The orphanage

We get in the car and it starts we begin leaving the parking lot. I look out of the sunset while I can and get a good look at it before we leave. I will miss it. But...Maybe, just maybe I will get a new family. One that loves me! But...who would love me if my own mother didn't?

*1 hour later*

We arrive back at the hospital and park in the lot very easily. Not many cars in the lot this time compared to last time. We then get out and Ariel gives me her hand. I take it and relish in it while I can since this might be my last time holding hands with her. She has done so much for me.

As we walk inside she signs me in and we wait a while for someone unknown to come to us. But eventually, someone does and a familiar doctor walks over to me. It is Hersha again. It is almost like she is the only doctor in the place. Or maybe she is a registered doctor for me and she is my care taker.

"Hello you two. I hope you two had a fun evening!"

"We did. But sadly it had to end and also he knows the...The truth." Ariel says with a sigh

"I see, well Codaka lets just say you will be is good hands. Don't you worry. Plus I am sure you will find a wonderful family!" Hersha says while putting both hands together.

"Yeah...Maybe" I say lowering me head and swinging my legs weakly. I feel sad now.

"Well, thank you again miss for taking good care of him until now. I will be taking him with me" Hersha says while showing her hand to me

I get up from the seat I was sitting on and wave my final goodbye likely to Ariel as she tries to give a half-smile. She doesn't seem to be happy about me leaving. She waves goodbye to me and gets up from the chair and walks out of the hospital.

I guess I am officially alone now...Nothing much left for me now. I turn around and begin walking with Hersha to the kid's area of the hospital and she takes me to an empty colorful room. It has clouds and blue sky wallpaper.

"This is where you shall sleep at the time being. Tomorrow we will take you to the orphanage. I will also be you care provider for the time being as well. Goodbye, and have a goodnight."

"Bye..." I see the door close and it is just me in the room. I look over and there is a TV hanging in the corner of the room, and some puzzles. I also look at the clock on the wall and it says it is 7:48 PM. I guess I got some time to be up.

I spend the next for hours doing some puzzles which I suck at. I also watch some TV but there is not much that interested me. Just noise for me while I did the puzzles. I look at the time and it is 9:48. I guess I should go to bed. Mother...mother used to tell me to go to sleep at this time by now.

I go to the bed and fall flat in my face into the bedding and begin getting emotional. This feeling of loneliness is overwhelming. I need someone to help me.

*sniffle* Don't cry...I need to stay strong. I can handle this.

*Next day*

I take my blankets and cover my face up from the sunlight coming through my window. I don't want to get up there is no point. I wrap myself around in blanket and begin snorting a bit. I am a bit dried up. I haven't drank water since yesterday.

*knock knock knock*

I hear noise outside of my room and just want to ignore it. I turn over facing the direction of my window and cover myself up in the white blanket and not say anything.

"Hello? Kid? Are you there?" I hear a female voice

Just go away doc...I just want to be alone....

"I have breakfast ready for you to eat now. Blueberry pancakes with blueberry sweet syrup. It's all warm!"

Well...I guess I am hungry since all I ate were minor fast foods before we left the amusement park. I guess I can get up.

I get out of my bed and walk over to the door rubbing my eyes. I open the door and there is Dr. Hersha with a tray of the pancakes she had promised me. I take the tray and walk over to my bed and set down the food.

I then begin slowly eating my pancakes less energetically than I mostly would since I am still a bit sad. I look up to the doctor who seems to just be smiling at me. Her smile is contagious and I smile as a response.

"So, I am going to take you personally over to the orphanage soon. Whenever you are ready we will begin taking you over there. I hope you will be ready soon" she says leaving the room and closing my door.

*Sighs* "I guess this is where my new life as an orphan begins..." I start eating again and finish my pancakes,

I finish eating my pancakes and walk out of the room and put my hands in my pockets. I then walk over to the desk full of nurses talking and go over to them and pull on the pants of one of them.

"Hey uhm, can you get Dr. Hersha? She is taking me to the orphanage." I say looking up at the man.

"I will look for her immediately. Go back to your room and wait for her at the moment," he says to me

I walk back to my room and watch a bit of TV and sit there for a while until I hear a knock at my door again. I then get up and open my door to see the doctor in more casual wear. It is Dr. Hersha wearing a yellow jacket and a white shirt underneath it. She is wearing high heels and tight jeans.

"So you are ready?" she asks me brushing her red hair behind her shoulders.

"Y-yeah... I am..." I turn the TV off and begin leaving my temporary room, and follow her out of the building into the parking lot.

I put my hands in my pocket and look behind me before leaving the hospital. I look over to where me and Ariel had our final goodbye and sigh a bit and continue following Hersha to her black SUV. Very intimidating for some reason...

I get in the large car and get in the backseat and buckle myself up. The interior is light brown with black being the main color. I guess black might her favorite color. Or whatever I don't care enough actually.

*few minutes later*

"So...What are you going to be doing while I am at the orphanage?"

"Well I am your care provider so I will be nearby for assistance until we find you a suitable family. And when we do you will be with them from now on."

"Oh...okay..." I say slumping my head over to my right shoulder.

*few more minutes*

We arrive at a red brick building that is roughly 4 stories tall and with small windows. Doesn't look that special. I look around and see a few cars around and we park in that same parking lot. I get myself out of the car and see Hersha somehow already out of the car.

I follow her and walk with her to a single door and as we enter it is white mostly. I see a front desk with a dark-skinned man reading a book and he sees us and stands up. He then walks around the table and over to us and shakes Hersha's hand. They know each other?

"Hello Doctor." he says

"Hello Jacobs," she says receiving his handshake.

"I heard you were coming here. I guess you came here a little sooner than expected. Also is this the new kid?" he asks me while looking at me standing behind her.

"Yes, this is Codaka Longhorn. He is the new one and hopefully you will make him feel welcome here."

"I will" he says while waving her goodbye.

"Bye Codaka. I hope you will find a family soon. Tell Jacob to call me if you need anything." she says putting her hand to the doorknob.

She leaves the building and I get on a couch and look out the window and see her drive off out of the lot. I guess I am once again alone with a stranger. Wish Ariel was around.