Akio sighs, "oh, there's no place to sit."

Kaush is still in shock. How did he get here? In this tight security, it's nearly impossible to enter this place. And from the looks, he can already say that this guy ain't any prison patrol member. So how?

He hesitates, "who are you and what're you doing here?"

Akio smiles, "don't get so impatient. I just have a few questions for you."

Saying so, he sits on the floor, face to face with kaush.

But, the question is: How did Akio get here? Reaching here in the midst of so much security is a huge scary thing. To find out, we now have to go back 2 hours and 30 minutes to a conversation between Akio and rigaka.

Akio: rigaka, I need a favour from me. Please help me out.

Rigaka: on what?

Akio takes a deep breath and says, "I wanna meet kaush in private."

For a few seconds, rigaka couldn't get what akio just said. He just stares at Akio with a clueless look.

After a few seconds, he realises Akio's words. And then he screams out.

"what...….? Why?"

Akio answers with a calm voice, "I have some questions. Only he can answer them."

Rigaka gets another shock,"only he? And questions?"

Akio: Was that really surprising for me to have questions?

Rigaka: Of course it is. Why do you suddenly act out of your character? You're supposed to be a character with no curiosity in this world.

Akio laughs, "You think that of me? I mean I get it where you get that idea from and it's not wrong. But I genuinely have a few questions for him. Maybe he is the only one who can tell me what happened that night."

Rigaka gets Akio's intention.

He is thinking of Zord as responsible for his family's death. And the enemy's enemy is supposedly a friend. That's what akio is thinking of kaush right now.

Rigaka sighs, "Do you want details about that night your family died?"

Akio nods.

Rigaka hesitates, "but…"

Akio pleads, "rigaka, if you really want to help me, this is the right time."

Rigaka clears things out, "Look, I do want to help you. But you can't go there. The committee isn't letting anyone go there just like this."

Akio thinks for a while and then says, "You said you can create portals. Right?"

Rigaka answers blatantly, "Yes, only to those places whom I went to before personally."

Akio: So you ever went to prison?

Rigaka: Yes, I did. I was once a member of the patrol prison. Not even a member, I was once a vice commander of prison patrol. Though I got kicked out.

Saying so, rigaka smiles. And behind that smile, akio can see despair. Rigaka perhaps has some bad memories with prison patrol.

Akio asks desperately, "for what reason did they kick you out?"

Rigaka: That's all in the past. Forget it. Wait..

Rigaka gets a whim for what reason akio is talking about this,

" Why are you asking this? No, you're not thinking that?? Do you?"

Akio looks at Rigaka with a straight face, "I request you to create a portal in Kaush's cell."

Rigaka gets another shock and this time it makes him lose his balance for a while, "You've gotta be kidding."

Akio tries to explain, "don't you also wanna know the truth? C'mon. you also saw that the president straightforwardly lied to you guys all these years."

Rigaka: and there has to be a reason behind it. And i told you, we zord members aren't supposed to ask questions. And now let's not stretch this matter anymore.

Akio: please..

Rigaka thinks about it for a while, then opens his mouth, "n-"

At that time, a voice taps Rigaka from behind.

"Wait a second."

And when rigaka looks behind to see the source of that voice, he sees risha entering the room.

Rigaka is surprised to see her here, "risha, it's risky for you to roam in this plight. You're going to be a mom. Please be careful."

Risha smiles, "I am ok. Sid is with me."

Akio and rigaka notice a small boy helping risha to walk. It's Sid. A zord member and a very good friend of rigaka and risha. He may look small, but he is really strong.

Sid smiles as well, "don't worry, rigaka. I won't let any damage come even near to risha."

Rigaka mocks him kinda, "Yeah, so reliable."

Risha then gets on a serious look, "Now zord is in the worst situation. Beliefs are shattering. You do know that. Right, rigaka?"

Rigaka: yes.

Risha: Then please help akio out.

Akio: thanks miss..risha. That's your name ig.

Risha: yes.

Rigaka stops both of them, "wait wait wait… risha… i thought you always were on zord's side, no matter what. So why now?"

Risha hesitates for a while, and then says, "that child….kaush….he reflected the image of ishop, didn't he?"

Rigaka stays silent.

Akio feels a bit lost, "who is this ishop? And what is his connection to this story?"

Risha: he was my brother, and…

She looks at rigaka's face, "his friend."

Rigaka immediately says, "and he has no connection to this story… no connection with kaush… not anyone…"

Risha tries to change the topic, "so, all we have to do is, get akio to that prison cell."

Akio snaps his fingers, "exactly."

Rigaka: But there'd be securities, if they get any sounds of Akio talking to kaush, it will be the endpoint for us.

Risha thinks for a while, "yeah, that's gonna be a problem."

Sid interrupts their conversation, "They won't find out about you. After 1 and half hours, guards from the prison patrol will go on a break."

Rigaka gets surprised, "what… break?"

Sid gives out an innocent smile, "they are gonna go for a brawling match."

Rigaka doesn't know how to respond to it. So basically, he goes into silent mode. But akio right away asks,

"A brawling match."

Rigaka: a match between zord charge holders. In short terms, a duel.

Sid: yes. And it was never a part of zord. The ones who started such duels here in this base were none other than rigaka and his friend ishop.

Akio gets a surprise hearing this, "what? Something like this…. Does Rigaka really do something like this? I thought of him as a decent human being."

Sid blinks, "well, he was a really wild person back then. And those duels were prohibited in zord. And just because he was arranging such duels, the commander kicked him out of his position as vice commander…. And then he became a monitor."

