Grinal is checking everyone's memory from Research Patrol and Detective Patrol one by one. He is walking in the midst of their memory and trying to search for clues. But even after 2 hours, he just couldn't find anything helpful.

After such a wage, he sits down in his chair and shouts at one of the guards.

"Give me a glass of water. It's so tiresome."

"Yes, sir. Just give me a second."

As the guard leaves the room, another figure enters.

it's the scientist arish.

When Grinal notices him, he greets Arish with a smile. He also returns the reception. Arish takes a seat beside grinal.

Grinal says right away, "You are late, sir."

Arish lets out a weak laugh, "Yeah, I know. It's just, these incidents took a huge toll on me."

Grinal: Are you alright, now?

Arish smiles, "yeah totally. Maybe…"

Grinal knows that Arish's not alright.. That incident killed a lot of people. Some of those victims were his assistants. The survivors are just too shocked to say anything. Disturbing aritsu would be a waste of time as he wasn't even near that tube before the incident.. And even grinal's memory walking has a range. He can't move too far away from the witness's projection body.

And he knows only one person who went too close to the tube at that time. Which is arish.

Grinal: I am sorry arish….for disturbing you at a moment like this. You're not even a soldier and pressuring you at a moment like this…

Arish assures Grinal by a smile, "it's ok."

From behind arish, Grinal notices a little girl holding a doll.

Grinal gets a bit confused seeing her.

Arish: don't worry. She's my daughter. She's the one who encouraged me to do this… helping things…

Saying so arish smiles and then says,

"You know that, my wife died 4 years ago and I never feared life that much.. I could've gone into full-on depression after hearing what happened in the president 's office."

Grinal stays silent.

Arish: "But my daughter helped me.. She gave me the courage to stand up once again… So I wanted to tell you that I am ready for your interrogation. You can go inside my brain and analyse my memories."

Grinal : Are you sure?

Arish: Yes I am. At least I hope I am. Hehe.

Grinal mocks arish, "That's a creepy laugh."

Arish: just do it.

Grinal: yeah yeah. Now you do know what to do. Just Don't resist me in your mind.

Arish: yeah i won't

Saying so, Arish closes his eyes and leans back. Grinal's eyes turn white.

Grinal takes a deep breath, "let's go."

Grinal enters Arish's mind. He finds it having a spiral shape. Then he just creates something like a computer screen out of arish's memories. And looks into them closely.

That time when the tube blew off. A helper informs Arish that the tube has a crack. How did that helper know it?

He enters that memory place and pauses it. Grinal then looks into the tube. There's a crack. But this crack didn't come out of hitting or damaging. It's something different.

Grinal makes a torch out of nowhere and looks at that crack. The crack is made from inside, not outside.

Then is it the fault of the tube itself? No it can't be.

This crack is really suspicious.

Grinal enters the tube. He is floating there.

As it's just his mental projection , that's why he can move in a supernatural way in anyone's memory.

And at that time, he sees a figure within that tube. A figure that has no body. But the water is floating while leaving a space whose shape looks like a human.

As if a water elemental.

Grinal is super surprised about this case, "no way. This mean someone was here?"

Saying so, Grinal comes back to his original body. Both start taking deep breaths.

Arish couldn't stop his excitement, "what happened back there?"

"Did you get anything?"

Grinal catches his breath and answers Arish's question.

"A human- another human was there inside the tube."

Arish gets a huge shock, "impossible. Other than the subjects, none can enter the tube."

Grinal: someone did. It's not a good thing. And worst of all, He knew how to use charge. His charge may be invisibility or something. There was nobody there. It looked like that shape had no body. He may be the one who made that crack within the tube.

Arish keeps taking deep breaths, "oh no, then? What're we gonna do now?"

Grinal murmers, "no idea."

"Can you tell me, Where's the president of 012?"

"Oh, he is in the guest room. Go straight and then take a right turn. There you will find him."

"Thank you so much."

The guard leaves right after he shows the direction to aritsu. Aritsu arrives at the guest room the way the guard showed him. After entering the room, he sees an old man sitting on a chair trying to fix a chess board.

