Met someone

I think for a moment and decide to speak again. I look over to her and begin speaking my mind to her about the situation.

"So you don't want to disobey your fathers orders...but also want to speak about what actually happened. Sounds really hard. No wonder you are sad. I don't think any little girl should be forced into such a situation..."

*Sniffle* "My father can be mean at times to me when I disobey him...*sniffle* "I don't want to face him again..."

"I think...I think you should speak your mind. Not let others tell you how to think about things. Have your own opinions. Thats what I think" I say

"But my father will be mad. He will get angry with me if I tell the police officer that the wolf man did nothing wrong. I'm...I'm afraid..."

"Don't be. I just think your father has a petty anger in him. But don't be afraid. Because you are doing the right thing in my opinion. Okay?"

She stops for a moment and stops crying. She looks up to me and looks into my own eyes. He eyes are bright blue. She moves her hand to mine and touches it.

"Your...your kind. I wish I had a brother like you. Mine is mean to me a lot. He follows my fathers rules strictly and as a result is often bullying me." she says while looking into my eyes.

I feel like I need to I've her a hug but I should hold on to that. I barely know her and I doubt she wants to be hugged by a random boy she doesn't even know.

"Thank you for the compliment! By the way, I think you are kind at heart as well!" I say cheerfully hoping to get her mood up a bit.

"My...My mother would like you. She isn't so mean to beastmen like my father. She is the one who often told me that beastmen receive a lot of hate from us elves. But tells me that I shouldn't let our ancestors dictate our future choices. That I am better than them and should be."

"Maybe she would. But I won't know. So..."


"Are you okay now? Do you feel better?"

"Yes. I do feel better. Much better thank you." she says while looking into my eyes. Her eyes glitter a bit.

"No problem. You think you can make it back to your room now?" I say standing up

"Yes, thank you."

"You're welcome! Hope you have an awesome night!" I say as I turn around and return to my room closing the door behind me.

"He was so nice...." she says to herself

She turns around and begins returning to her room slowly in the halls. Meanwhile in Codaka's room.

*yawn* "Aaah....So tired."

I scratch my back as much as I can and make my way back to Ariel who is still sleeping. I take her blanket and tuck her in a bit more covering herself. Then make my way back over to the bed and slowly pull myself up in it. Then cover me with the blanket and begin waiting for myself to sleep.

*Hours later*

I slowly wake up from my slumber and stretch a bit. My chest doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday. Might've been my healing factor kicking in. Mother says we caimans have a naturally faster healing factor than other races. At least when magic isn't used.

I look around the illuminated room to see the curtains open and the chair Ariel was sleeping in empty. I hope she didn't leave me in the middle of the night. I get myself out of bed energetically and walk over to the bathroom. I slide open the door when suddenly Ariel is sitting on the toilet.

"Eh?!" I yelp

"Oh, hello honey. How are you doing this morning!"

"I uh...sorry!" I say sliding the door back closed.

*huff huff huff*

I start panting and feel embarrassed about what I saw. I mean I don't know how to feel about it but when I was younger my mother said to never look at a naked woman. But...I showered with Ariel, however. I am a sorry mother! I didn't know she was in there!

I jump back in bed and cover myself up and begin feeling weird inside again. Tingly even. Down below for some reason...I feel so uncomfortable. It takes a while for it to calm down but it does eventually. By that time Ariel flushes the toilet.

She walks out of the bathroom and looks around the room and notices a blob like lump under the blankets. She walks over to it and taps on it.

"Hello Codaka. You there?"

"Mhm..." I respond

"Aw, how cute. I am not mad at you if you saw my privates honey. We showered together at my place remember."

"I know but still. My mother would've slapped me if I had done that."

"Well, you mother is not here so. Besides I am not like her so don't worry. I won't tell her."

I uncover myself from the sheets and look at her. I hope she means that, I don't want mother to slap me again. Or pour coffee on me.

"You...You won't?"

"It will be our little secret hehe" she giggles a bit shower her pinky.

"Yay!" I say hugging her forgetting about my burns.

"Oh honey you are so adorable!"

"Thank you, I am aren't I," I say rubbing my face into her blouse.

*few minutes later*

We are both eating at the cafeteria and I am eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while Ariel is eating a salad across from me. As we eat we chat for a while about current events which are fun and she even offers to take me to an amusement park when I leave the hospital today! How awesome is that!

I start devouring my sandwich is 4 large bites and swallow but nearly choke on the peanut butter. It is also stuck in my teeth as well. I get myself up and walk over to a water dispenser but I can't reach it. I notice a tall elf man getting himself some water and I tug at his pants a bit.

He looks at me and doesn't respond and continues on what he is doing. I tug at his pants again and ask him my dying question.

"Uhm, can you help me get some water sir?"

He still doesn't respond to me. He eyes me for a moment before turning to me and says some things.

"Why should I?" he says in a tone that seems angry.


"Why should I huh? You don't offer me much in return. Why should I spend my time with you."

"Uhm, you get a warm feeling in your chest for helping me maybe?" I say trying to give puppy eyes. But to no avail he just looks at me. I am feeling uncomfortable.

"Uhm, never mind I will get it myself now," I say trying to get on my tipping toes and reaching for the cups. But I am too short. I continue jumping trying to reach it and thew elf man next to me just laughs at me.

"Pathetic. Almost makes me feel sorry."

"Thats mean..." I say to him turning towards him

"To bad little-"

"Father...." a girls voice calls out behind him.

He turns around and I look around him to see the girl from last night who was crying outside of my room standing there. She sees me but doesn't pay much attention to me and speaks to the man.

"Mother wants to see you." she says

*sighs* "Very well..." he says before walking off.

Now it is just her and I. She looks at me and waves a bit and prepares to turn around but I stop her.

"Hey uhm, could you help me with something?"

"What do you need" she asks tilting her head to her right

"Could you help me get a cup of water from the counter please?"

She looks up and only smiles a bit and walks over to me. She then takes my hand and then makes me connect them and forces me to bend forward a bit.

She then sets her foot where my hands are connected and jumps up on the counter. She sits on the counter pulls a cup out and deposits some water into it and hands it to me. I reach with both hands and then take it from her hands and begin drinking finally.

"Thank you!" I say to her on the counter still

"Your welcome." she says while jumping off of the counter onto the ground. She lands perfectly and brushes herself off.

"So...*sip* How is your mother doing? You mention your mother was in the hospital so. Is she okay?"

"Shes not well...*sniffle* Shes....she's not able to walk now from what the doctors said. Her knees are no longer able to support her weight anymore. The crash caused it. And...Any my father blames the wolf man still...The police officer is coming soon and I have to tell him what happened. Should I tell the truth?" she asks while looking down at her feet.

"I think you should tell the truth. Go with your heart not what someone else wants. Tell the officer the wolfman didn't do anything wrong."

"I-I will! Thank you for helping me decide."

"No worries!"

As we stand there for a bit longer I I feel sort of nervous now. Awkward silence always bothers me. I walk up to the girl a bit closer and prepare to ask for her name since I never did.

"Hey, uhm whats your name by the way?" I ask

"Uhm, oh well, my name is-"

"Elsa! Why are you speaking with that...that beast boy. Get over here!" a yell in the hallway is called over.

"S-sorry father! I have to go. Bye."

"But wait I never got your name!"

But she has already run off towards her father by that point. She walks over to him and I peak over around the corner and see him look at me. He is a bit scary. His stare is...piercing...