"What was that sound?" Akio asks desperately.

Kaush is confused. He knows that it's his brother, but why would his brother use so much charge for an opponent.

Kaush murmurs, "The danger is real. Rogues are really dangerous and powerful. And worst of all, that red bomb. We are screwed."

Akio gives a small hit on kaush's head, "let's go. We have less than 25 minutes now. Don't have time to worry about such stuff."

Kaush says in a low tone, "should we really go and save them?"

Akio doesn't say for a while and rethinks. Then he says, "if we don't do so, we'd be doing the same mistake sid did there. I don't want to go through all that trouble he went through. What about you?"

Kaush clenches his fist.

"Let's go."

At that time, Sanjo and rigaka notice the fire spear from the jungle.

Rigaka laughs, "it was the president. He is alive, it means we have a chance."

Sanjo is still in shock. He says, "but it was supposed to be his last resort in battles."

Rigaka looks at Sanjo and says in a low voice, "means.. The opponent is really strong."

Sanjo: They are. By the way, why don't you guys leave? You don't have time right now.

Rigaka sighs, "There are no houses up to 10 miles around. It is very risky to go so far with a pregnant woman. And I can't use my hack again and again.That way, I will be out of charge soon."

Sanjo shakes his head, "I see."

Then he looks at risha and says, "Risha, give me a promise."

Risha gets confused.

Sanjo: If this child comes out, name him sanjo.

Rigaka also gets confused and asks, "what?"

Sanjo smiles, "name it sanjo If the child turns out to be a boy. If it's a girl, don't name her sanjo. It will sound bad for her. And probably in future, she will get mad over the name."

Rigaka: What are you saying and why are you..

Then Sanjo looks at Rigaka, "I am going to steal a car from the base."

Rigaka gets shocked, "you're again going inside the base? It's a suicide. You're not even healed properly."

Sanjo ignores rigaka's words and starts walking, he looks at the base, "here i come motherfuckers."

And then he looks at rigaka and risha, "and here I go. And don't forget my promise"

Saying so, Sanjo leaves. Rigaka and risha have no choice but to see him leaving. Sanjo always wanted his sign on this world. He wanted someone who will remember him as a part of his life even after he dies.

Rigaka sighs, "I am pathetic."

On the other hand,

Grinal asks for water. He looks around him. Room f5 is now filled with the whole zord base 009. Rogue members had already killed a huge number of zord members. And Survivors have been locked in this room.

Grinal shakes his head, "it's not looking good. I mean not everyone can fit in this single room."

Togi: others have been killed. We just kept you guys because we want to use you guys as a hostage for the president. I know we can't kill him that easily.

Grinal smiles, "a plan b. So I guess that sound which we just heard really scared the shit out of you."

Togi looks at Grinal with a mad look, "whatever. Look, we all accept that, president is strong. Too strong. But we're not gonna lose that easily. We will do whatever it takes. This night is going to be our win.

Grinal grins, "I just wish for your good luck."

At that time, a call comes on togi's watch. He receives it immediately,

"Hello, is it togi?"

Togi responds immediately, "yeah. But who are you?"

"It's me. Okira."

Togi flusters, "Oh sir, so sorry. I couldn't recognize you. But are you still here? You were supposed to leave right after you found dr. shimura. Right? Don't tell me, you still couldn't find him."

Okira says with an angry voice, "I am right in his cell, but it's empty. Like none is here. Where did he go?"

Togi gets astonished, "It can't be possible. I sure did check everything. He was in that cell."

Okira: ok but where is he now? Look, we don't have much time.

Togi: I know, sir. Bu-

A guard interrupts their talking all of a sudden. He is now taking deep breaths after running this fast.


Togi: don't disturb. I am on a call.

"Sir, this is important."

Togi: what?

"We just found that A red bomb has been activated."

Everyone in that room gets a huge shock. They start panicking and shouting.

Grinal murmurs, "that red bomb from the control room? It can even wipe out an entire city from its existence. Destroying this base wouldn't be a big problem for it."

Togi: What the hell?? What's that doing in this base? I never heard of it.

Grinal says, "it's a plan B for this base. If someone attacks this base, we have to use it to destroy the base. But the only persons who know about the codes of that bomb are the presidents, secretaries and the rest of the higher ups. How was anyone able to turn it on?"

Togi yells at Grinal, "But we can shut it down. Right?"

Grinal nods, "yeah, the coordinates are in the control room. You can shut it down with the help of the person who turns it on. Whenever we turn a redbomb on, we most of the time change the coordinates, so that afterwards only we know about the codes. This way, it's safer."

That guard answers right away, "but someone already locked the control room from inside with water. We can't pass by it."

Okira keeps shouting, "togi. Listen to me."

Togi once again takes the call, "sir, actually there has been a problem."

Okira: the red bomb has been activated?

Togi gets surprised, "how do you know? I kept the call on hold, it means you wouldn't have known what we were talking about here."

Okira shouts at togi, "you don't question me, dumbass. Now Go to the control room right away."

Togi nods, "Yes sir."

Okira takes time and says, "and…. Kill all those hostages."

Togi startles, "sir, are you sure?"

Okira: yes.. Do it.

Togi cuts the phone and then looks at grinal.

He orders his underlings, "I am going to the control room. And you guys, kill all of the hostages."

Grinal remains calm. "Cry of a loser?"

