The Truth

As we run to the bumper cars we get in line quickly before a bunch of others do and we should be next in line. I never tried them but I knew what they were from TV. I always wanted to try them.

We wait for about 10 minutes and the ride is now in new rotation. I am eager. I turn towards Arla and she doesn't seem to be expressing much emotion. Very little actually. Does she want to try this ride or should I ask her.

"Hey do you want to try this ride? Or do you want to do a different ride?"

"I am fine with this one. Can't you tell?"

I look at her face and see not much expression on it. It is hard to tell. Why does she not show much expression? Either way I can't tell and likely won't ever. But she says she is fine with the ride so I guess that's that.

I take her hand and we both start walking into the gate. I wave to the ride manager and he smiles. We get in and see a bunch of carts still available. I see a red one black one and a pink one. I think I will let her choose the cart since I chose the ride.

"How about you choose the cart we both get into."

"Hmmm, I think that one" she points to the pink one.

"Alright then" we both walk over to it and jump in. I will let her drive.

I sit on the right and she sits on the left and starts turning the wheel randomly until the loud blairing beep of the sirens beginning the game. The carts start up and begin playing music and everyone starts driving around.

Arla take the wheel and we start having some fun.

*10 minutes later*

The ride ends and my head feels a bit dizzy. I have been thrashed around from her ramming other kids in the cart and I swear I would've had whiplash if there wasn't a head rest on the chairs. As we walk out I start wobbling a bit. But this time Arla was taking my hand and walking out of the ride.

We walk around a get on many other rides. We got on a mini rollercoaster since we both are not the height required for a normal rollercoaster. We also got on the farris wheel! So high up. Ariel and Alissa were in another cart while we were in another. They waved to us occasionally.

"So Arla. Tell me about yourself."

"Well, I am the daughter of Alissa Serene and Delvin Serene. My father is a blonde haired elf. I get most of my genes from my mother. But my personality is more similar to my fathers. Quiet, slow, and often unexpressive. But my mother says I am beautiful like her.

"You are very cute. I rarely meet other kids except those that walk by. So."

"Thank you that is very kind for you to say to me"

As the Farris wheel ends we get out and I breathe in deeply and feel relaxed. I look around and see a photo booth. I have always seen them in show and in use sometimes in arcades. I hope I can use one maybe now. I turn around and run up to Ariel and tug at her jeans.

"I am wondering, can we all get a photo in the booth together? You know, something to remember this by?"

"Oh sure honey, is that fine with you Alissa?" Ariel asks

"Oh sure. We can all take a photo together!"

"Yay!" I cheer out taking Arla's hand and run into the booth.

The adults follow in pursuit and get inside the small booth and we all sit in the chairs. She inserts a bit of money into the deposit device, and it turns on a screen showing our faces. Cool.

"Okay kids! Smile!"

I look at Arla, and she has a calm smile on her face and I turn towards the camera as well and smile a bit. I raise both my hands up in a cheer and the camera takes a photo of us. And then begins to take another, then another. We get to choose which photo we like better and select it as the one to be printed.

We get out of the booth and take a look of the photo we chose and it looks great! The crops and broken up into four pieces and watch of us get one. I get on, Ariel gets one, Arla gets one, and Alissa gets one.

For the rest of the day we play around a park, and do some rock climbing, which I was able to do very well. Arla had some issues as she kept falling down. But luckily we are strapped, so we wouldn't fall to the ground and get hurt to much.

*2 hours later*

"Wow this was so fun!" I say yawning

"Yes, I enjoyed this evening very much." Arla says calmly as usual

"I had fun also. How about you Ariel?" Alissa jumps in.

"I also did indeed have fun. I felt this was a great moment for all of us. We even got photos of us all. I will be sure to hang this in my home eventually."

We all laugh a bit and look out to the sunset over the deck of the amusement park. I lean back on the bench and sigh a bit. I don't want to fun to end. But the sun is going down. I look out and relax.

"I think we should be going now, right Arla?"

"Very well mother. I did however enjoy this evening quite a bit." Arla says

"Aw, well it was nice having fun with you Arla!" I say waving to her goodbye

"Bye Codaka." she says walking away and waving.

Me and Ariel sit on the bench for a while and I feel a bit uneasy at the moment. I feel, I should speak to her about what I heard in the hospital...


"So, how are you going to tell kid about his current situation?" Asks Hersha

*sighs* "I am not sure yet..."

"You're going to have to tell him eventually. He needs to know he is an orphan now."

"I know, I know. I just...Need to give him time right now. He just found out his own mother doesn't love him and now he has no family members left? How could I tell him?"

"Well that's a situation for you and him. Good luck with that miss. Farewell."

*Flashback ends*

It was heartbreaking to hear them talk about me but there wasn't much that can be done about it I bet. I wanted to die in the bathroom but by that point, I was so sad that I didn't care anymore about the bad news.

But, I would be a liar if I wasn't excited to hear her news about a special surprise for me when I was changing. Little did I know I would get the chance to come to an amusement park for the second time.

"Uhm, Ariel?"

"Yes honey?"

"Can we talk about me being an orphan now?"

"Oh...uhm sure...We can I suppose. How did you know?"

"Wasn't hard since I was just in the bathroom and you both were chatting."

"I see, I guess we could speak about it."

"So what does this mean for me?" I ask

"Well, it means the child services will take you in to the orphanage and you will be there until a parent chooses to adopt you. But I wanted you to have some fun before then. Since you have gone through a lot" she says while scooting herself over to me a bit.

"Well. It was fun while it lasted. Wish it could be longer. But do I have to go to the orphanage?" I ask with a bit of a squeak

"Yes. I am required to when I was doing some of the paperwork at the hospital. But I managed to get some time with you before then. Which is why I also drove out to get some amusement park tickets.

So I guess this was her way of giving me something before we split ways for maybe forever...I guess I will be taken to the orphanage now. But at least I had some nice memories with her before then.

"I am sorry Codaka, but it is time for me to bring you back to the hospital for them to transfer you to the orphanages care now. I am really sorry."

"Its...It's fine. I guess this was bound to happen since I heard you talk to Hersha about me. *sigh*

I get up from the bench and begin walking with my hands in my pockets and my tail dragging on the ground as I am depressed again. This is going to be tough for me to get over.