"Dissociative identity disorder. A disease that creates multiple personalities within a single body. There've been a ton of cases recently like this. And still it feels weird, and it still is rare to see people like this. mr. Grisha katsueki. Your son, Sid, isn't normal."

These are the words my father heard when I was just 7 years old.

Another personality was manifesting within me.

My mom was worried that what if my true self gets hidden within that new personality. She was afraid that, maybe after sometime, my body will remain, but me? Maybe I wouldn't be here.

After some time, they got to know that it can't be the result. Me and my alternative personality will continue living in a single body. Means i won't be dead.

They were relieved but Still I was afraid.

At that time, someone grabbed my hand and told me some magical words.

"Sid, You are our precious son. We won't ever leave you. You won't leave us. We will always be here with you. And you will always be here with us. Forever. None can take you from us. So stay strong"

Saying so, that particular someone aka my father aka Grisha katsueki, looked at my eyes.

And I was just crying. I wished to have my father with my side as long as possible.

After some years, I entered the tube in order to awaken my charge and I returned 5 years later.

And when I returned, I got news that, on a mission, my father was killed.

I couldn't cry.

But, I stayed strong

After some time, my mother married another man and left me to my uncle. My father's blood related brother. Aritsu katsueki.

Even when my mom left me, I didn't cry.

I stayed strong.

There was a hope inside me that I still had someone on my side… I am not alone…

I am not…

Uncle Aritsu was always depressed. He and my father were partners. My father did lose his life in that mission. But he also lost his legs.

He couldn't fight anymore.

So he retired.

His son was in the tube. At 1st, uncle used to talk with me. I was happy with that.

But after 5 years, he even forgot about me.

He was busy thinking about his son's awakening. He kept sitting on the same chair everyday… waiting for his son.

I felt bad for him….. No, I felt bad for myself… I again became lonely.

But still I didn't cry. As my father suggested, I stayed strong.

After that, I found some friends in this zord association. A Weird couple. Rigaka-risha.

They helped me, Talked with me.

I was happy with that.

But 5 months ago, the news came. Risha was pregnant. The whole attention turned to their baby.

At that time, I cried.

I know I should be happy. But even if it sounds selfish, I was depressed to bits. I felt like a left alone person. I was always alone.

None understood me. Except for one guy. That guy inside me. I called him kid. He also endured all those ignored glares. He also suffered with me. We both cried since then.

And the moment when we got the news of akio getting awakened, we reached the room and saw rigaka and uncle Aritsu there.

They were so obsessed with akio's awakening. I know he is my brother. But for some reason, I was jealous.

I didn't get this affection this entire time and now someone just arrived and got everything which was supposed to be mine. I was looking at my uncle with teary eyeS.

I still stayed strong.

But the one who couldn't stay strong was my other one.


He took over my body on a whim.

And With the help of water he created a human incarnation inside the tube and punched at the tube with it.

That punch made a crack which resulted into the explosion in room f5. I was scared, so I fled.

"What were you thinking, kid? What the hell were you thinking?"

I kept asking you this while running. But you didn't come out. You didn't answer. Since then, you haven't come out.

But now all of a sudden, in the worst timing possible, you came out. Why?

In this deep valley of your emotions, I am hidden here. You are out there with my body. From your eyes, i can see terror in akio's eyes.

Why do you want to kill him?

"isn't it obvious? I am going to take what we deserve. And I will act on what I believe. You shut up."

Akio asks, "Who are you talking to? And what are you? Another personality within sid? Multiple personality disorder?"

Kid mocks him, "Just which era are you living? That name is outdated."

Akio bites his tongue, "oops. Sorry for not being updated. By the way, can you call Sid back? We need to move."

Kid takes his stance, "not gonna happen."

Akio startles, "what're you trying to do?"

Kid creates 300 mini humans with the help of water. They all surround Akio and attack him.

But on the counter, akio couldn't do anything, he got afraid. He feels like he is drowning among those insects.

Seeing his plight, kid just keeps laughing.

At that moment,

a figure enters the room destroying the wall with a huge weapon. That weapon looked kinda like a trident but not 100% trident.

Even though Akio couldn't recognize that weapon. But he recognized the figure right away.

