At 2:00PM, in the jail,

sector 3 cell no. 5,

Kaush heard a voice which made even akio panic and leave the jail as fast as possible. And he knows the identity of that voice-owner.

Vice commander of prison patrol. Musak.

He is probably here after seeing his guards disappear. And now he's checking all cells to see if everything's alright.

Kaush sighs and in his mind, he talks,

"Of course, none can leave this jail. Even if they try to use charge to leave this jail, the chains their legs are tied with won't let them go. Because of these chains, i can't use my charge's strong side. Can't bring out weapons, can't use superhuman strength. Though i can talk with my a.i. But for now, it won't help in any way. Pfft…"

Musak looks into kaush's cell to see if everything is alright. Kaush smiles at him to let him know that everything is fine.

But all of a sudden, someone hits musak from behind.

this shocks kaush.

Musak falls down. Behind, musak, there happens to be 10 huge men.

Kaush: ok, now this seems inappropriate.

he immediately brings out his A.I.

"Ai, what's going on?"

"You are quite late to the party."

"Party? Where is it?"

"Again. Bad sense of humour, boss."

Kaush sighs, "just tell me, Who are they?"

Ai: rogue members.

Kaush is surprised, "so.. They are quite fast. Ain't they?"

One of them orders the other member to open the lock.

Kaush looks at them.

The middle one of those members. Fat guy with a weird moustache. That guy seems to be the commander of other 9 members.

That guy comes close to Kaush and opens his chains up. while doing so, he had a creepy look on him. Then turns around and looks at his underlings,

"Take this shorty to the truck. Our mission is to keep him safe till dr. Shimura gets him. Ok? Don't make any mistakes on that. I am going to help others."

The underlings answers at once,

"Yes, thean sir."

That fat guy named thean leaves. And the rest of the guys try to chain kaush with different chains so that they can leave this prison with no risk.

but before they could do so, Kaush smiles, "let the party begin."

After 5 minutes, all of those guards are scattered down on the ground. Kaush beat them up brutally. he comes out of the cell and removes the blood on his neck,

"So easy."

Meanwhile, Akio finally returns to his room.

In these 30 minutes a lot of danger has gone through him. Where he finally met Solis shimura. And for some reason, he wants to destroy the entire zord base 009 now. He narrates these events in front of Rigaka.

And not to mention that akio also mentions about his past memories of that terrified night.

Rigika was amazed to hear every incident. He was also at the same moment terrified of the fact that the whole base is in danger. This'd include his wife and And the child who has not yet seen the light of the world. He looked at his wife, who had fallen asleep while waiting in the chair for akio.

Rigaka is shaking, "I can't let this end here. I just can't. Risha…."

None says a single word. But Sid breaks the silence.

"We have to move. They can attack at any moment. And if what Akio is saying is true, then they have already invaded this place. It's not safe."

Akio says immediately, "He is right. You guys need to leave."

Rigaka: What do you mean by "you guys"? You are also coming with us.

Sid and akio looks at each other, then sid opens his mouth to speak,

"We can't come. We need to make the way for you guys."

Rigaka: why would you….guys…. Go to such lengths…

Akio sighs, "you helped me rigaka. I owe you one. Also to this lady who helped me also. And you're gonna be a father."

For this line, he takes a huge breath, "Don't make your son hate you. You guys need to leave."

Akio then stands up and looks at sid,

"so. What's the plan?"

Sid: the portal. Rigaka just needs to open one and then leave.

Rigaka: wow. But I told you before that I need to be on the range. I can't create a portal outside this base, because it exceeds my range. I was only able to do it to jail because it was within this base, within my range.

Akio: then just open it again and again. Like open one here to the exit door. Then from there, the range will widen.

Rigaka: That's a good plan. But didn't you say that those rogues have already invaded this place. It'd mean that they might have turned a shield so that none can go outside this place. A charge reflector.

Akio: Do you guys have something like this?

Sid: It's called zield. A shield used for defence purposes.

Akio: So now?

Sid thinks for a few moments and says, "All we need to do is turn off that zield. In order to do so, we need to go to the control room."

Rigaka: yes but how are we going to do that? There'd be guards all over the control room.

Akio assures Rigaka, "we will come up with something. Don't worry. You guys just get ready. And wait near the exit door."

Meanwhile, in the guest room,

the president of 012 aka fuji has gone berserk.

"Someone has entered the president's body."

Elta's soul inside Fuji starts laughing.

"You guys are wrong. are all zord members such braindeads? I didn't enter his body. I just made a parasite and I left it in the body of the president. This parasite is one of my souls. So my body is somewhere else."

