A bit of television

Wow, so thats what a mate is. Maybe...so that means that father has many mates then. But why doesn't the mother have more mates? Seems unfair. Maybe I should ask.

"So...So what happens if someone has many mates?" I ask puzzled.

"Well then I guess it would be called a harem hahaha! Or polygamy. Bassically where a man has many spouses or mates in a relationship. But hat is often err...somewhat looked down upon in some societies. But to some it is fine. In beastmen society some males or females have many mates. Often the strong ones. But in other cases, it is more simple as someone can't love one, but all equally."

"Wow...so my father has a harem?"

"I...I guess...I personally am looking for "the one" right now but it is hard sometimes. My mother raised me this way so hahaha"

"So...when will I get a mate? It sounds really fun!"

"Oh I don't know. Likely in your teens I would guess. This day an age in this society it wouldn't surprise me if you got a girlfriend at the age of 13. But I would highly suggest being age 15 for such relationships kid. It is a lot to deal with."

"Okay. I will wait!"

"Hahaha, sure thing kid. But also be responsible. Relationships are not easy."

We wait a bit longer and Ariel returns with some water in both hands and closes the door behind her. She walks over to me and hands me some water. I am thirsty.

I take the cup from her and drink it vigorously and finish it in just a couple of gulps. I set down the cup and Ariel just laughs a bit at me. Did I do something funny? I look around the room and it is just silence. Dead silence.

I cover myself in the blankets and turn on the TV for a bit and a commercial plays. It shows an image of a wolven with black fur standing in front of a woman whose hands are wrapped around his naked upper body pulling on his fur. He looks familiar from somewhere...Oh! He is the wolven from the movie I saw at Ariels place. I never knew what movie it was called. I only got to watch a few minutes of it before she turned her TV off. The Tv starts promoting about the showing of the movie in theaters.

"Come today and see Beauty and the Beast today! The romance drama between the slave Kovu and the Elven princess Alissa! Here is a short clip of it now!

I tilt my head and look around the room and Ariel is on her phone sitting on the recliner and the officer sitting in a chair forward on his phone as well. Wish I had a phone...I look at the TV screen and a clip plays from a scene in the movie.

The wolven man walks over to the princess and kneels before her wearing a suit which is in fine condition for a slave and bows his head and takes her hand. He then keeps that pose and waits for her response.

"This is my trained slave Kovu, he has been trained since birth to by here devoted to his master and will be to his new master Alissa. I have specifically trained him to be very obedient in newer methods in training them so they don't rebel. Go ahead do something to the slave." the elf man says while bringing out a whip.

The whip is given to the elf woman Alissa I assume and she takes it in hand. She trembles a bit. But it is taken from her by another elf man who then whips the wolven in the head with it. Then again. And again. And again. It looks like it hurts a lot!

The wolven doesn't respond to the punishment he is dealt with and only stays in his kneeling position as he was before. With his eyes closed. The man with the whip then stops. There are whip marks on his face a bit but he still doesn't respond. The elf man with the whip gives it back to the slave owner and he puts his hands on his hips.

"Wonderful, this slave will be a wonderful addition to our household," he says smiling at the slave owner. They both shake hands and the slave owner walks over to the wolven. He puts his hand on his shoulder and walks says a few words

"This is your new home now Kovu. I have trained you all your life as a slave. But these are your new owners. Farewell"

He walks off into the door and leaves with Kovu standing at attention. With no expression on his face. Everyone leaves the throne room except the princess and Kovu who just stands in front of her. He then bows again.

"Might I speak mistress," he asks

"Oh uhm, yes. You may."

"Would you like for me to get you a change of clothes? It is not proper for a young lady to wear her pajamas in the castle a lot."

"What? Oh yes uhm go get me some clothes..."

He bows his head again and walks off towards the door of the throne room and opens it. She now stands there all alone. She puts her hand on her chest and breathes a bit. She then straightens her back.

"I've never met a beastman before...He is so large and tall...I have only ever seen them in the camps...." she says to herself. She has always seen the slaves work in the distance in labor camps and in the castle occasionally. But this is her first time seeing a beastman up close in personal. And since she is royalty she has always been surrounded by other elves. Since childhood.

*sighs* "Calm down Alissa...This is a beastman...A slave at that matter. Father has always told me to keep my guard up when near them."

The camera pans out and then closes with the narrator now speaking.

"Well wasn't that an awesome scene. Get to watch the full movie in theaters now. Tickets out now!"


Ariel looks in my direction and looks at the screen. She then looks at me again and start speaking again.

"Oh does that movie interest you? I have it at home we watched a bit of it but I had to turn it off since it is an adult movie. But let's just say the reviews seem very positive. Best romance movie in years they say. Which is why I bought it on DVD. But I didn't know it was an adult movie until I looked it up. Hehe, so you can't watch it."

"Aw man...What is an adult movie?"

"Oh you no need to worry about it much. Just wait until you are older."

"Aw man..."

I watch a few small cartoons until a knock comes at the door and I sit up. Is it mother?! I jump out of bed eager and run to the door and pull it open. There a few cops are standing at the door whoa re expending someone of normal height.

"Oh hello kid, may we come in?" the female officer says. She has brown hair and has her hair in a ponytail.

"Yes! You can come in miss!" I run out of the way and allow her to walk in with another officer who is a Centaur. He has a a bullet-resistant vest on him with a police batch on the outside. He looks so tall! He looks like he is 6'4 in height. Brown hair. And wearing glasses.

As I move myself to my bed I get on it and turn around to see my mother! She seems sad...As I look at her body she is still wearing the clothes from the day I got burned. Only this time she is wearing cuffs on her wrists. Why is she cuffed? Did she do something wrong?

"Why is mother in cuffs?" I ask laying back in my bed

"Well let's just say she had to be persuaded to come here...We can take them off now essentially." the centaur takes his keys from his belt and unlocks her cuffs. She takes her wrists and rubs them a bit. There are some marks on her wrists with dark rings.