Aritsu greets him, "yo, mr. president."

That old man takes a look away from the board and looks ahead,

"Oh it's you, Aritsu. How's it going? I heard that your son finally got out of the tube."

Aritsu smiles, "yeah. You heard it right, mr. fuji. Oops, sorry, mr. president."

Fuji: Fuji would do fine. You were one of my favourite soldiers. I can give that much privilege to you. Right? Leave that aside, oh… it looks like you've gotten yourself an artificial leg. I thought you never wanted any artificial legs.

Aritsu: yeah… still, i am not that comfortable with this artificial leg. But, My son just woke up. I can't show him that his father is just a crippled guy. I want to show my cool side to him.

Fuji: nice. So, why not join me in a chess match?

Aritsu: That's why I came to your room after all. It's been a huge time, we fought. Let's have this fight.

Aritsu takes a seat in front of Fuji and prepares himself for an epic chess battle.

Fuji made his 1st move. B2b3.

Aritsu laughs, "as usual. You're so easy to read."

Fuji stays calm, "I was always predictable. And no matter what anyone says, I'd say simple is the best. People make things complicated by trying to become unpredictable."

Aritsu: are you referring to base 009 president toshiro?

Fuji: Toshiro and his father was a really complicated case. I already knew about them. When Kaush was born, Toshiro's father wanted to hide him. He wanted him alive but unknown to the world. Same goes for toshiro. Even though Kaush was his stepbrother, I do know that toshiro loves him a lot. He made a whole deal with his father to save his brother..

Aritsu: you know about the deal?

Fuji laughs, "of course, i know. The deal was to make toshiro the next president…. Which kaush didn't even want to fight for."

Aritsu stays silent for a while and then says,

"There was a time when he willingly wanted to become a president.. But after that mission…. He somehow lost his will to become the president…"

Fuji: and dolago, their father didn't wish for him. He always wanted to see toshiro become the next president. And he used kaush to get what he wanted.

Aritsu: So he made a deal with toshiro that…

Fuji completes the sentence , "kaush gets saved, toshiro gets to hop on to the president's position."

Aritsu sighs, "so, after he became the president, he hid kaush within a tube even though kaush had already awakened charge abilities."

Fuji smiles, "Well, he was afraid. He couldn't let kaush go out of his eyes. That's why he did so. In this world, everything past the zord base is unsafe."

Aritsu: not anymore i guess. That crack in the tube.

Fuji: it's fate. Your son was in that tube and got awakened. At that same time, the crack on the tube got bigger and resulted in a lot of subject's death.

Aritsu: but kaush survived.

Fuji sighs, "only because he wasn't a subject. Unlike normal subjects, He could survive without water."

Aritsu also let out a sigh, "he was a fake within the subjects. And when the president heard about that explosion, he gave money to a trusted person so that he could hide Kaush somewhere else Until all things calm down. Cause if the other higher ups come and see kaush alive, they would create a huge problem out of it."

Fuji gets a bit surprised, "Do you also know about that?"

Aritsu: nope. I just found out about it from Grinal.

Fuji laughs, "that guy can't hide a single thing. But whatever. who knew that Kaush would wake up in such a state."

Aritsu : And he did and then this whole drama happened.

Fuji: I thought toshiro was a genius but this time he messed it up.

Aritsu: Do you think so? But I think he did really well. He made his plan perfectly. And about that explosion, none expected that. It's all fate. He tried his best.

Fuji: I can agree with you a bit.

And then fuji's gaze falls on the chessboard,

Fuji gets a bit angry, "By the way, you didn't make your move yet. How long are you going to make me wait, brat?"

At that time, suddenly a lot of soldiers entered the guest room with their weapons.

Aritsu: what's going on?

He notices frigha among those soldiers.

Aritsu: Frieza, what happened?

Frigha gets irritated a bit, "sir, it's frigha. Not frieza."