Aritsu flusters, "your charge? Someone in this world is alive with a dangerous hack like this?"

"Yeah. I am one of the rogue head commanders. There are plenty of stronger guys than me in my company. And they are here. You guys are done for."

Aritsu keeps screaming, "Someone help fuji. Please."

The guards don't listen to aritsu and brush fires on fuji.

Aritsu keeps going backward. He leaves the room so that he can contact other guards. He moves to the hallway.

After a few seconds, the sound of firing stops. Aritsu stops his movement and he looks behind to see what's the case.

At 1st, he couldn't see anyone.

But after a while, a creepy old man comes out of the room with an evil smile.

It's none other than fuji.

Aritsu continues to run to the front in order to save himself from the grasp of fuji. But fuji doesn't stop. He tries to catch aritsu.

in a whim, Fuji catches Aritsu's leg and turns it over and then throws him on the wall.

Aritsu gets hit. That pain makes him scream so badly. Blood is coming out of his head. Aritsu keeps on screaming. And fuji laughs seeing aritsu's plight.

Aritsu murmurs, "you're not fuji."

"That's what I was telling you. I am not fuji. It's Elta."

Aritsu chuckles with a weak voice, "I am glad. I can kill you without any hold back."

Elta stops smiling. He gets scared for a bit. But somehow catches a breath.

"Heh. you?? Don't make me laugh. What can a crippled man do?"

Aritsu smiles, "let's see."

Aritsu then creates a huge vibration from his mouth that even makes the entire hallway shake.

"What's going on?"

Aritsu ignores Elta completely.

He lets out a huge scream out of his neck. And that single scream takes away all of the skin, flesh from Fuji's body. Only the skeleton remains. Which shatters into pieces afterwards.

Elta's true body awakens right away in a hidden room of Zord's base. He feels like he was seeing a nightmare. The one who was scaring people got scared now.

"I didn't see this coming. My flesh…. Skins…. He took that away with just a scream?what was that?"

he gets up from the bed and looks outside.

"This was sound manipulation. But to think that he could use this hack this strongly, just who is he? He is even stronger than the president of 012. We now have 2 enemies I guess."

Elta grabs his own hair. "Who the fuck was that guy, i got scared of a crippled lame old man? That bastard."

On the other hand, aritsu leans over the wall.

"Oh good lord. I thought not of doing this anymore. But… Here I am. These skeletons…..i killed fuji."

He sits with his hands folded. Then shouts. "Someone there? Please someone help this old guy. I can't walk like this. As time progresses, I am just becoming more and more pathetic."

At the same time,

Grinal is still in room f5. They're being kept as hostages by rogue members. They are tied up with chairs.

And the one who is leading the invaders is togi. Every zord member is scared.

Grinal tries to calm the panic, "So your plan was simple. Making a hassle to keep people under dark. That tube incident. We tried to find clues whereas you guys keep killing our guards and replacing them with your rogue members. And then waited for a chance moment. And now this is it. Nice plan"

Togi chuckles, "can't say thank you because this plan maker isn't me."

Grinal: you guys are here to destroy this base. Right?

Togi laughs, "if we wanted to do so, we'd have done it a long time ago."

Grinal flusters "then what?"

Togi: We have 4 targets. One is to rescue dr. shimura from the prison. The 2nd is to kill the president of 009. Toshiro.

Grinal: one of the strongest higher up.

Togi explains, "killing him would give us a huge advantage. Also this incident will turn the entire zord association into chaos. Other higher ups would get confused. The 3rd is to find the charge-amplifier."

Grinal gets shocked, he didn't know that togi knew about the charge-amplifier.

Grinal asks right away, "how did you guys get information about it?"

Togi replies with an evil laugh, "We know everything. Charge-amplifier is the weapon to boost the abilities of a charge-holder."

Grinal: the use of it is taboo. None has ever used it since the age of ancients.

Togi: Do you really think so? How do you think toshiro became so powerful?

Grinal asks in a low tone, "what do you want to say?"

Togi smiles, "You know what i wanna imply. Toshiro used the charge amplifier. So we have to question him for that."

Grinal doesn't say for a while and then asks, "what's the 4th target, then?"

Togi: his brother, kaush.

Grinal: you want him because you want to know every secret of the zord? that's why you guys waited for kaush's awakening?

Togi: dunno.. we've been ordered by the vice president of rogue to do so. and they have their own plans in mind. we can't ask things like this from them.

