"In room F5, a lot of people died. Zord lost more than 10 subjects. Only because of a tube leakage. There can be someone behind the scene who might be working against Zord and helping this scenario to happen."

Secretary Okira says those on a whim.

Okira, grinal, and both presidents from base no. 012 and 009 are here in the meeting room.

Okira started the conversation by repeating the incident that happened recently.

The sole purpose of this formal introduction was to start the talk. But even though okira tried, none is uttering a single word out of their mouth.

Both presidents are just staring at each other.

Grinal tries to smile, "awkward. Isn't it?"

Okira also chuckles, "yeah. Kind of."

The president from 012 opens his mouth 1st,

"Toshiro, what sort of manners is this? You're said to be mr. perfect even among the higher ups. And from my perspective, you're the most sensible as well. How can you let an incident like that happen? Your rival higher ups won't stay calm. You may lose your seat. Do you even understand the pressure of this situation?"

President from 009 aka toshiro doesn't say anything. He Just remains silent. The president from 012 is a father figure to him. Always been a mentor to him. He can't say anything absurd against him.

So he apologies right away.

"Sorry, fuji uncle."

President of 012 aka fuji blushes out. "Don't call me uncle. I am still as young as you. Hehe."

Grinal makes a weird face hearing that, "creepy."

Fuji stares at grinal with cold eyes, "Did you say anything?"

Grinal apologies right away, "no sir. Not at all."

Fuji then turns to toshiro. "Toshiro, another thing. I heard what happened to kaush. I don't know what your father did and what you did to him. I don't even have interest in it. I will just ask you to fix it. Other higher ups will be here by tomorrow. Fix it before that."

Toshiro doesn't respond to this.

Fuji says with a cold voice, "and if i am not wrong, then they may capture kaush. And maybe…just an intuition that maybe they will sentence him to death."

Toshiro sighs,

Fuji: But before thinking about that, think about what to do with this tube leakage incident. If you save your skin right now, maybe you will get a chance to save your brother's later on. Am I being clear here?

Toshiro nods in affirmative.but even he is confused. Everything is happening so suddenly. That Tube leakage. Everything started from there.

Toshiro looks at Grinal with a fierce face, "grinal, i want you to interrogate every single worker from that room F5. don't let any evidence aside.This is a question of life and death."

Grinal nods with affirmation, "yes,sir. I will go all out for this case. You don't need to worry for a bit."

Toshiro stays silent.

On the other hand, sanjo is tense. He is one of those people who was heavily affected by Kaush's speech. He doesn't know what to do. He has been supporting the president since day 1.

"I feel so helpless. The President isn't that kind of person…"

Suddenly he felt a light slap on his back. And when he looked behind, he could see rigaka.

Rigaka smiles, "If you really believe in the president, then don't worry. Just go by your feelings for now till the real truth comes out."

Sanjo nods.

"By the way, rigaka. Shouldn't you meet akio? I mean it's been a while. And perhaps, that live broadcast also affected him somehow."

Rigaka bit his lips, "you're right. Ok, I am going. I will meet you soon."

Sanjo giggles, "yes bro, take care."

Rigaka kind of starts running towards akio's room. Sanjo looks at his going and smiles. Rigaka has always been someone who gives priority to others over himself.

Sanjo: a monitor who needs monitoring, kuh?

"It seems so." a voice comes from behind sanjo. He turns around and sees Tina smiling.

Sanjo sighs, "oh it's you."

Tina smiles back, "yes. It's me."

Sanjo asks desperately, "Did you hear all that?"

Tina tries to make fun out of Sanjo, "what? You and Rigaka's conversation? Nope, I am not interested in male gossip. They suck."

Sanjo stops Tina, "no, not that. I am talking about the speech of kaush."

Tina: Oh that. President's brother….. Kaush… poker ....so many identities for a single man.

Sanjo stands stiffly, "do you believe in him? I mean all the allegations he brought upon zord?"

Tina thinks for a while and then says, "Kind of. You can clearly see the president's behaviour. He didn't decline Kaush's claims."

Sanjo nods, "yeah. And that's what caught me off-guard."

Meanwhile, Akio is sitting beside the window thinking about all that stuff that happened. He is still confused about this association.

Akio sits leaning against the wall, "what the hell is this zord? I dunno what to believe anymore."

Shiba Sitting on the chair. And she is very worried about all that happened. And suddenly hearing akio's voice brings her reality back.

Shiba clenches her fists "don't worry. Zord wouldn't lie. Right?"

Akio looks at Shiba and sees a defeated warrior in her. Everything shiba believed in since her very birth is just proved as wrong. This is the same for every zord member from this base right now.

