At that time when grinal was investigating in room f5,

Sanjo and his team were searching for clues within the tunnel that leads to the water storage tank.

Sanjo finds an id lying on that tunnel.

He takes that id and finds a guard's picture on it.

Sanjo sighs, "hm… suspicious."

One of sanjo's team member calls sanjo from behind,

"sir, maybe one of our guards unintentionally dropped it here. I mean guards do come this way a lot to change the water."

Sanjo smiles and looks at that guard,

"they do. But I can't let a single clue aside. And this id looks fresher than it should be. Someone may have dropped it here tonight. It looks like Someone was in a real hurry."

Tina is also there to help Sanjo's team in this investigation.

She also opens his mouth to speak, "so are you suspecting this guard? Because suspecting someone only because of this… would be so wrong."

Sanjo: Maybe you've forgotten how I investigate things. In an investigation, I doubt everyone. Anyone can be a criminal. That's why I have to suspect everyone.. Even if it's you..

Tina gets shocked, "Even me?"

Sanjo smiles, "Let me make a phone call."

On the other hand,

akio finally reunites with his past. Someone from that dark night.

This mysterious person. Solis.

Solis looks at Akio carefully and says, "Sorry for bringing you here like this."

Akio gets a shock, "You brought me here? But I thought I was using rigaka's charge."

Solis laughs, "I can manipulate the direction of any charge within my range."

Akio hesitates, "So you–. But mr. solis. How did you end up here?"

Solis explains, "I tried to save you that night when your family died. So Zord fought me. I was still winning. And then they used you as a hostage. I was stupid, so i let myself be captured. A brief explanation for what happened."

Akio: It was too short.

Solis: you didn't understand it properly?

Akio: I did. But wait, this means, that night zord came to our place because of you? You're the one they were searching for?

Solis smiles.

Akio doesn't say anything for a while. He is still in a shock, then in a broken voice, he says, "you're that dr. shimura."

Solis answers calmly, "my full name is Solis shimura."

Akio looks at Solis carefully, an old guy with no shirt on. And with a lot of brutal cut marks, bruises. The beard has grown a lot since the last time.

Akio asks desperately, "what happened to your body?"

Solis: zord experimented on me. I ate some stone, and they wanted it out.

Akio recalls that word from kaush. The yuilog stone.

Solis continues talking, "Though that stone has mixed up with my blood."

Akio asks, "does stone really mix up with blood?"

Solis smiles, "don't stress yourself out for such small detail. It was a stone from the mental plane. It changes shape again and again."

Akio says in a calm voice, "and Zord tried to reacquire that stone again. So they experimented on you?"

Solis: They couldn't afford to kill me. If they had killed me, they would've lost a huge resource. That stone. But now…

Suddenly, solis's eyes turn furious.

Solis: I am gonna kill them.

Akio asks, "why? For revenge?"

Solis answers, "kinda. Zord took everything away from me. For their so-called world safety."

Akio: what're you trying to imply?

Solis: I can't tell you all about me, but you know what? I spent my 10 years within this jail because of you. I tried to save you. People may see this as heroism. But later, i realised that this was a stupid move.

Akio stays silent.

Solis continues, "this world deserves better. They don't deserve a ruler like zord. A biassed ruler. They kept the charge to themselves. Which was a part of the paper of the tomb. But there was another rule. Zord can't interfere with world building. They can't possibly interfere in the world president's work and normal human lives. But they consistently kept doing it. And now we are gonna change it."

Akio gets surprised, "we? You're locked up here. And who's this we? Do you have companions here?"

Solis laughs, "that's right. They're already here"

Meanwhile, in room f5, a call comes to grinal. Grinal picks it up right away. A voice comes out of the other side of that phone.

"Grinal, it's me, sanjo."

Grinal: yes i can tell by your voice. Tell me. Did you find any clue?

Sanjo: I found a guard's id here. Name's togi sakarwaja.

Grinal: togi? Ok let me find him. You guys keep searching.

Sanjo: Did you guys find anything yet?

Grinal sighs ,"an important detail. There was someone inside the tube. And he made that crack. Not sure who though."

Sanjo: someone inside the tube? Now that's interesting.

And all of a sudden, Sanjo feels that someone has pointed a gun towards him. He is able to feel this pressure coming behind him.

Sanjo: grinal. Send reinforcement here in the tunnel as fast as possible.

Grinal flusters, "why? What happened?"

Sanjo: It feels like the culprit is behind me. Ok i will call you later.

Grinal: wai-

Sanjo cuts the phone call. He looks behind and discovers that all of his underlings are pointing a gun at him.

Sanjo yells at them, "What type of manners is this? Tina? You guys? Are you betraying zord?"

Tina and other guards click on their shirt's button. By doing so, their disguise comes off.

Sanjo gets a huge surprise seeing that, "what?"

And Sanjo comes to a realisation that there is none who he used to know. Those were fakes.

Wearing the disguise of the ones he used to lead. The girl who was wearing Tina's disguise points her gun at sanjo.

"Well, it's dramatic. Sad."

Sanjo is still in a shock, he asks desperately,

"Where is tina?"

That girl with tina's disguise ignores his question and says,

"Well, as you see, she's not here. I am the one who is replacing her. My name is youko. Nice to meet you. Now die."

Saying so, she goes to click the trigger, but all of a sudden, youka and her soldiers feel a huge pressure.

It leaves Youka open-mouthed, "this charge!"

They look at sanjo. Sanjo's eyes seem dead. With no irish.

Sanjo again asks, "I will ask you guys another time. Where is tina?"

Youka shouts at Sanjo, "what's with you? You want to know about her? She is dead. We killed her off. And now, we will send you now to her."