Grinal takes a breath and laughs carelessly.

togi gets confused, "what's the problem?"

grinal stops his laughing and says, "and you call us blind believers? What are you then? you dunno what you're getting used for.... what's the difference between zord and your rogue? mark my word, none in this world is doing something which he himself wants to do. This petty world is setting their own perspective on normal humans. either you serve the system, or become the system.. There's no way you can be free from the system. it's impossible."

togi gets angry over grinal's talk. he stands up and punches grinal on his face again and again..

and again...

arish yells at togi, "stop... will you please stop...?"

togi grabs arish's neck and looks at his eyes, "you fucking shut up, you wouldn't want me to kill you. would you?"

Grinal asks togi even in that state, "i have another question, why did you guys make that crack within the tube?"

Togi looks at grinal, "you know what? We rogue didn't do it.

Grinal: don't lie, if you guys didn't then who would-

Togi: That's what even we wanna know. Who was that particular person who even outmatched us?

Grinal: You gotta be kidding me. Sanjo found your id inside the tunnel which goes towards the water tank.

Togi: I did go there. But not because I wanted to crack the tube. After that incident in room f5, I went to that water tank in order to check things. Unfortunately even I couldn't find who that person was that made a crack within the tube.

Grinal: and you left your id there just like this?

Togi: well, I went to that tunnel without permission. So when people with official permission entered there to check things, I had no choice but to hurry things up. And maybe that time, my id fell on the ground.

Grinal: which means there's someone else who did that crack. But who?

On the other hand, Rigaka and Risha are waiting near the exit door.

They still can't go past the exit door because of the guards.

That's why for now, They are hiding in a closed room. Akio and Sid have gone to turn off the zield.

Risha: Are we really going to leave them here?

Rigaka: no. no but… I can't risk your life.

Risha smiles, "I know how much you love me. But I love a man who doesn't give up on anyone. Am I wrong?"

Rigaka pushes his head on risha's head, "You can hate me all you want, but I can't. Just can't."

Risha embraces rigaka.

While they are talking, at that time, around the control room of the zord base, tons of guards are guarding it. And Akio and Sid are keeping an eye on them from a place unnoticeable.

Sid puts his hand on akio's shoulder, "I will do whatever I can. You remain here."

Akio: I can't help, I do know that. I hope you can use your charge accurately and even better than these guys.

Sid smiles, "yeah kind of. I have my hack. I am a water manipulator."

Saying so, Sid creates some small water balls and throws them towards the lights. With this, the lights get destroyed and the whole room turns dark. Every guard starts panicking. And seeing this, Sid attacks them with some swords made of water.

In a few seconds, Sid kills a lot of the guards.

Akio: too strong.

But at that moment, even in that dark place, a muscular guard hits Sid in the right place. Sid lets out a huge scream and falls on the ground.

That muscular guy was so angry by the fact that all his friends here got beaten by sid. In order to let his anger out, he tries to stomp Sid with his big bulky feet.

Akio knew that if those feet hit Sid, Sid was over. So he hurries up and takes a huge rod and hits that guard on his head.

That guard falls to the ground on his knees. Then akio keeps hitting him. After a while, that guard loses his consciousness.

Sid gets up, "too much blood. I didn't know you were this kind of a monster. Your strength…."

Akio is also surprised by the fact he has so much strength in him,

"I didn't even know. At least, I helped with something. Also, We don't have time to talk about this. You go and shut down that zield."

Sid nods, "Yes, you are right."

Saying so, Sid runs toward the control room and finds the zield button and turns it off. Akio leaves a sigh of relief.

"After all, we have now succeeded. Awesome. Isn't it sad?"

Akio tries to cheer Sid up but Sid doesn't seem to respond.

Akio again asks, "sid? Are you listening?"

Sid turns his face over, "sorry, akio. It's too late. He is coming."

Akio: who?

Sid's face pales, "Oh, bad timing."

Akio gets impatient, "bad timing?"

A small ray of light is coming from outside. And with the help of this light, akio could barely see Sid's face.

Suddenly, Sid's presence changes. Akio gets the feeling instantly. Akio looks at Sid.

But even he knows that, it's no more Sid.

Sid laughs like a maniac.

Akio murmurs, "sid…."

Akio's calling stops Sid's laugh. Sid looks at Akio with a menanceful eyes. Akio never saw such eyes. Sid clicks on a button and it starts a countdown.

Then Sid looks at Akio and smiles, "Ding dong, kid is here."

Akio flusters, "kid?"

"Sir, i've found a dangerous activity from the control room."


"2 persons invaded within the control room beating 10 rogue members. And worst of all, they activated the Red bomb."


A.I : Yes sir, we have to hurry.

Kaush while walking out of the prison,

"Hmm, I am heading towards it. The control room."