Akio: kaush. You…

Kaush gives a smile to akio.

Kid's concentration breaks off and the mini-humans he created vanishes away.

"That shocked face should be mine."

Akio asks desperately, "how did you come here? You were in jail."

Kaush: That's not important. Let's focus on the current situation right now.

Kaush enters the room and notices the kid. "You.. the other personality within sid. That zord member who has a problem of Dissociative identity disorder."

Akio shakes his head, "oh so that's what it is called. Great."

Kaush then snaps his finger, "also akio, he is your brother."

Akio gets a huge shock.. Words aren't coming out of his mouth. He is just trying to calm himself down….


Kaush continues saying, "the son of your father's brother. Basically he is your cousin-brother."

Akio sits on ground and puts his hand over his face,

"wha- Why didn't I get to know about him?.... Even rigaka.. Didn't… tell.."

Kaush: rigaka knew this. But he didn't want to tell you yet I guess. Monitors aren't supposed to let the subject meet with their family before a week after their awakening. That is the duty of a monitor.

None says nothing for a second. Akio's eyes turn watery. And he says,

"Oh good lord. I thought I was alone."

Kid gets pissed off hearing akio's comment, "you were alone? I spent 11 years under darkness. I was alone. Every Time I find someone, they get far away from me. You're not Sid's brother. You're a stone which is blocking and irritating my way. Now I will remove it."

Kid creates a huge bamboo made of water and attacks akio with it. But Kaush protects him with his weapon.

Kaush sighs, "So you were the one to attack akio's tube. Huh?"

Kid exhales.

Akio gets a shock. "Even though you are my brother, you tried to kill me?"

Kaush mocks akio, "You tried to kill your own father. That's even worse."

Akio: ya- wai-how do you know?

Kaush smiles, "I am kind of an omniscient you know."

Kid dematerialized that bamboo and created a sword out of it. Then he tries to attack Kaush with it.

Kaush brings out a shield from his ai and stops that sword.

Kid keeps swinging that sword to kaush and kaush somehow blocks those swings. Those swings even cut down a whole door.

Kaush knows that, if he gives more chances to Kid, he may end up losing his life. With that worry of life in his heart, he then creates a spear and tries to stab that spear within Kid's heart.

But Kid survives that deadly attack by creating a huge whirlpool made of water.

And that made Kaush fly away for 10 metres. Kaush recalls those attacks from his brother because of this.

Kaush laughs, "it must be fate that we are fighting here. You have the same type of charge like my brother. The only difference is He had fire, you have water. But the way you use your charge is just too similar to my brother. I can remove all depressions of mine by beating the crap out of you."

Akio looks at kid and then looks at Kaush, and calmly says,

"why not try to talk it out?"

Kid's attention again turns to akio.

Akio gets scared a bit, "sid, I mean Kid don't."

Kid attacks akio with that spear of kaush. And he is really angry.

"You are the cause of everything."

Kaush jumps at Kid and locks him on the ground. Because of that lock on his back, Kid can't move.

Kid still tries to get away growling, "why… you??"

Kaush: I can't let you do anything to him. After all, he didn't do anything wrong.

Kid keeps on yelling, "You think I don't know that? I am always wrong."

A small breeze blew past them. The water glass from a table falls off.

Tears come out of kid's eye. Kid tries eat his tears up, and then says in a broken voice,

"I know. I did bad things to akio. He also suffered. But what about sid?? He cried. He always said that he doesn't cry. He stays strong. But only I know. He cries. He is just a normal kid. I can't justify my actions. I don't even want to."

Kaush: you can't justify yourself, so you just want to put all the blame on someone. Don't you? And that someone… akio..

Kid doesn't say anything in response. His tears are still coming out.

Kaush: Look, I know how painful loneliness can be. But sid won't want you to kill akio. He also lost 10 years of his life. Lost his only family he loved so much.

Akio doesn't say anything. He stays silent.

Kaush continues, "you know kid, i am also like sid. A lonely kid waiting for someone for 10-11 years. But were we always alone? You found this boy within you called "kid". I found my ai. We were suffering. But kid, ai were always there to support us."

