want me to?"

What does that mean? To ravage someone? Huh? I look a bit more intently a the TV and stare more curious of this scene and put my head under my arms as I lean forward.

"I...I do...I want you to ravage me so much but we can't..."

"You scent says otherwise...your wet down there...I can smell it. *growls*

"No...mmm...No we mustn't, not here in this isn't a good place for it."

"No one is around Alissa...We have all the time we need. Just let me mark you." he says before gently biting down on her neck.

"Mmmm..No no not here....Mmm oh god"

"You aroused aren't," *growls* "Allow me to relieve you of your stress" he says while reaching down at her lower levels of her red dress. Raising it in his hand.

"Mmm oh god ravage me Kovu, ravage me like you prey!"

"As you wish," he says.

He lifts up her leg and pulls up her dress exposing her underwear. But then the TV turns off and it ends. Aw man! It looked like they were going to ravage each other whatever that means!

My eyes get covered by a hand and the TV turns off