No love

As we sit in the room it is a bit silent for a moment. Sort of awkward silence as if someone had died just moments ago. Maybe I should lighten the mood. I wave over the centaur over to me with my hands. He walks up to me and bends over a bit.

"So tell me about yourself Mister!" I say to him.

"Oh it is a boring story to tell, kid. Lets just say my family is made up of a family of police officers apart of the Riders units," he says placing his hands on his hips "I am proud to be apart of the family job! Hahaha!"

"R-rider unit? What is that?"

"Oh it is the unit of centaurs in the police force. Since we are vastly different in anatomy due to our horse-like lower bodies we are trained in different tactics. But we are still formidable warriors nonetheless!" he says with pride in his voice.

"Wow! Thats awesome! Do you think I could be a cop to one day?"

"Maybe! Put in the hard work and determination anything is possible!"


After a few moments of laughter, the silence comes back again and it feels weird again...Why does this happen so much...

"So..." says the wolven officer in the chair, "Allow me to start off. We are here to discuss the events that had occurred a few days ago in the household that had resulted in the burns. Are you willing to answer some questions here?" the officer asks.

*sighs* "Fine then, ask your questions officer"

"What happened in the house on the day he got burned?"

"He was grabbing onto my leg and I was trying to shake him off. I did however but didn't have the pots lid on properly and when I turned to him the lid came off and splattered hot coffee all over him."

"Hmm..." he starts taking notes on a notebook while the other two officers standing behind his mother. I start playing with my fingers while sitting in bed. I move myself a bit under the covers.

"Little boy, did you feel she had spilled the coffee on you by accident?"

"Y-yes! I believe she didn't mean what she did."

The wolven walks over to Ariel and start writing some stuff down in his notebook in hand.

"And you claim that it might've been on purpose?"

"Maybe...But it is mainly the whole situation where she left her child alone in the woods and neglected the child to a dangerous amount. I found him in the middle of the woods. Nearly eaten by a pack of wolves."

"Hmm, Miss Longhorn, why was your son in the middle of the woods and not looked out for?" asked the officer.

"I..." *sighs* can't keep it a secret anymore..." Kreeva says with a sour tone in her voice.

"Huh?" says the officer.

"I...I left Codaka in the middle of the woods. I admit that. I left him there where rumors of wolf attacks were so he would die and never come back. I used to love my son but not anymore. I despise his presence near me. Spending money on him is pain and keeping an eye on him is such a bother. I...I hate him"

I am taken aback by it and feel like a hammer has hit my chest. And that is not the medication or the burns on my chest. I think I feel ill now. What is this sad feeling in my chest? I feel...uneasy.

"M-mother...What are you saying?!" I ask feeling this aching feeling in my chest.

"I am saying I don't love you...There was a time I did when your father was around but since his disappearance, you have been a burden in my life. So I will say this again. I don't love you. Not anymore"

"But! But....I....!" I stutter on my words from the heartbreak that has been given to me. I feel like I am being broken down now!

"What have I done wrong?! I'm...Uhm! Uh...I know I will do whatever you want without hesitation! I will do all my chores without money! I will uhm, never ask you to play with me just don't be mad at me please!" I plead with her.

*sighs* "I don't care," she says rubbing her eyes in exhaustion, "I just want to go to bed. Do as you wish kid"

She doesn't care about me!? She didn't even call me by her name just kid like a stranger!

"Hold up miss," the officer walks in front of her stopping her from walking out of the room, "You had just admitted to being negligent of a child under your care and worst of all admitted to staging a death of one. Also had harmed the child as well. This doesn't looks good on your part."

The centaur behind her pulls out his cuffs again and places it on her hands behind her back. She then sighs and allows them to be placed on her.

"Mother!" I call out to her

"Don't call me that! I am not your mother! And I won't ever! So shut up!" she says turning her head around with a snarl and a hiss.

I get taken aback a bit and put my hands up a bit in fear. She has been angry at me before but never this severe. I'm....I'm a disappointment and a mistake aren't I!

The police escort her out of the room and tell us she will be taken to the police station and delt with there. She is said to be detained.

"I'm...I'm sorry you had to hear your mother say such awful things to you kid." he says while padding my shoulder and walking out of the room following the other two police officer.

Ariel looks over to Codaka and he is starting to sniffle and tear up a bit. He curls up into a ball and with tail gets trapped his hand and he squeezes it.

"My mother doesn't love me...I...I'm worthless... *sniffle* "I want to die..."

Ariel is heartbroken to hear these words and tried to touch him but he slaps her hand away. He looks at her with tears in his eyes and growls a bit. Which is not how he normally is. He is normally more cheerful and nicer to people.

"Oh honey..."

" mother doesn't love me....I'm...I'm a mistake aren't I! If my own mother doesn't love me then no one does! *sniffle*

I get up from the bed and try to run away but my arm gets grabbed and I turn my head around. Ariel is holding my right wrist. I try shaking her awaking but she relents and continues holding onto my wrist and prevents me from running away.

"L-let me go!"

"No you need to stay. You can't run away it is unsafe to do so in such a distress moment! So please just lay in bed it is better for you."

"I don't want to! Leave me alone! Your not my mother!"

"I don't care if I am not your mother! Your mother just abandoned you and I am expected to sit back and watch you run away alone!? No! So come here!"

She picks me up with both arms and sets me on the bed against my will. She then tries to relax me and hugs me tightly around me body. I start kicking and swinging my arms and I start crying again. As tears run down my face I hear a door open up. It is Dr. Hersha.

"Whats going on here? Why is Codaka crying?"

"He-he is sad about his mother so please help me calm him down."

*Few moments later*

I am laying in bed staring up at the ceiling of the room and I have been for a few minutes actually. I have calmed down from my tantrum but I am still sad. What did I do wrong? Did I complain too much? Did I not give her enough appreciation? Was I not...a good son?

*sniffle* I rub my nose which is a bit runny in mucus from crying for a bit. I am so sad...Why does my heart hurt so much. Is it the burns? I remember my doctor said they had to skin grafted or something to my chest. Said the burns melted through my scales and got to the bone in my chest.

*sighs* *sniffle* I can't handle this feeling of unease...I get myself up from the bed and look around my lit room and rub my stomach. I am hungry...My room is empty since Ariel gave me some room to be alone but I assume she is outside of my room.