Amusement park time!

I hurry to the car and begin pulling at the door knob for it to open but she hasn't yet unlocked it. I am so excited!

"Okay I am unlocking it honey."

She unlocks the door and I open it fast and jump inside it quickly. I then buckle myself up and start wagging my tail. It wont calm down. She gets in the car, then puts her purse in the back and begins to start the car up.

The car starts and she drives out of the driveway and begins getting on the highway. I can't wait for the park!

*few minutes later*

I have been sitting in the car for a while now and begin getting impatient and begin tapping my foot. It is fidgety. I look out of the window and then see the amusement park in a distance! Yes, we are almost there! It is on the docks of the beach.

I think I could even hear the faint screams of children my age in the distance. So exciting!

After a bit of waiting in the car we drive up to the driveway outside of the park and I see a large roller coaster! I want to ride it. I hope I am tall enough. I quickly unbuckle my belt before we even find parking and I get myself up and look out the window pressing my face against it.

"Please sit down honey, I don't want you to fall over and get hurt in the car."

"Okay, I am just too excited to sit down sorry."

"It's fine it is just for your safety"

After a bit of slowly driving and going over speed bumps, we find a parking space fairly far away from the amusement park and I get start kicking my feet in eagerness.

She unbuckles her seatbelt and begins leaving the car and locking it before I do. I get out of the car as well and begin looking at the rollercoaster and the large Ferris wheel. I want to go up there!

I look behind me and see Ariel walking up to me and reaches her hand out. I take her hand and we start walking to the front gates. As we get there there are people checking tickets and letting people in. One of them is a woman wearing a yellow shirt and black shorts with a stamp in her hands.

As we get there Ariel gives her the ticket and she stamps them both and we walk in without issue. I let go of her hand and run immediately to a crank game and put my face up to one of them and see a plushie character from Happy tree friends! It is a blue moose.

I look in my pockets but forget I have no money nor would I in these new clothes. I sigh and continue to press my face against the glass. Then a tap on my shoulder.

"Want to get a plushie?" Ariel asks me


"Hey you go, have a dollar."

"Yes! Thank you!"

I look towards the machine insert it and it starts up. I am so excited! I move the crane around and begin angling it above the plushie I want and press the red button. It beeps and then lowers down and grabs the horn of the plushie and rises up. It is almost there! Please don't drop it!

It moves over to the corner of the machine and drops it in the tube! Yes I got it! I reach inside the opening of the machine and pull out the plushie and hug it tightly against my face. I got my first plushie. I don't have many at all. Actually, I don't have any at all.

I turn around to see Ariel with her hands together below her hips and smiles at me. I then run to her and give her a hug and she lifts me up form the ground.

"I got my first plushie and I earned it!"

"Congrats! I am glad you got it!

She sets me down and I see a neat ride where it raises people up and drops them down from a great height. I have never seen that one before but looks awesome. I run over to it and look at the sign that shows who can be on the ride.

I-I think I can be on the ride. I turn around and point to the ride and she walks over to it. She then check it out and she nods her head and smiles. My eyes glitter up and I get in the long line where a bunch of other people are waiting.

*9 minutes later*

Yes I am finally here at the front of the line! I stand there waiting to get on and the man takes a look at me as people get off and waves me in. I turn around and see Ariel standing out of the line waving to me.

I walk into the ride and get in the seat and buckle myself up. I start swinging my feet forwards and backward and begin getting all excited. The ride starts blairing a siren and starts rising up. It is starting! I look down at my feet and see the shapes and people getting smaller and smaller.

Oh gosh, maybe this was a bad idea. We must me over 50 meter high! I gulp down some saliva and begin getting squirmy. When it is going to drop us. Gosh I am so anxious! I think I might reg-

Suddenly the ride clinks and drops us fast downwards towards earth and I scream at the top of my lungs as we make our way back to earth. Suddenly a jolt slows us down and we all jerk around. As my heart races I lean against the seat and hold my chest. I think my heart was about to jump out of my chest...

The seatbelt unbuckle and I fall out of the ride on my knees and put my hands on the concrete. I can't believe I survived that...that ordeal. It was....amazing and horrifying...I get myself up and I feel wobbly but I make my way out of the ride and see Ariel standing waiting for me. I walk over to her and take her hand and follow her.

As we walk a round a bit more I see a lemonade stand and also a curly fry stand! I want some curly fries! I tugged at Ariel's arm and look in the direction of the food and she gets the message. She then follows me to the stands I look up and see a Caiman man in a apron standing near some friers.

I can already taste the fries! Ariel walks up to the man and begins to order some food.

"Hello I would like a cup of curly fries for two please." she asks while giving him 5 dollars

"Will do ma'am" he says taking the money and then going to the back of the stand.

We both walk over to a bench right next to the stand and wait about 9 minutes and the smell starts arriving to my nose.

*sniff sniff* "Ah....I can't wait to eat them!"

"Hehehe, I bet you do." Ariel says while rubbing my back.

A few minutes later the fries are done and I see the large cup of long curly fries and reach for them. I take them and being removing them one by one slowly and chewing down on them. Ariel thanks the man but I forget and I have food in my mouth.

"Fank you shir" I say while chewing my food.

He nods to me and waves the next customer over and then he begins cooking for more people. These are so delicious! The salt is a perfect mixture!

I hand the cup over to Ariel and she takes a few in her hands and begins taking small bites out of the fries.

We walk around for a while and I see a marry go round and want Ariel tor ide with me I pull her over towards it and she follows me. She follows me in line and we wait a couple of minutes and we are the next in line.

As we get inside I pull her over to the horses and I get on top of one of them with a horn on the head of one of them. Ariel gets on a brown one with white hooves. As the music starts playing the ride starts moving. So relaxing and calming!

This might not be the most fun ride but it is one of the most chill rides. Sometimes that is all someone wants. I sort of needing it after that rough ride that just dropped me to my near-death...

As the ride ends I get off and I want to now feel some adrenaline again! I move around and see a few shooter games and ball games around. I attempted some throwing games but I suck at throwing. I never learned to throw since father wasn't around and mother never bothered to...

I walk around for a bit and see a rollercoaster. Am I even tall enough? I walk towards the ride and see the height ruler that most rides have often and I run over to it. I look up and see the red line just a bit out of my reach...If only I had horns...Maybe that would've made me taller. If only I inherited those horns from my father.

*sighs* "Aw man...not tall enough..."

"Aw honey, it's okay maybe next time. I am sure you will get bigger and stronger after a while.