The tears aren't stopping. Kid is trying his best to stop them. With that sad face, he says,

"what're you saying? I am no human. Just another personality. How can sid find anyone within me?"

Kaush smiles, "We both know it's false. I myself think of my A.I as my partner."

A.I : thank you sir.

Kaush: go inside. Will talk later

Kaush then looks at sid and says,

"So kid, let's go. We don't have much time."

Kid stays silent for a while. But then all of a sudden, Kid uses his charge to unlock Kaush's lock. And pushes kaush away.

Then makes a wall made of water between akio, kaush and him.

Kaush shouts and punches through that wall, "what are you doing, kid? Get out of here. We don't have much time."

Akio gets confused, "What do you mean by not having much time?"

From the other side of the wall, kid's voice comes out, "i activated a red bomb while closing the zield. I did it to kill myself after i kill akio with my hands."

Akio yells at kid, "what..the fuck… are you dumb, bruh?"

Kid gets irritated, "it was a mistake..i know. But I am the bad guy.. I had to do such stupidity. And Kaush, you came here because you felt this. Right?"

Kaush says nothing.

Kid laughs, "You are omniscient after all. This bomb will destroy entire base 009 within 30 minutes. 5 minutes have passed already. You guys move."

Kaush shouts, "we're not leaving without you. Wait, let me break this wall."

Kid: don't. Or I will shorten the countdown.

Kaush gets irritated, "why're you acting like a child?"

Kid: I am a kid after all. You can say it's a punishment.

Kaush: bu–

Kid: i will try to stop the bomb from here. You guys move and try to save those whose life has some meaning for you.

Akio looks at the ground and says, "I will come back."

Kid tries to smile, "don't give me false promises. Just go."

Kaush and akio leaves. And the one who remains is Kid. But no, for the 1st time in life, he feels like he isn't alone anymore.

Kid: That guy got us good, didn't he, sid?

Sid: He did. You're good now?

Kid: Maybe, he was right. I needed a proper beating. I am alright now.

Sid sighs, "you turned the bomb on for different reason. Didn't you?"

Kid stays silent.

Suicidal Save.

An important section for zord presidents. Anything goes wrong in their base, if some army invades, the 1st priority would be to turn on the red bomb. So that, they can blast away the entire base with the enemy. It will lead to self-destruction of all important documents and copies.

but kid and sid both know that toshiro won't abide by this section. He will try to save every single zord member.

and even they didn't want to abide by this rule. sid isn't a type of guy who will destroy the entire base for some rules.

but something happened in that brawling match which changed them. totally.

A green hoodie guy came close to them during that match.

"Activate the red bomb. you guys will have your chance."

sid at that moment was shocked, his eyes can't get deceived. That green hoodie guy was none other than Okira himself.

the Secretary of Zord base 12. Secretary of President Fuji. he whispered in Sid's ear.

"you will have the chance to save your friends. but if you want me to let those guys live.... you need to activate the red bomb. And if you don't activate it… then… your friends….will die."

Those words were clinging at his body like chains.

"You do know, I can still destroy your plans and destroy every single one of your friends.. So think… think…Mr. Sid."

He did come back. Those words traumatised sid. But He wants to save risha and rigaka. He doesn't care what happened to others..

Risha and rigaka should be saved…

And he did what he could..

Getting risha, rigaka out of this base. Turning the red bomb on…

Sid also decided to die along with this base… while letting akio live. as an aplogy towards him and uncle aritsu.

But kid interfered.. He stopped akio ,

he didn't want akio to live. He wanted him to die with him…

While, … the ones who are still standing to die are none but them.

Sid and Kid.

kid sighs, "we've already broken zord rules once for your cousin..."

sid: it was because i wanted to repent for my deeds.

Kid takes a deep breath, "good. Now I want to repay my debts to zord. rigaka, risha-they can leave the base on their own. we can just destroy it peacefully. This way, okira won't hurt them."

none says nothing for a while... they are both confused.. just dunno what to do next.

Sid suddenly says, we're dumb. right?

Kid laughs, "kind of. this time, we're dying for sure."

they both keep on laughing.

And that smile didn't have any cruelty or any mockery. A pure childish smile.