Aritsu is sitting on the ground of the hallway waiting for someone to pass by and help him. He closes his eyes and recalls his family.

"I am sorry"

All of a sudden, Aritsu hears footsteps. He opens his eyes and looks to the left. There he notices toshiro, president of 009. Aritsu gets hope after seeing him.

Aritsu smiles, "president, ah.. You're here."

Toshiro suddenly starts running after noticing the skeleton of fuji.

The flesh, bloods are scattered here and there. His dresses are there but drown within those bloods.

Toshiro stops beside the skeleton and gets on his knees.

Aritsu: I am so sorry. I had no choice.

Toshiro stops aritsu, "I can understand. Let's go. We can't waste our time here. I came here after noticing the invasion by the rogue."

Aritsu: You came here to protect fuji.

Toshiro's eyes got angry, "it's the president of 012. Don't casually take his name."

Aritsu: eek. Sorry. But can you help me get out of here? I can't even stand. These artificial legs are hurting too much.

Toshiro mocks him, "pathetic. I don't know why Fuji liked you so much. Here."

Toshiro makes 2 crutches out of fire.

Aritsu gets surprised, "Are you suggesting that I use this?? My hand will get burnt."

Toshiro again glares at aritsu

Aritsu tries to smile, "no, no it's ok."

he somehow gets on that wheelchair. And surprisingly it doesn't feel any hot. For aritsu, the fire toshiro created seems so cold.

Aritsu smiles, "you can manipulate the heat of the fire you use. Awesome. You've improved a lot."

Toshiro ignores that compliment.

"Let's go. Rogue has already taken over multiple places from this base. Even the control room."

Aritsu starts walking beside him, "Now that's bad news."

"I guess so."

A voice comes out from behind. Aritsu and Toshiro both look behind and discover a person wearing a guard's uniform coming out of a nearby room.

"Hi, it's me Elta. I guess you do remember me, aritsu."

Aritsu's eyes got bigger.

"He is the one who somehow took over fuji's body.--"

Aritsu couldn't finish the sentence. In a mere second, Toshiro gets in front of Elta with a hammer made out of fire.

Elta couldn't even react to his speed. Toshiro's eyes gave him the chills of death.

Elta is in shock, "So fast."

That hammer hits Elta on his right face and he falls on the ground.

"at least… Give me a chance to talk…."

Saying so, Elta loses consciousness.

Meanwhile, in the room f5,

Grinal asks desperately, "So who is your leader? Who is in charge of this operation?"

Togi gets irritated, "You speak too much. Can't you remain silent?"

Grinal: just a small question. You even tied us up. Can't you answer a single question?

Togi: you're too irritating. There's one leader. And we can't tell you about him. We can't take chances about that.

All of a sudden, a guard straight up enters the room running.

Togi looks back at that guard.

"what happened?"

Guard: sir, control room is taken over from us.

Togi gets a huge surprise, "Who did that? President toshiro?"

Guard: we still don't know. When I tried to enter the room, a huge monster made out of water was guarding the place. I just fled from there just to inform you about this thing.

Togi: idiot. Just go there with reinforcement.

Grinal asks, "what happened to sanjo, togi?"

Togi looks at Grinal, "yeah, if he's alive, it can prove a nuisance.and maybe this thing in the control room is one of his doing."

Then he again turns his attention towards the guards, "find sanjo and see if he's alive or not. I tried to call youka multiple times, but she isn't answering."

Guard responds with a nod, "yes sir."

Meanwhile, sanjo was already finished with youka and others.

The corpses are just scattered from here to there. Even sanjo is injured. blood is coming out of his head. One of their bullets did somehow hit his head badly.

But the bullet missed the brain. That's why he could keep his body and his consciousness together.

Sanjo puts his hand on the wall and tries to balance himself.

"all of my team-members are dead. I can't imagine their dead bodies. Oh, I am losing my mind. I have to get out of here as fast as possible."

After a while, he gets out of the tunnel and sees the dark sky. He is now out of the zord base.

He looks around and sees none. His head is twitching. And all of a sudden he loses his balance.

But someone saves him from falling on the ground.

Sanjo looks above the person's face who saved him.

It's rigaka.

"Sanjo, hold yourself."

Sanjo cries, "rigaka, my friend. They are dead."

Rigaka: don't think about anything or anyone for now. I came here seeing you coming out of the base. We're leaving the base for now. Rogues are all over the place. Let's flee.

Sanjo doesn't have the strength to refuse rigaka.

Rigaka carries sanjo on his shoulder. And within that dark night, surviving the focus of every guard's attention, rigaka takes sanjo inside the jungle.

Risha was already waiting there for Rigaka's return. Rigaka puts sanjo beside a tree and gives him a bottle to drink water.

Sanjo asks, "How did you guys come here?"

Rigaka: akio and sid helped us.

Sanjo looks at the base and says, "You guys made a good decision to flee. This place is no longer safe."

On the other hand,

Elta wakes up and finds himself all tied up. In front of him, he could see president toshiro and aritsu staring at him.

Elta laughs like a fool, "I am alive."

Aritsu smiles, "I somehow convinced toshiro to spare your life. After all, we need our information."

Elta: But you won't get that.

Toshiro: Then you don't need to live. Let me give you a chance to die.

Elta gets scared "no, please don't."

