Crying through the walls

As I sit in bed watching some television Ariel yawns in her chair and begins getting sleepy. I look over to her and she seems to be having issues staying awake. Maybe she is worried for me and is just waiting for until I fall asleep so she can.

"Hey uhm, you can go to sleep now if you won't miss," I say sheepishly

"Oh it is fine honey. I am staying up on purpose so. Go ahead and keep watching TV"

I continue watching TV for another hour and look at the time and it is about 9:36 pm right now. After a long day of pain and misery, I am very tired. But at least Ariel is here to kept me company!

I yawn open my mouth and prepare to tell I am going to sleep but I stop myself. I see closely and see Ariel is sleeping. But she has her phone on her chest and the blanket is off of her. She seems so peaceful. I think...I think I should cover her up and charge her phone. I know mother gets upset when her phone never charges at night.

I throw my blankets off and slowly get out of bed and stand on my tippy toes walking over to Ariel on the other side of the bed. I then try and reach for her phone but it is just out of reach. I try and stand on the edge of the chair to reach but it slides right between her cleavage. Aw man...

I got to commit to my plan...I reach a bit further slowly and see her chest slowly rising and falling in a breathing motion. I almost got the phone! I move just a bit more onto the chair when Ariel starts moving and turns to me and wraps her arms around me and pulls me in the chair.

It hurts! My body starts stingy as the burns under my wraps begin to turn on me again and begin making me want to scream! I bite down on my tongue painfully due to my teeth are pointed which is a bad idea...I taste a bit of blood I think that's not good...

"Mmmm....So warm.....mmmm" Ariel grumbles in her sleep.

My chest hurts so much! I need to get out of this situation! I put both of my hands on the chair and try to push myself off of her but she holds onto me still. If anything she is holding on tighter on me!

I think I am starting to have issues breathing. The pain is so hard to deal with it hurts. I might start whining like a puppy if this doesn't end. I place my hands on her chest and push gently but she continues holding onto me.

She starts moving again and turns onto her back and pulls me with her. I am now on top of her with my face in her chest. Between her cleavage. Its...soft and firm...What is this feeling? I move my hands up her a bit and push against her chest and she lets out a soft moan.


Her grip loosens a bit from that. Maybe this is my chance! I squeeze her chest a bit and she lets out a heavy breath and loosens her grip just a bit more. I get out of her grip and fall on my butt.


"Ouch..." I get myself up from the ground and rub my butt a bit and hold the phone up to my face. I turn it off and walk towards her bag and search through it a bit and find a charger inside of it.

I walk back to her chair and plug it inside a power socket and charge the phone. It is at 35% so I guess she has not yet charged it since we had left her house. I leave it on the ground and begin making my way over to the bed but stop as I hear crying outside of the room. Should I check it out?

*sniffle* "Waaah!"

I hear the crying outside of the room a little more defined and feel bad. Sounds like someone my age...Maybe...maybe I should check it out...

I walk over to the door and reach for the doorknob and pull it back and make my way outside of the hallway. I look around and see a girl with blonde hair sitting on the ground with her head covered up by her arms against the wall. I hear her sniffling and crying a bit under her breath.

I walk over to her and tap on her shoulder a bit and she looks up at me and gets startled. She backs up from me and looks me in the eyes with a surprised look in them. Is she afraid of me? I should approach her carefully.

"Hi, my name is Codaka. What is yours?" I say reaching my hand out for a shake.

She only looks into my eyes and then my hand for a few seconds but slowly reaches hers and touches mine. She then shakes it gently and brings her hand back. She seems shy.

"Are you crying?" I ask tilting my head a bit

"Uhm, no...*sniffle* just...I don't know..." she says quietly

"You want to talk about it?" I ask sitting on the ground waiting for a response

She waits a few moments and begins to mumble something under her breath. I can barely hear her so I don't have an idea what she is saying.

"I'm...I'm not allowed to speak to beast boys.....Father says so..." she says looking down her hands clenching at her white dress.

"Well...father isn't around...So...We can chat for a bit without issues right?"

"I...I guess...." she says before sitting down next to me.

"So...what wrong I might ask..." I ask looking over to her. She is looking at the ground still. Holding her dress closely.

" family got in a car accident recently. Our car got into a collision into a building. My parents were knocked out cold and...the car was on fire...I screamed many times but no one came to help us and the car was getting hotter. I thought...I thought I was going to die...But we were saved by a big scary-looking wolfman. His fur was so soft...He carried me out of the vehicle and saved my parents from the burning vehicle. My mothers forehead was bleeding but he tended to her injuries and stopped the bleeding somehow....He went to me and asked if I was okay. I was fine since I was in the back of the car but...he still seemed worried for me..."

I think for a moment and speak my mind. It seems like it was a horrible incident but they are alive and are being tended to in the hospital. She seems to be fine from what is seems only her dress is just a bit dirty. But I don't know why she is crying right now so. Maybe I should ask that instead.

"So whats wrong then? You seem to be fine and your mother was saved by the man. Everything seems to be okay right?"

"Yeah...but the only issue is the police came to us and asked us what caused them to swerve into the building. My father was mad and yelled at the cop that it was the wolf mans fault that he got in the way of the vehicle and father swerved to get out of the way...Only, that didn't happen. I saw my father drive and dropped his phone and then saw the wolf man and drove out of the way when he was driving in the middle of the sidewalk....My father hates beastmen so much he is lying to a police officer about the events that occurred and is blaming the one who saved us."

"So the wolf man who your dad nearly hit saved you from the car on fire?"


"And your father told the police that it was the wolf man's fault for the accident?"


"Sounds horrible...But, why are you specifically crying?" I ask putting my hand gently on her shoulder.

She looks over at me with surprise and sees my hand. Was it a mistake? I think so...I remove my hand from her and she just looks at her lap. She then continues speaking.

"My father went to me after speaking to the police officer and told me to say my part of the story. But say exactly what he said. I wanted to do what my father told me was wrong. My father wanted me to lie about who saved us from the fire and blame him...I panicked and my father got mad at me. The police officer said that he will come back tomorrow to ask me what happened but...I am afraid of what to do. Should I speak the truth, or should I obey father?"

So her father doesn't like beastmen...I am a beastman from what mother had called me. I look a little harder and the girl brushes her hair past her ears and then I notice something. She is an elf, just like Ariel. My mother told me when I was just a bit younger to never speak to elves as they are "stuck up ass hats" but I never understood her. My father on the other hand had elf friends so I never understood the hate.

I know my father would bring a lot of Elf women over a lot to much of my mother's anger at times. I also would hear a lot of moaning through the walls. I am guessing they were playing an animal game of some sorts but I don't know.