Togi punches Grinal on his face. Then he runs towards the control room. And a couple of his member tags alongs him.

Grinal sighs, "so it's the end of us."

He then notices that little daughter of arish. She's terrified of this whole matter. She looks at Grinal with an innocent face. Grinal and arish shouts at the rogue member to spare the kid.

But in response, only the sound of brushfire gets heard from the room F5.

While, Kaush and Akio finally reach the room where Toshiro and Aritsu are. And there Kaush finds them lying on the ground.

A.I: see, i am never wrong. I told you they will be here.

Kaush looks at his brother and sits beside him. On the other hand, akio gets closer to his father. At that time, toshiro wakes up and sees kaush sitting beside him.

Toshiro smiles, "Am I in heaven?"

Kaush mocks him, "ew.. Creepy."

Toshiro startles,"It's you, kaush. How did you get here?"

Kaush: We can talk about it later. We have some unfinished business. For those, I need you alive. Let's go.

Toshiro gets up with the help of kaush.

Toshiro pushes kaush away, "I am ok. It's just I didn't use this much charge in one go before."

Then toshiro looks at akio who is just trying to take aritsu on his lap in order to carry. Toshiro gets closer to him.

"Take him on your back. It'd be easier."

Akio nods, "ah.. Thank you."

Akio takes his father on his back.

Toshiro assures him, "don't worry. He is still alive. Take him outside. I also have to move."

Kaush asks, "where are you going now?"

Toshiro: I have to save my people.

A.i: they are in room f5.

Toshiro smiles, "thank you A.I for the tip. I owe you one."

Kaush trembles as he speaks, "no, no. You don't get it. We need to leave. We have less than 15 minutes. The red bomb has been activated."

Toshiro sighs, "It's ok. You guys go. I have to fulfil my responsibility."

Kaush shouts at him, "As if I care about it."

Toshiro looks at Kaush with his furious eyes, "I do. Please go. Or I will kill both of them."

Saying so, toshiro points at akio and aritsu.

Kaush flusters, "wha– it doesn't make any sense."

Toshiro: It doesn't need to make any sense. Just go. And, kaush, happy birthday. It's 12 pm right now. I am on time.

Saying so, Toshiro leaves the room . also leaving his confused brother behind.

Kaush sighs, "stupid brother."

Then he looks at akio and says, "Ok, akio, let's go."

Akio asks right away, "What about your brother?"

Kaush smiles, "he'd be alright. Now let's move."

They start running through the hallway.

Akio asks while running, "By the way, it's your birthday?"

Kaush yells at him, "shut up."

They start running toward the exit door. And toshiro starts running toward room f5.

Meanwhile in the control room,

Sid is trying to sleep. He knows that he is gonna die. It's to repent for their deeds. Kid inside him is also depressed. They keep telling themselves that at least, they are able to save risha-rigaka. That's the only relief. But Kid is still badmouthing himself for what's gonna happen to sid.

"if only i hadn't existed… this wouldn't have ever happened."

Sid keeps trying to give hope to Kid, "don't ever say this again. We'll always be together."

Kid keeps murmuring, "if i hadn't…"

And suddenly the atmosphere around Kid changes. He finds himself in a place. And this seems so familiar. In front of him, he sees a lot of lions moving here from there.

Kid gets a shock, "Wait a second. I know this place. I came here when sid got his charge for the 1st time. But why now? What's going on?"

And then he notices something. A goat standing in front of him. Black goat with no eyeballs.

Kid sighs, "ok familiar face."

Kid sees a smile on that goat's face.

Kid gets a shock seeing so, "now it's not familiar."

That goat walks towards him. Kid keeps moving backwards.

In a second, that goat turns into a huge monster.

Kid startles, "A demon?"

"I am not. I am just a mere goat"

Kid responds right away, "goat doesn't speak."

That goat laughs, "is that so? I didn't know. By the way, I hope you remember me."

Kid shakes his head, "except for the fact, you never spoke before."

Goat: it's not like i couldn't. It's just i didn't feel the need to speak

Kid flusters, "Then why now?"

Goat: to give you a helping hand. A deal

Kid gets surprised, "what?"

That Goat continues talking, "you can save Sid from this explosion. Do you want to do so?"

Kid: I do. What do I have to do for that?

That Goat smiles and says with a cruel face, "can you afford any sacrifice for him?"

Kid gets afraid of that goat and hesitates a bit… he thinks.. Again and again.. What if that goat asks for his life…


He remembers that without Sid, Kid is nothing. He doesn't even exist. Then he looks at the goat and says, "yes

Goat smiles, "now we are talking. But you are a bit late."

Kid flusters, "what?"

That goat answers, "you're in a single plane of the mental world. There are infinite mental planes just like this. And your friend, Sid, was also brought to a mental plane and one of my versions asked the same question and gave the same deal to him. If he wants to save you , give anything as a sacrifice."

Kid gulps.

The goat continues, "but he didn't hesitate just like you. He answered right away that he'd sacrifice anything to save you."

Kid starts trembling, "no, don't tell me…. don't…"

That goat laughs as shakes the whole plane, "I am gonna appear in the material world after a long time. Haha… and one of you is gonna die as a sacrifice for my appearance… the beginning has started. The Goat is coming."

Then the goat looks at Kid's eyes, "the story is getting interesting."