"How did you enter this room?"

Grinal trembles as he speaks. "How did you bypass this big security?"

Kaush smiles a bit and cuts a mark in the air.

There appears a screen everyone could see.

Kaush sighs and starts explaining, "Can you see this screen? I now made it visible to you guys. Normally, it's only visible to me. So you're grinal? Ok for your question, I have this thing."

Grinal flusters, "this screen?"

Kaush acts as if he is mocking Grinal, "yes, my A.I. my friend. With this , bypassing the whole security system is nothing. Killing all those guards and bypassing all those security cameras is nothing at all."

Grinal is shocked. No matter how strong this guy is, none should be able to defeat all those guards all by himself. He is afraid.

"This guy is beyond…. What I imagined…"

Kaush smiles at Grinal and then he looks at the president's face.

Kaush's eyes become more aggressive. As if Kaush just has one motive in life and it's to kill the president.

But kaush somehow calms himself down.

as he grins, "so, mr. president aka my brother. Here I stand, poker aka kaush. And We're going Live in the whole Association."

Grinal jumps out of his skin hearing such a thing, "what?"

Kaush giggles, "means every digital device from this place can hear me, see me."

Then suddenly, kaush looks at his screen with a creepy smile, "can't you?"

and the scariest thing is, He didn't lie.

The whole thing is going live throughout the whole base.

Kaush's AI has access to all the digital techs. And he is using them to go live. Every tv, every mobile in the zord association is now showing the president office.

They are seeing Kaush, everyone in that room and hearing them as well.Akio and the nurse are also seeing the screen from that hospital. Aritsu and Sanjo are seeing Kaush through their device.

The whole base is now wondering what's happening.

or to be more precise... what's going to happen?

What's the motive of this kaush guy?

Kaush starts walking and sits on a chair in front of the president. Then he starts talking to this entire zord base,

"I know you guys are confused. But I am going to clear them all out right here, right now. I am the stepbrother of this president."

Everyone gets a shock hearing this. They couldn't believe their eyes and ears. Grinal tries to stop kaush. "You-"

But Kaush brings out a huge gun from his screen and makes it stand in front of grinal's eyes in order to threaten him.

Seeing so, Grinal stops. He knows if he attacks, it'd not make any difference. no matter how much he tries, He can't defeat kaush. So, right now, trying to attack him would be a foolish task.

Grinal in his thoughts tries to console his mind, "i have to wait for an opening."

Kaush continues. "So, let me finish the whole story. I am going to expose the true picture of these people."

Kaush then looks at the president. The president isn't trying to stop kaush. He is just looking at Kaush with his fierce eyes.

Kaush ignores that gaze. "My father, the previous president of this zord base of zord, Dolago, is considered a role model for the entire zord civilization."

Aritsu from the interrogation room was seeing this whole scene. He is scared all the time of what's going to be revealed.

Kaush clears his throat by coughing and continues the speech, "That role model cheated on his wife. He had an illegal relationship with an unknown woman. And the result of that relationship was me. A son gifted with superpower from his very birth. People needed experiments in order to unlock their charge. Even the naturals here needed some high mental simulation to get their power. But here I am. A natural from birth. Just like the ancients."

President is still trembling, " sto-stop"

Kaush ignores the president, "because of my charge, I had a 2nd consciousness within myself. yes a hack. so, that consciousness could track anything within its range. More like an artificial intelligence. I call it A.I."

President murmurs, "stop, kaush. If you don't, I wouldn't be able to save you. Just stop."

Kaush ignores the president's warning.

But the 2 guards, ila and kila, were already pretty scared. And now after this warning, they had no choice. They change the direction of the guns and point them at kaush.

Meanwhile Kaush was ready for this possibility to happen. So he just stands up from the chair and dodges those bullets right away.

Then he brings out 4 knives out of his screen and throws them at ila and kila. They faint as they get hit with those knives.

Grinal: wha-you…

Kaush assures him, "No worries. Those knives won't kill them. It will just make them sleep for a few hours."

Kaush again starts walking and stops at a point where he and the president have some distance between them, "So, back to my point, My father didn't want my existence to be public. He was ashamed of me. So he hid me in a room when I was 4. Imagine a kid raising in a dark pitched room for 5 years. I was more like a dead person. Only had one person to talk with. My A.I. but I wanted to do more. Wanted to get out of this hell."

President yells at Kaush, "shut your mouth up. No more words."

Kaush smiles, "so in order to get out of this hell, I hacked the whole organisation of zord. Found information that even some of the higher ups don't know. The dark history and motive of this company."

"that's enough. shut up, right now."

President couldn't hold himself back any longer.

He creates a big maelstrom of fire and attacks kaush with that. Kaush counters that maelstrom with a sword that he takes out of his A.I screen.

Kaush smiles, "At last, you decided to battle me, big bro."

The president manipulates that maelstrom and makes a big hand out of it. Even kaush is surprised seeing that.

Grinal gets a bit afraid, "sir, don't. If you use this big of a thing here carelessly…"

That hand grabs kaush by his neck. it isnt that hot. president knows kaush has fire resistance. but the weight of that hand is enough to make an average zord soilder yield.