Then he looks at Fuji, "sir, the secretory grinal has sent us here. We heard that some outsiders have invaded the zord association. So we are doubling the defence. And president fuji is one of our important assets. We can't let any harm come to him."

Fuji flusters: invaders?

Meanwhile, in kaush's cell,

Akio sighs, "so I have to live the rest of my life here. By the way, do I have to be a spy? This sucks."

Kaush: I know, right?

Akio: But I now know what I have to do in future. Who is my enemy, who is my friends..

Kaush: Are you gonna take action against zord? Don't even think about it. You will get yourself killed.

Akio smiles, "don't worry, i won't."

Saying so, akio gets up from sitting.

"ok that's all. So, see ya."

Akio takes a step to leave, but suddenly, he stops and looks at kaush.

"Why did you tell me all this? I mean I didn't expect you to answer things so blatantly. "

Kaush stays silent for a while, then starts talking with a weak voice, "I dunno. It's just I wanted to tell you all that. No hard reason. Just because… I am me. You're you. And excluding my ai, i didn't have any you in my life."

Akio mocks kaush, "makes no sense. Are you proposing to me? Sorry but I am not interested in male."

Kaush gets irritated, "same goes for me. Whatever.. You won't understand metaphors, anyway.. dumbass."

Kaush sighs.

none says nothing for a few moment. then akio says,

"Did you lose the hope to live?"

Kaush stays silent.

Akio: "Look, I am no hero. I don't know what I am. As rigaka said, I don't have a dream."

Kaush: Why are you telling me that?

Akio continues, "I lost everything I had. Family. This phase is so horrific for me. So dark. And the worst part is, I know somewhere, there is light. But for some reason, I couldn't touch it. You know- something-like-"

Kaush gets surprised. "Like whenever you try to touch the light, your skin gets burned?

Akio: yeah, yeah something like that. It is terrible.

Kaush: i know,

Akio smiles, "But I really want to get out of this darkness. I want to touch the light. Maybe at that time, this whole world will look full of colours other than just white and black. You know what I am saying?"

Kaush stops trembling but stays silent. and Akio right away says,

"However, it's time for me to go."

Kaush asks patiently, "Do you think I can also reach the light?"

Akio looks at kaush this time. Now He sees A person with brighter hopes in his face. The image is changing.

Akio: maybe.

Kaush in his mind, "I wish I could've met you earlier. We would've played the whole day together. We would've played a lot of games. And then under a tree, we both would've seen the dawn. A normal childhood. I only Wanted to have that. I wanted to have someone to talk to."

Suddenly they hear a sound behind the cell.

"Who is talking?"

Kaush: It's bad. Someone's coming.

Akio: but they were supposed to be in the brawling match. What's happening? Who is this voice owner?

Kaush gets an idea of who this guy is. He immediately says, "akio, leave as fast as possible. Wait… How're you gonna escape?"

Akio: That's not a problem.

Akio looks at his watch .

Kaush: a smart watch?

Akio: rigaka, can you listen to me?

A sound comes from the watch. it's rigaka.

"Yes I can. Do you want to exit now?"

Akio: Yes, open it.

Kaush: a portal. You came here by a portal?

Akio nods, "yes."

A portal opens.

Akio looks at Kaush, "bye, i am hoping to meet you again. I really want to take you with me… but you know, it'd create more problems for those who helped me with this prison invasion."

Kaush: no problem. I can understand.

Akio enters the portal.

And in a second, he reaches the top end of the portal. But when he looks around him, he doesn't see rigaka.

He is still inside the prison but It's another cell, another sector.

Akio flusters, "What's this?"

Akio looks behind and sees that the portal has disappeared.

"What's going on?"

At that time, behind the darkness, a voice comes out.

"Heya, akio."

Akio startles. He looks carefully at that darkness. And in the dark part of that cell he sees a man sitting.

Akio: wh-who?

A sound of huge laughter comes out. And that man says,

"Don't worry, I won't bite you."

And at that time, akio gets to see the face of that unknown figure and he gets that, it's no unknown figure. Akio knows this man.

"Mr. solis?"