Finally out

*sighs* I throw my blanket off of me and get out legs out of bed and begin walking to the door. As I get there I pull the door with ease with one arm and looks through the hallways. I see Ariel on her phone on my right in the hallway and she notices me.

I look into her eyes and she seems concerned for me. But I don't care. I just want to eat something. I turn towards the left hallway and start walking in a straight line with my tail trailing behind me in sadness.

I however hear the slaps of heels behind me. I turn around and Ariel is walking towards me and she gets on both knees and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Where are you going honey?"

"I'm hungry..."

"Oh, let me get you some food. Please go back inside."

*Sighs* "Fine..." I turn back around and begin making my way to my room.

I close it behind me and get back in bed slowly. I cover my blanket over my head and begin crying again.

*sniffle* "Whaaaa!"

*Few minutes later*

I have been crying for a few minutes and I have soken the bed in my tears for a while. I wish mother was here. But she doesn't want me. I wish father was here but he left us....There is nothing for me just nothing.


I hear the door open slowly and I smell something in my wet nose. I uncover my head a bit peaking one of my eyes out to see Ariel poking her head through the door. She has a bag in her hands. I smell something good.

"Hey honey, got something you might like. I went to the cafeteria but they didn't have much I thought you would like, so I went over to a fast-food restaurant and bought 3 burgers! Also, a lot of fries for you to eat! So how about you come on out of your little blankets."

I uncover myself and almost say a few words in joy but stop myself. Why should I eat something good? I feel sick. Why should I eat when I feel this horrible. I take my blanket again and cover myself up and begin nearly sobbing.

"Oh, honey please don't cry. This is meant for you to eat not cry about."

"I'm *sobs* not crying about the food... I am crying *sobs* about my mother! Whaaaa!"

"Oh honey..." she start walking towards him after closing the door and sits next to him in the bed.

She takes her hand and rubs the back of Codaka through the blanket gently and feels his heavy breaths under the bedding.

Codaka start calming down a bit and his breathing regulates after a bit of time and rubbing on his back. He enjoys it. His mother had never done it for him so this is a new feeling for him.

"P-please don't touch me...I don't want to feel anything."

"Hmm, if anything I bet you enjoy it honey. Please, you need some joy right now. So here have a burger. It has some mayo, cheese, pickles and beef!"

I stop for a moment and look under the blanket and see her hand holding a wrapped burger in tin foil. I can smell the meat. I want it but...I don't want to eat. But I am also hungry at the same time.

I slowly reach my hand out and grab the burger, then pull my hand back quickly and begin unwrapping the burger in my hands under the blankets. I then start chewing it and feel sad again.

*chews* *sobs*

"Oh honey, please don't cr while chewing. It will sour the moment. C'mon, let's watch TV while you eat maybe that will cheer you up. She gets up from the bed and begins searching through the channels.

I uncover myself from my bedding and look at the TV and see a few movies and news channels go by without a thought. I continue slowly chewing my food without a second thought and begin to calm down a little more.

I get myself up and chew a little more and see her changing the channel still fast. She seems to be really trying to help me. But I just need someone to I don't know...comfort me.

She flips to a scene in a drama show of some sorts and begins to watch it a bit. I watch and eat I don't get dramas that well. Seem like a lot of complicated relationships and talking.

*4 hours later*

I have calmed a little more but I am still sad about what happened earlier today. My heart is still broken. I want to just disappear into the void of nothingness and just sleep it off...

"Ariel...When can I go home?" I ask

She turns around and looks at me and sighs a bit. She gets up and walks up to me holding my hand.

"I am not sure if you should leave today honey. You might be uhm, how should I say this...Going through something at the moment so you should stay a bit longer. Okay?"

"But...*sniffle* I don't want to stay here anymore it makes me sad...I want to go home pleased!"

She looks at me and thinks for a moment. She then begins to put her hands on her face and rub them aggressively for a moment. Suddenly there is knocking at the door.

*knock knock knock*

The door swings slightly open and there was Dr. Hersha. She has a clipboard in her hands and she walks in closing the door behind her. She then walks over to me and pats my head. It feels a bit nice. Wish this happened more often.

"So how are you feeling currently? I am checking up on you to see if you are ready to be released from the hospital today."

I clear my throat and do my best impression that I am okay even though I am not. I then looks into her eyes with a small smile on my face and begin to speak with more chipper.

"I'm doing well Dr.! I think I am ready to go home!"

"That's great, let me just ask your current Guardian. Where is she? She was supposed to come today right?" she says looking around the room only to see Ariel sitting in the recliner.

Ariel gets up from the chair and makes her way over to Dr. Hersha and crosses her arms. She stands right next to the bed where the doctor is standing side by side.

"Well, it is complicated. You see...His mother has been caught doing some bad things and arrested and taken to the station. So...I am currently his only guardian at the moment."

"Okay, on your evaluation, is he ready to be released from the hospital?"

Oh gosh Ariel please let me go home...I don't want to be in this sad isolating place anymore!

I look at Ariel with a plea and puts both my hands together and basically beg for her to say I go home. I just can't stand it here now. She looks at me and then begins to think of her next words carefully. She then looks at the ground away from me and begins to speak. Please Ariel say I can leave.

"I think, I think he needs to get out. I think his injuries have healed well enough by this point. I also have plans so."

"Good, I will have some paperwork for you, and then you both will be off! So I will be back"

She walks out of the door and begins making her way through the halls. As the walking gets quieter I sigh in relief and begin to give my gratitude towards Ariel.

"Thank you Ariel."

"Your...Your welcome. I hope I don't regret this. She leaves the room for a moment and closes the door behind her. I am now alone again in this room. I might as well watch some more TV.

*An hour later*

*knock knock knock*

I look at the door and see a figure through the glass and pause the TV for a moment.

"Come in!"

"Hello kid, we're back with the paperwork finished! You are ready to be released now."

"Finally! I can't stand being here. It is so boring and sad."

"Well, I am glad you feel relieved now. So here is your caregiver" she lets in Ariel holds her purse and walks over to me.

"Lets get out of here now, I have some clothes I have bought for you as well. This time in the caiman isle for kids this time and not for humans hehe"

"Thank you." I get up from the bed and make my way over to the toilet and close the door behind me and begin putting my new clothes on.


"So, how are you going to tell kid about his current situation?" Asks Hersha

*sighs* "I am not sure yet..."

"You're going to have to tell him eventually. He needs to know he is an orphan now."

"I know, I know. I just...Need to give him time right now. He just found out his own mother doesn't love him and now he has no family member left? How could I tell him?"

"Well that's a situation for you and him. Good luck with that miss. Farewell."

"Goodbye miss, and thank you again for helping Codaka"

After a few minutes Codaka opens the door and walks our in small jeans and a white shirt on. He then walks over to Ariel with his tail wagging in excitement to get out of here.

"Can we leave now?"

"Yes, we shall. And I got you a surprise as well."


"Yep, here you go!" she hands me a peace of paper with writing in it. But the issue is I can't read still. I am unable to read since my mother never let me to school. But maybe it is common for kids my age not to be in school.

"Uhm, what is this? I can't read it."

"Oh sorry, I forgot. It is a ticket I purchased for an amusement park!"

"R-really! Awesome!"

"Yep, we can go today right now."

"Yes, lets go already!"

I take her hand and rush out of the room quickly and we begin leaving the hospital in a hurry. With some people watching that a kid is pulling her around. She is wearing high heels so it might be hard for her to keep up.