A mate?

I turn around with my cup of water in hand and begin walking back to Ariel who is reading something on her phone and sees me. She puts it down and eats her salad a bit more and then checks up on me.

"So who was that young lady? You seemed to have had a nice conversation with her." she asks me.

"I don't know. She had to go back to her father. Her father seems a bit mean."

"Well I am sorry to hear that. But at least you are here. How are your burns I never asked that today. Sorry about that."

"Mmm, good. I don't feel them as much as I did yesterday. But I think they are healing up pretty good."

"That's good. By the way, I was wondering if you would be willing to answer some questions about yourself."


"Wonderful, so tell me your full name.

"Codaka Longhorn! I am age 9 and love burgers! I also like going to theme parks even though it was once and I don't remember much. It was when dad was still around."

"Hmm, and what do you like to do on your free time?"

"Mmm, I like watching TV and going to amusement parks! I mean I have only ever been to one. But still I love them they re so fun! I remember my mother used to smile more until father left us. She said we would go there every day but that hasn't happened yet. I hope it does though."

"Hmm, interesting. I remember when I was younger I didn't get to experience such joys as a kid. I often was tended to by maids and slaves as a kid. I remember 145 years ago in my teens I was told that my parents had died during the Red Moon event which resulted in a rebellion of Beastmen slaves fighting against their former slave owners. Killing many people. 146 years ago just before the Red Moon event, my parents owned a few slaves who they also beat periodically. I remember a beastman tended to me often. He was so nice, but even though he was nice to me he was burned many times by my father. But he kept smiling. I ran away that night with the slave but he was bound by cursed magic that prevented him from escaping. I was sad to see him not able to run away with me but he told me to run far away. To a place called "Arcadia" where there was a haven for refugees. I begged him to come with me but he sadly couldn't come with me. I cried but ran away as he told me to. I heard...I heard the sounds of a cry in the distance. I could only assume it was the sounds of him being punished or killed..." *sniffle* "I...I wish I could see him again. He is the reason I am a better woman.

She seems a bit sad now. I set down my water on the table and get out of my chair and move towards her. I then hug her waist in her chair tightly and don't let go.

"You did what you could right? He did what he also wanted to right? You escaped and he got to see you escape as well. I think you and him did all you guys could and...and I think he would be proud of the lady you are now."

*Sniffle* "Thank you. You are so kind to think that way of me. I still wish I could see him one last time though." *sighs*

"Maybe you will one day!"

"Maybe I will..."

*Minutes later*

We are back in my room and I am watching TV while Ariel is on her phone texting something. I wonder when I will get a phone. I stretch a bit and go under the covers of my bed and slump into a weird position in bed.

A few moments later a a knock comes at our door. It swings open and it is Dr. Hersha while a clipboard in her hands. She walks over to me and puts her hand on my exposed shoulder.

"Hello Codaka. How are you feeling today?"

"I am feeling much better. Hurts just a little but feels better than last night."

"Good to know. Also the police have come back and have your mother in custody. They have asked me to give the message to you and ask if you are willing to see her."

"Yes!" I help in eagerness.

Ariel looks at Coda with a sad look and sigh in response. Something wrong with Ariel? I had hoped I cheered her up moments ago so. Maybe I can hold her hand and that will cheer her up.

I hold her hand as we walk over to our room, I hold her hand for a bit and walk energetically to the room almost skipping even. Some doctors notice us and smile at us.

"Beautiful son you have ma'am. Very energetic for someone who has burns." a doctor says.

"Oh, he is not my son, but yes he is very energetic for someone who survived severe burns. So adorable to."


*few minutes later*

We walk into our room and there is a officer sitting in the chair. It is the same wolven officer from the other day. He smiles and waves to me and I wave back. I let go of Ariel's hand and move over to the bed and jump on it and rest my body against a pillow.

I am a bit cold actually. All I am wearing are bandages and some hospital pants. Maybe I can ask the doctor if my room can be heated up a bit. I hope mom will be happy to see me again!

"So is my mother coming?" I ask the officer

"Yes, she will be here soon. She was brought to the station. She seemed very err, resistant...She sort of threw rocks at my fellow officers. Hit one of them in the head actually. So she was brought in with force. Kreeva was her name?"

"Yes that is her name..." Ariel responds before me

"Yep that is mother. Sounds like her fighter self hahaha" I say laughing at the situation.

"Mhm, either way she is being brought to the station right now. From what the other officers told me as they are coming she seems very reluctant. But we will see how she is when she gets here."

"Very well, until then we shall wait, would you like to watch some television with Codaka? I am going to get some more water and food." she asks while walking over to the door.

"Sure, I can watch the kid for you," he says while rubbing the fur on the back of his head.

"Thank you, see you both soon." she says while walking out of the room closing the door behind her.

"So kid, how are you doing? I heard from the doctor Hersha that you are doing well."

"I am doing awesome! Ariel says she might take me to an amusement park today when I am released!"

"Well ain't she kind-hearted. I would've taken my kid home and kept an eye on them especially after a 3rd-degree burn. But that is just me. But then again I don't have a kid yet so haha."

I stop for a moment and think. I remember this man asked Ariel a question about being single. I still don't know what that means. But it sounds like something adults do. I remember my father asked a random woman that once when I was with him alone at the beach one time.

"Hey officer? What does it mean to be single?"

"Huh? Where did this come from?" he asks turning his head to me

"Well uhm, I remember yesterday you had asked Ariel about being single and she responded being single. But she said she wasn't "looking for anyone"...So I was just wondering about that."

"Hmm, well. When a person is single they are often looking for a mate."

"A mate?"

"Yes, it is the bond between a male and a female who often create a bond in a relationship. I am currently single which means I have no mate but am looking for one. But some people are single but are not looking for a mate at times as well. Sadly...Ariel isn't looking for a mate. She is gorgeous."