Sanjo says with a dead voice, "I see… I see…"

Youka again points the gun at him.

Sanjo takes his stance, "I see. Now die."

The sound of gunfire shakes the entire tunnel.

And here, Grinal is getting super tense.

He doesn't know what to do. He turns to the guards in order to give order.

and he discovers that all of his guards are pointing guns at him,

Arish is surprised, "what's going on?"

Grinal: enemy has invaded the base. We're too late.

Arish: Oh god, give me a break.

Grinal sees that a guard is coming inside those guards.

"Hello, mr. secretary, my name is togi. I guess Sanjo already told you about me."

Grinal gets stunned, "you-"

Togi smiles, "Nice to meet you. And you are right. 80% of this base's guards are us. So yeah you can say we are already here."

Grinal asks desperately, "who're you guys? What's your motive?"

Togi laughs, "rogue."

Arish: rogue?

Grinal is shocked.

togi sighs, "this is gonna be one boring mission."

At the same time, in the guest room, the president is playing chess with aritsu. The match is intense.

Aritsu laughs, "checkmate."

Fuji shakes his head, "oh no. not again."

Aritsu keeps on laughing, "You've been losing against me for a long time. Now it has turned into a habit for me."

Fuji: don't get full of yourself, brat.

And suddenly, Fuji feels an ache on his back.

He gets up from his seat and starts scratching his back.

Aritsu asks out of concern, "what happened?"

Fuji doesn't answer and keeps scratching his own back and after a while, he lets out a scream. Every guard within the room takes defence.

Aritsu yells at them, "don't even dare to shoot. He is the president."

One of the guards says, "ok sir."

Frigha also responds, "you don't have to remind me of that. I know it very well."

And at that moment, Fuji stops shouting and scratching. And then he stands back in front of everyone.

Aritsu bewilders, "why does his charge feel different?"

Fuji laughs like a maniac and then says,

"cause i am different, you mother fucker."

Aritsu flusters, "what? Mr. President….what happened to you?"

Fuji: you retard. Don't you get it? I am no longer Mr. president. It's me. elta. Within this body, a different soul.

Aritsu is still in shock, "elta?"

Frigha is speechless, and somehow, he tries to speak and in a broken voice he says, "who are you?"

Elta smiles, "told ya… I am elta. and to be precise, A proud member of rouge."

At the meantime, in prison,

Akio says, "so, after a few minutes, there's going to be a big battle between zord 009 and your team rogue."

Solis smiles, "yes. My team. It's the endgame. Sure it took long enough for them to regroup after that huge battle we had 10 years ago. And we were waiting for this day."

Akio gets confused, "Why didn't you guys flee before? Why were you waiting for this particular day?"

Solis says in a very low tone, "Actually, We were waiting for a certain someone to wake up."

Akio: Is it me?

Solis: no, why would you think that?

Akio: ah…. Wait.. then…

Akio gets a clue and in a surprised eye, he looks at Solis


Solis continues speaking, "We didn't attack this base before because we didn't want Zord to get cautious about the rogue's presence more and more. And we didn't exactly know about kaush's past. All we knew is, he is the one who hacked all of zord's secrets. And I wanted them."

Akio: But as you guys didn't know about his past, you didn't know how he hacked those secrets.

Solis snaps his finger, "exactly. Our plan was that I would get into this base, and then my companions would invade this base from outside and I would destroy this base from inside. After that, we could snatch away kaush. Plan successful… bravo…"

Akio: But you guys were in bad luck. The moment you got into this place as a prisoner, the current president, toshiro, put kaush inside a tube. And as you guys didn't know about kaush's past, you believed that kaush didn't have his charge unlocked.

Solis smiles, "and because of that misconception, we had to wait till he woke up. If we had attacked this base and tried to take him away, it would only lead to his own death…"

Akio: as an artificial charge holder can't get outside of his original tube. leaving their tube, turns into their own demise. and, That's why you had to postpone your plan.

Solis sighs, "and we made our biggest mistake. He wasn't even a subject. He was natural. Thus he could survive without water. and for god's sake, we didn't know about it. I can't believe we made such a huge mistake and just can't believe that someone outmatched me in braingame. toshiro."

Akio also sighs, "well, I see, kaush's important. You even sacrificed your 10 years for him."

Solis laughs, "I want some important details from him. Sorry, but I can't tell you about that."

For a while nobody says nothing, then suddenly, akio speaks up,

"You guys wanted kaush. And coincidentally I woke up on that date? In the same tube… Isn't it too much of a coincidence?"

Solis smiles, "it is. Fate sure is cruel. By the way, I did want to meet you once more in my lifetime."

Akio stays silent,

Solis: But that's one of your qualities. The plot armour, you know? Haha.. you are certainly the main protagonist of this story.

Akio: I am no protagonist.

Solis: Well, you can deny the fact. But don't worry, soon you will get to know.

Akio sighs, "send me back to rigaka."

Solis: Are you sure? Everyplace in this zord base has been attacked. We are under control of it. No place is safer. Oh I remember that, your father was also there. But you hate him anyway. Even if he dies, nothing will happen to you. Right?

Akio murmurs, "yes.. Nothing…"

and then he remembers all those torn memories with his father.

"Goddamn it, Why do I remember these now?"

Akio: Solis, send me there right now.

Solis looks at Akio, a face with hope and aim. Seeing him makes Solis smile bigger.

Solis smiles, "I want to see your face after this whole thing. Be alive till then, brat."

Akio smiles, "you bet."

He leaves. And solis remains alone in that cell.

Solis laughs, "let's get out of this hell. Together."

That sound of laughter trembles the entire sector.