Toshiro: Then tell me who is leading you guys in this mission?

Elta: it's…

Suddenly a notification comes on toshiro's smart watch. Toshiro checks it out and notices that the time bomb has activated. They only have 23 minutes.

Toshiro: defuq.

Aritsu asks desperately, "what happened?"

Toshiro isn't moving and then he suddenly says with a weak voice, "red bomb."

Aritsu gets a huge shock, "oh no."

Elta starts crying, "no , I don't wanna die."

Aritsu chokes him on his neck and looks at him with a furious eye, "Tell me the name and I'll let you go, Elta. It's a good deal."

Elta hesitates for a bit.

Toshiro: tell the name...

Aritsu stops toshiro, "let me handle him."

Elta says with a weak voice, "It's the secretary."

Toshiro flusters, "grinal?"

Elta: no. the secretary from 012.

Aritsu: it's okira. i thought he was on our side.. what's he doing?

then he looks at toshiro and asks, "Where is he now?"

Toshiro responds, "He should be at my office. I will go and check him out right now."

Toshiro was going to leave,

but at that time, The rope tie was untied.

Toshiro and Aritsu both were surprised to see so.

Elta laughs, "Thanks to you guys for letting me buy some time. Untying ropes are a piece of cake for me."

Toshiro tries to stop Elta, but Elta is faster this time. He grabs Aritsu's mouth and puts a parasite within him.

After this action, Aritsu and Elta both fall on the ground.

Toshiro asks out of desperation, "aritsu?"

In a second, aritsu gets up on his feet.

Toshiro gets a little bit shocked to see so. He looks at Aritsu's eyes. It's filled with cruelty.

Toshiro: you're not aritsu.

"Well I am not. It's Elta within Aritsu's body."

Toshiro takes his stance, "well, get out of him right now."

Toshiro then creates an axe made of fire and tries to attack Elta, but Elta stops him making an invisible wall made of his sound.

Toshiro backs off. "What!"

Elta smiles, "See, I don't have that much of a good charge. All I can do is create small parasites and then put them within my opponent's body. Then i can control his charge all i want, i get superhuman strength, speed and agility. Also the hack. Isn't it awesome?"

Toshiro asks, "What happened to aritsu?"

Elta: Well, he is dead. You have no way to save him anymore. And you're also going to die. I saw how aritsu defeated fuji in a second. Aritsu's charge is amazing. I don't know why you are the president and Aritsu is not.

Toshiro fiercely attacks Elta. And Elta blocks it right away. The counter blow sends toshiro flying away. Toshiro gets up and once again rushes towards Elta.

Elta mocks him, "Why are you getting so worked up? Huh? Did I pinch your soft spot? Ha ha.."

Even though Elta didn't know that, he did pinch toshiro's soft spot unintentionally.

Aritsu and toshiro both were once the candidates of president in base 009. Aritsu was always above toshiro. In experience, in strength. Other higher ups always loved aritsu.

Even after he lost his leg, people supported him. Fuji wanted him to become the president.

But toshiro's father, the former president, used his connection in the higher up to make toshiro the president.

Toshiro didn't like it this way but he didn't have any choice as this was part of his deal with his father. In order to save his brother, he became the president. After he became a president, he swore to become stronger.

And he did become. He became one of the strongest charge holders in the zord association. stronger than even aritsu.

But people started talking behind him.

"Toshiro used his connection to become the president."

"Toshiro used the charge amplifier to become this much stronger."

"Aritsu should have been the president instead of toshiro."

Those stinged him to the death. But he couldn't do anything.

Elta lands Consecutive attacks on toshiro. Toshiro blocks them.

Toshiro smiles, "Now I am satisfied."

Elta creeps out, "Are you a masochist?"

Toshiro washes the blood from his face, "i am glad that you brought aritsu on his knees once again. Now I can show who's the best among us. i was waiting for this moment.. thank you so much.."

Toshiro creates a huge spear of fire even bigger than the entire zord base. That spear tore apart the ceiling above toshiro and Elta. The roof above their head is blown off.

Grinal, sanjo, rigaka, akio, kaush, sid - everyone gets a huge shock from that huge sound. the whole base is surprised to see such power showdown.. and they get a feel that it's none other than the president, toshiro.

Elta is also shocked, "what?"

Toshiro says it on a whim, "It's my final resort. My last attack which I invented in order to kill you off, aritsu."

Elta startles, "hey, wasn't aritsu your partner? Wait a second. Time please..."

Toshiro points his spear at Elta. "I, the president of zord base 009, am going to put an end on you."

Elta shouts and creates a huge barrier out of sound, but he couldn't hold it against the tremendous power of toshiro.

Elta screams out, "Damn it."

as he closes his eyes. But he doesn't feel anything happening to him.

So he opens his eyes and finds the body fine. and out of habit, he laughs out But when he notices his real body lying on the ground, he gets traumatized.

That body is stabbed by that huge spear.

Elta gets a huge shock, "wh–"

Toshiro laughs, "I thought of killing aritsu. But nah.. You can't even use his power properly. Killing him here would be a waste of time. So I killed your original body. I guess without that you won't be alive. Right?"

Elta clenches his fist, "You bastard."

Elta's charge comes out of Aritsu's body and Aritsu falls on the ground.

Toshiro looks at aritsu, then looks at the sky.

"It hurts... it fucking hurts."