Rigaka stays silent. Well, he is embarrassed.

Akio giggles, "lol, your old personality had more life then."

Rigaka gets depressed hearing so, "don't say it."

Sid breaks it all down, "the intention behind it wasn't wrong though. It had been arranged in the underground zord. Basically, if you're not a zord prison patrol commander or vice commander, you can't get out of your own sector. The guards live there, all alone. That's why rigaka arranged such duels in order to give them some sort of entertainment. He made a secret passage in every sector to the underground zord. Prison guards used to use that passage to enter the underground. There they used to fight while leaving off their stress."

Akio then looks at Sid, "so he did a pretty neat job. but didn't they ban such duels? How are you gonna arrange one once again?"

Rigaka also looks at Sid, "yeah. They might have closed the secret passages till now."

Sid laughs, "they didn't."

Rigaka gets another shock, "why..?"

Sid, "because they didn't find it important to open the passages. After all, you were kicked out. And you know, even though we talk about free will, none in the zord has one. They did the fight because you told them to do so. Maybe they subconsciously enjoyed doing it. But it never was more than an order for them."

Rigaka sighs. And this time, the sigh was filled with regret.

Sid smiles, "so, i will now announce for another brawl match. And i will put the new vice commander musak's name as the organiser of this match. They will come running to fight."

Rigaka: you're an evil. if musak catches you, he won't let you get away with it.

After that, every guard went to the fight using the passageway.

And akio took advantage of that. Rigaka made a portal which brought akio to kaush's prison.

And before entering that portal, rigaka explains everything to akio.

"Listen, you have only 4 mins. After that, the guards will come back. You have a mobile watch. It's connected to my earpod. You can use it to talk to me."

Now Moving away from that place, if we come back where kaush meets akio, we can see a prison where All the guards are gone and all the prisoners are gone.

Except for Kaush. He is now sitting in front of akio.

Kaush: you're one of the subjects. Right?

Akio flusters, "yeah. But how did you know?"

Kaush laughs, "you came here means you heard about me. I am the mr. pokar."

Akio smiles, "I know, right?"

Kaush: so? What do you want from me?

Akio: details. I want some truth from you.

Kaush: about what?

Akio takes a deep breath and then says, "about an incident that happened 10 years ago in khagrachari, bangladesh."

Kaush catches it in a second, "Are you asking about the golden duck mission?"

Akio: That is what it's named?

Kaush: yeah. That mission was to catch a scientist named dr. shimura. He was a huge threat for zord. He knew about mental plane and a lot of dangerous details. And more of it, he ate yuilog stone. A stone originated from the mental plane.

Kaush: wait.. Can we really bring stuff from the mental plane?

Kaush: 1000 years ago, people used to enter that plane without any problem. They didn't need any technology, they didn't need those special motors. such beings were called ancients. And they were capable of bringing stuff. And it's said that that stuff has some powers. Some extra powers.

Akio shakes his head, "o–ok. But I didn't ask for it. I want to ask about how it's related to my family?"

Kaush: your family?

Akio: yeah. My family died in that incident.

Kaush: oh...okay. Now this kinda makes sense.

Akio: what makes sense?

Kaush clears his throat and starts saying once again, "ok, Let me tell you something. My information source is basically the documents of the zord association. Those documents won't say the whole story."

Akio nods, "okay."

Kaush continues his speech, "so, the secret documents say that the golden duck mission started in 2010. when shimura started bringing light to this charge thingy in front of the media. zord assigned top tier agents in order to capture him. and the one in charge from zord was aritsu katsueki."

Akio startles.

kaush: after 2 years of chasing, zord found a tip about shimura. that Shimura was hiding in khagrachari. 2 years of struggle was finally coming to an end.

akio: then what happened?

kaush: aritsu went there with his team and attacked shimura. I also heard that his family got caught in that fight. coincidently. His family died. Except for one son. And I can see him right now."

saying so, kaush points out akio. Akio coughs.

Kaush: By the way, I don't think it was the only story. in khagrachari , 10 years ago…. There wasn't only one mission that was conducted. There was another zord team who had their own mission.

Akio gets a shock hearing that, "another? What was that mission?"

Kaush: That was a mission to find a newborn who was awakened 1 night before that incident.

Akio: a natural?

Kaush: yes.

Akio : so… my theory perhaps is incorrect. I wasn't the natural who the zord was after all the time I guess. After all, I didn't get my charge before that incident.

Kaush: So maybe…. Someone from your family did.

Akio gets a little shock, "so zord killed that someone from my family? But it doesn't make sense. Right? Why would they kill every single person from my family?"

Kaush: It's not the 1st time a zord has killed a natural's family. Those who get to know about the identity of zord, have to die.

Akio leans on the wall. maybe. There was no mention about that though.

Akio sighs, "hmm."

Kaush: And in that fight, Shimura was captured. None knows how. But he was. The whole mission ended that day. That was one hella night. golden duck mission got a new recognization. but people forgot about that another mission where a family died... in some files, they tries to hide that mission's reality. and calls that family death a Collateral damage.

Akio sighs.

"My family….died….yeah…. It's not like I didn't know that. But-"

Kaush also lets out a sigh, "You had some hidden desire within you. That you might see them again."

Akio bites his upper lips. Tears come out of his eyes. But no crying sounds come out.

"I knew all along. But it's just I didn't want to admit it."

And kaush also didn't stop akio. Sometimes, crying is important.