But kaush doesn't yield. He brings out a huge chain from his screen and grabs that hand. then just makes it disappear in a second.

Grinal was surprised to see so, "he has multiple weapons? And he is attacking the president like nothing. I never saw anyone being able to withstand the president's attacks this easily. It's impossible to imagine, but it feels like Kaush's strength is on par with higher ups."

Kaush looks at the president. The fire is burning all around. Kaush brings out another weapon. A trident. He charges the president with it.

With this, at 1st, He thought that it was a sure win.

But, the president was waiting for it. He makes another maelstrom from above kaush and points that towards kaush.

And right After the maelstrom is gone, Grinal notices that Kaush is lying on the floor. And there's a lot of cut marks on his back. grinal then looks at ila and kila, the knives were gone. president used his fires to grab those knives and then attacked kaush with them.

Grinal flusters, "president attacked kaush with kaush's own knives? Oh, I worried for nothing. After all, he is a president. I knew he was on another level."

But the president was also exhausted.

President mocks Kaush a bit, "little brat, you sure know how to fight. By the way, Those knives won't kill you. It will just make you sleep for a few hours."

But little did he know, this won't stop kaush.

Kaush gets up saying, "yo-u, ba-s-tard. I won't go down this easily."

Even at that wounded state, Kaush free-handley attacks the president as he grabs him in front and starts pushing him like a bull.

And that pushes both of them back and hits the huge window behind them. As a result of the collision, the two break the window and fall outside.

From that window, the two of them roll out from the second floor and fall on the field together.

As a result, Kaush loses his consciousness after this fall. With his, his hack turns off.

The live broadcast gets shut down. the A.I screen disappears.

Everyone from that base of the zord association is shocked at this moment. Most of them take Kaush's words as a lie. But still….

A seed of doubt was born out of this incident. They never tried to question zord higher ups. But for the 1st time, the question rises inside their heart.

Rigaka tries to put on a fake smile, "There's no way, our president and our former president would do something like this. Right, sanjo?"

Sanjo hesitates at 1st, "umm…yeah.."

The whole environment changes.

Grinal looks at kaush through that shattered window, "that poison and this fall, kaush is lost after all."

A lot of water was leaking from that whole place. Kaush's lying on the president's lap. And kaush's head is bleeding badly.

President looks at Kaush and tears comes out of his eyes.

President smiles as he cries.

Just like everyone else, akio also saw the whole fight from tv. He is shocked. And from that feeling, he gets an idea to get closer to the truth.

While this all was happening, On the other hand,

An old land rover is running between a jungle. inside that car, there are an old man and a middle aged man.

that old man is looking outside through the window as the middle aged man is driving.

No sign of life can be seen far away.

that old man coughs, "Toshik sure gives me trouble. okira.."

that middle aged man aka okira responds, "yes, sir."

"What's the time, right now?"

okira looks at the watch, "12:30 pm."

that old man sighs, "I need a proper sleep."

After a few minutes, they finish crossing that jungle, as they reaches their destination.

the Zord association.

A huge place.

And at its entrance, there's 100 guards.

Right after they stop the car in front of that base, a 30 years old man gets out of the car and approaches one of the guards.

"Ah… we're from base no. 012. My name is Okira, the secretary of zord base 012. Can you inform the president that higher up from base 012 is here and wants to meet him?"

Guard: "A higher up…. Is he in this car?"

Then he sees a 50 -60 years old man sitting in the car beside the driver seat.

That guard looks at okira's face again, "Oh I was informed that some higher up was coming. But I didn't know that they're this fast."

Okira: We rushed right after we heard about that tube incident. So can we enter?

The guard: Yes of course, you guys can enter. But please give me the id of yours for safety precaution. And ..

He looks back and calls another guard, "you. Go to secretary grinal and tell him that a higher up has arrived."

"Yes. of course."

And then he again looks at okira's face, "by the way, i am to. In charge of this whole base's guard system. Nice to meet you."

Meanwhile, The prison patrol came to the field area to imprison Kaush, the Poker.

The charge holder with healing abilities arrives, and after 10 mins, Kaush comes back to consciousness.

and right after he came back to consciousness, the prison patrol handcuffed kaush.

Rohan: Can he be tied up with this mere handcuff?

Grinal: don't worry, these handcuffs are modified and it's made by a substance harder than even graphene. Kaush won't be able to even lift this handcuff properly let alone break it.

Kaush walks along with the helpers. He has no choice.

Suddenly, he feels a presence .So he looks up at the second floor window. There he saw the president. President is looking at him through that broken window. He bites his own lip.

"I wonder why did you let me live, stupid big brother. Some mystery hidden even from the poker. Ironic. Isn't it? "

And begins to walk forward. Tears flowed from his eyes. And surprisingly, None noticed that.

The president keeps looking at his brother's departure.

And suddenly, on his left, he feels an unwanted presence.

He sees a small girl…

looking at him….

Smiling at him….

She says as some tears come out of her eyes, "It's hurting...,vaia…"

At that time, a guard opens the door behind him,

"Sir, someone wants to meet you. The president of 012 is here."

The president looks at the guard and then looks at the little girl.

And he discovers that the little girl has disappeared.

There was none all along.

He sits on his chair and talks to the guard,

"Yes, let him enter."