Zord is hiding a lot of stuff from their members which isn't right.

Shiba stands up, "Excuse me."

Saying so, Shiba leaves the room. And at that moment, akio notices tears coming out of shiba's eyes.

The tears merge with the air as if they never existed.

Akio sighs, "so if we are talking about reality, Well It's harsh i guess."

Rigaka enters akio's room shortly after Shiva leaves the room. And there rigaka sees akio eating an apple.

He feels relieved seeing that the news didn't affect akio much as he expected.

Rigaka smiles, "It's good."

Akio questions right away, "what is?"

Rigaka: nope, nothing. I just thought that you may be disturbed after all this. But you're strong I guess.

Akio laughs, "yes. I am. Who do you think I am?""

Rigaka also joins him while laughing.

Akio then puts that apple on the table and comes face to face with rigaka,

"Rigaka, I need a favour from you. Please help me out."

Thirty minutes later, Kaush was finally brought to Prison. After that horrible clash, the prison patrol made Kaush complete a lot of documents.

And after so much hassle he finally reaches his prison where almost every cell is filled with madmen. Those crazy people are screaming,dancing.

"Is it even a human cell?"

He laughs like a madman. That smile is so creepy that it even scares the shit out of those mad criminals.

After a few minutes of walking, a turn comes in front of them. the guard who brought him to this prison stops. He gestures to some other guard standing in front of him. Then they exchange hands, and that other guard takes over the duty to lead Kaush to his cell.

Then after a while, Another turn comes in front of them. and that new guard again gets exchanged with another new guard.

kaush chuckles, "as i thought... the hard security of prison patrol. even the prison guards themselves don't know the route."

in his thought, "there are 20 sectors in one prison. Each sector has more than 7 cells. and 2 guards for each cell. Those guards also live here with the criminals. they don't get out of their own sector. This prison is a maze. once you get out of your sector, it's nearly impossible to get your way out. in order to harden their security, they didn't even mention the route of prison to the working guards. only the commander and vice commander of this prison patrol knows about the route..... and another person...."

he giggles, "me..."

After a few moments, Kaush gets pushed into a cell. Cell no. 5.

Kaush sits on the ground in one corner of the room and keeps thinking about his mistakes. He thinks about his brother.

He knows, all his brother did was for his welfare.

But Kaush doesn't want to admit it.

He hates his brother.

He hates him so much that he can't help himself.

And thinking about this and that, he looks at the walls. A small ray of light is coming through a small window. Kaush needs to go under that light. He is feeling cold. But…

Kaush murmurs, "I am tired. So much."

Saying so, kaush loses himself in the world of sleep.

And in his dream, he feels like he is trapped in a dark place. It's not like he doesn't have light. A ray of light comes and follows him, but it doesn't enlighten him. When he wants to reach out and touch that light, it feels like it's too hot. So hot that it can burn his skin.

And in an unconscious mind, kaush blabbers, "I think I am not made for light."

At the same time, on the other side of the association, Grinal is conducting interrogations everywhere. Every employee is being interrogated. Grinal is taking notes for everything. And after some time, he reaches room F5 where it all started.

Grinal yells, "someone here?"

A guard comes in response to Grinal's voice.

"Yes sir?"

Grinal orders him, "call all of your workers here, also don't forget the detective patrol and the research patrol."

"Yes sir."

The guard leaves the spot in order to fulfil the orders given by grinal.

After his leaving, Grinal turns his attention towards the tube of room f5. He goes closer to it. And discovers a lot of glasses shattered next to the tube. He puts a piece of glass in the palms of his hand.

After a while, a lot of people entered the room. The research patrol, detective patrol. They stand one by one. Grinal looks behind him and notices all of them.

Grinal says in a high tone, "So you guys are here. I have serious questions for you guys. It may take a while. Please take a seat."

Saying so, Both eyes of the grinal turn white. Eyes with no irish.

After 1 hours, at 1:50 pm,

Darkness of night spreads all over the zord association. the lights have turned off. only the night lights are on. but they don't have such flashy rays.

as a result, The ray of that light is completely lost from Kaush's cell. Dark pitched room.

And after a long sleep, kaush wakes up. After waking up, he moves his hand here and there in order to find something.

Kaush says in a low tone, "Need to drink water. feeling so thirsty."

Suddenly he hears a voice

"Here, catch." By saying so, someone throws a bottle towards kaush.

Kaush is surprised. "Who are you?"

That shadowy figure comes out. The man's face can be seen in the moonlight.

Kaush is still in shock, "Who are you? How did you enter this place?"

The answer comes, "my identity? I am akio."