My first day

I get up from the couch and move towards the front desk where the man is and reach up the desk ringing a bell. I then peek my head up over the desk and begin speaking.

"Uhm, what do I do? I am lost since I am new here"

"Oh yes I am sorry, I will show you to your room, play quarters, bathroom and cafeteria."


I follow him past the desk and proceed to walk with him to his right. We walk by some doors and outside a courtyard where some other kids seem to be playing currently. Some younger than me even.

We then walk over towards him, I see a large two-door entrance that is white. He pushes both of them wide open, and I see many tables. It feels bigger than the courtyard a bit. But maybe it is just because I am small.

I follow him inside and see a line of kids with trays, some with food, and some yet to. He walks over to the line and waves me over. I start walking over to him, and he picks up a tray and gives it to me.

"Go get yourself some food. I will be with you shortly. I will be getting some food from the lunge, where I get food."

"Oh...Okay..." I say falling in line with some other kids.

*a few minutes later*

I am finally there and I see the options. Some sort of sloppy meat of some sort, some apples, chips, orange juice, and apple juice and water, and finally some chicken wings. I am having a lot of chicken wings. I walk over to it and grab about 13 of them to the surprise of the kids. Some start speaking about me but I can't make out what they say.

I then get out of line and begin looking for the man from before. I search around for a bit and find him at a table. He waves me over and then shows me a seat in front of him. I walk over to him and take a seat and begin eating around the bone of the chicken.

"So tell me about your self kid."

"Uhm, well I am 9 years old and uh...I like burgers and like the color black. Also, my name is Codaka

Longhorn. That's all. Not much about me." I say as I chew my food.

"Well then. Nice to know. I will also show you the room you are going to be in. So finish up when you can."

*a few minutes later*

I finish my food and put the tray away and begin walking over to him again we begin walking over to the dorm rooms where I will be sleeping. We pass more doors and eventually go up some stairs.

As we go up the stairs we take a right and stop at one of the doors. He opens it and the walls are grey, and there are a few bunk beds. With also some bags on the bunk beds. Maybe for personal belongings.

"Your bed will be here for now," he says pointing to the one by the window.

"Okay," I say walking over to my bunk

I touch and it sits on it for a bit. It feels a little too hard. Like the mattress is just a few sheets or something. I can't sleep on this this will take me forever.

"I hope you will enjoy your stay here. I will be off for now. Feel free to do whatever you feel like now. Except leaving of course that wouldn't be safe." he says while closing the door to the dorm.

I guess this is where I live now...I get myself up from the bed and walk around the area for a bit exploring. There are a few playrooms and also TV rooms where kids can watch TV together. The only issue was that it seems some of the kids are arguing over who gets to watch what.

I sit down in the playground area for a bit, I mostly play on my own for the time being. Not fun without other people, but I don't know anyone. I wish Ariel was here to play with me...

I get on the swing set and begin swinging for a while and then go on the slides. But I tired myself out pretty fast. I guess I just don't have much energy as I would've at home. Wonder why. Might be because I am depressed and lack of motivation to entertain myself now.

I walk over to my room and lay in bed for the time being. Not much for me to do. As I get on the bed I realize something. I am missing my plushie! Did I leave it at the park?! In Ariel's car? The...the hospital? Dang it...I move over to my side and feel something in my back pocket move a bit. I reach into it and peel a slightly wrinkled paper-like object in my hand and pull it out.

As I look at it, I realize it is the photo-booth image copy I got at the amusement park when I was with Arla, Ariel, and Alissa(Arla's mother). Just realized all three of them have A's at the beginning of their names...Wonder if that is an Elf thing. As I look at the photo, I start feeling a wave of emotion and heat over my face and begin starting to heave a bit. I put the photo back in my pocket and fully cover myself under the blankets and begin to cry a bit.

*Hours later*

I slowly opened my eyes to the noise of other kids nearby and uncovered my head and expose my eyes to the darkness of the room, only illuminated by the light from the partially opened door to this room. I then suddenly see an arm push the door further open, and he flips the light on, blinding my eyes for a couple of seconds.

As my eyes focus, I see a variety of kids walking in, all boys, walking through and beginning to laugh and chat loudly. I wish I had friends I could laugh with. I cover my head back again and proceed to sleep again. Or attempt to again.

*a Few Hours Later*

I proceed to hear some yelling from somewhere, and I begin opening my eyes for a moment. As they open, I eye's focus on the darkness, and I see the room is empty.

I look around and the room is just dark with the moonlight coming through. But the bedroom looks like it was neatly cleaned as if someone made the beds and ignored me. Was there a nighttime thing and I didn't wake up until now?

I get out of bed and walk over to the door which is slightly ajar. I walk over to it and slowly pull it back and see the lights dimly on, but no one is in the hallway. I move out of the bedroom and walk down the hallway and hear something behind me. I stop in place and look behind me. Expecting something to be running at me.

But as I look out there is no one there, am I just paranoid?

"H-hello?" I say into the hallway behind me.

I wait a couple of seconds and hear nothing in response. So I turn back in front of where I was going before, only for me to be in shock. The door that was within a few feet was now 50 feet away. What is going on?

I look behind me again only for it to happen again, the hallway behind me is also suddenly longer. Which made no sense. I turn back in front of me and see a figure standing with her back away from me. They look like a woman who has blond hair, going past the shoulder, white heels, fair pale skin, on the ankles, denim jeans, and a yellow jacket. As I walk slowly forward the figure begins to speak with familiarity.

"Hello, honey." she says

"A-Airel?" I whisper under my breath

The figure turns around and I see a fair light skinned woman with blue eyes standing with her hands holding each other infront of herself. I start feeling my heart race and begin to move towards her. And after every step, I start speeding but it feels like I am not getting closer. I begin to jog and then run, then proceeding to sprint towards her at the end of the hall, but the hall continues to stay the exactly the same.

After a seconds of trying to run to Ariel I see her turn around and open the door and begins to close them behind her. No she can't leave me. I need someone!

"W-wait! Don't leave me again I-I need you!" I scream, reaching my hand out even though it is pointless.

But as I run I trip over my feet and fall forward into the ground only for the ground to shatter like glass and I fall into a black void. I start screaming as I fall, only for a black cloud to rise from below me into my face.


My body throws forward as I am heaving and feeling sweaty a bit. I look around me and see other kids around me are still sleeping. I must've been having a nightmare, no doubt. I can't be here anymore. I need to leave.

I get off of the bed and slip back on my shoes and sneak out of the room. I am making my escape and going to find Ariel. I don't want to be here anymore.

I move towards the door and turn the knob, but it doesn't move. I take both hands and begin trying to jiggle it, but it doesn't turn still. They must've locked it. Rats....I look around the room for another exit, but it seems there is only one exit, and the exit is locked.

I look around the room and all I see move towards the furthest window to the left of where I am facing, and begin to unlock the window. I hear a gentle click and I push it open, but not all the way. I am not tall enough to see above the window. I search around and see a chair and I sneak towards it and lift it towards the window. I place it below the window and step on the chair.

Lifting the window all the way open and seeing we are 3 stories high. I gulp down, seeing I don't think it is a good idea to jump out the window. I could use my blanket as a rope...No, it is not long enough. I lean on the window and think for a moment, and realize the only option might be the right in my face. The tree that has a branch just about 5 feet from the window. It is risky, but it might be my only chance at the moment. This might be the only way I can do this without adults in the way watching me.