"Hey, should we really do this?"

"We have to do this. We have no other choices. This whole zord base is now wrecked. Trust me. Let's get going with this ute car."

2 rogue members are trying to escape this place. They are terrified of the president. And the moment they saw the spear president created, they're now so scared to be here and fight that guy.

Suddenly they both hear a call from behind.

"Hey, who's there?"

Both guards notice a person coming from outside darkness.

It's sanjo. He's also here to get that car.

Sanjo tries to put on a smile and says, "Look, if you guys really want to escape, we can escape along. I mean I wouldn't mind."

Guards look at each other. Sanjo can see in their face that they are really confused. It's expected though.

And then suddenly they attack sanjo.

Sanjo sighs with regret, "oh no. why bro?"

Saying so, he takes his stance.

As, Guards take out their weapons to bash sanjo up.

But suddenly someone stabs them from behind. Both of the guards lose their consciousness and fall on the ground.

Sanjo looks to see who beat those guards and there he sees akio, kaush.

And akio is carrying aritsu on his back.

Sanjo smiles at them, "so, you guys are still alive."

Akio shakes his head, "I guess so. Nice to meet you. Are you on our side?"

Sanjo gets a bit confused and then recalls that Akio hasn't met Sanjo in person. Recalling that makes Sanjo laugh, and then he says,

"Oh, I met you before. But at that time, you just weren't conscious."

Kaush interferes, "He asked you something. Are you on our side?"

Sanjo sighs, "I don't know whose side you guys are on. But I am on rigaka's side, you can say."

Akio smiles, "then it's ok. I can trust you."

Sanjo also returns the smile, "thanks."

3 of them come near the car.

Kaush looks at the car and says, "2017 Mitsubishi Triton cab chassis. Great. We can all fit here I guess."

Akio asks desperately, "Where's rigaka and risha?"

Sanjo responds immediately, "they're in the jungle. Waiting for us."

Kaush smiles, "Then let's go."

Sanjo gets in the driver seat.

Kaush sits next to him.

While, Akio puts aritsu on the back of the car.

Kaush: get on, akio.

Akio then looks at Kaush with a fake happy face.

Kaush asks, "what? Aren't you getting on?"

Akio looks at his father and then says, "I can't. I have another duty. I will be back. You guys go on."

Kaush shouts at him, "No, I am not going on without you. Don't even dare to act like my brother."

Akio ignores his talking and continues saying, "Sid is there alone. I can't leave him."

Kaush sighs, "I know, but your father is here."

Akio murmurs, "You are here as well. My father would be safe."

Saying so, akio starts walking towards the inside.

Kaush yells at him, "Come back here, nor will I kill your father."

Akio doesn't stop walking and says, "I know you won't. And stop copying your brother's words."

Kaush understands Akio's feeling, but he possibly can do nothing. This whole thing about suicidal save. Kaush knows about it. He knows why sid is doing all these and started the red bomb. He also wants to help, but someone is manipulating the strings here.

The one who manipulated Sid, the one who is conducting this rogue operation on this base– they're probably the same.

And dying for his plan would play right on his plan.

Which kaush doesn't want to do.

Kaush sighs, "Ai, how many minutes do we have now?"

Ai: only 5 minutes.

Kaush clenches his fists, "Damn it. I guess I have no choice."

Kaush gets out of the car and shoots a knife at akio. That knife stabs Akio from behind.

Akio yells, "why.. You-"

Akio falls on the ground.

Sanjo smiles, "those poisonous knives…"

Kaush looks at Sanjo and says, "don't worry. Those poisons won't kill akio. It will only knock him out for a few minutes. Now, let's go."

On the other hand,

Kid and Sid both had a conversation with the goat on a different plane of existence.

And the result of that conversation had come out.

A deal between Sid and the goat.

Sid will let the goat use his body as a medium to enter the material plane. And in exchange, the goat will keep his body and Kid safe.

As the deal goes on, the goat enters Sid's body immediately.

He takes a few deep breaths and then bursts out laughing.

"This world…. Oh good lord. Even after this long time, the smell of this world still sucks."

All of a sudden, a group of people destroys the water wall which Sid made as a barrier. And they catch Sid and put him on the ground as they dunno about the fact that the one inside Sid's body isn't Sid anymore.

The goat looks around and notices multiple people and also sees togi. He smiles, "you… I remember you.. Just a pawn in this story."

Togi gets confused over Sid's line. Then he notices at the time.

It's 3:24 pm. Then he looks at sid.

"You… fucked me up."

Togi goes to the computer and sees the wires, coordinates. Those are really beyond repair. Then he looks at the timer. 2:45 minutes left.

Togi sighs, "totally."

Then he shouts at his members.

"Everyone, run to the exit door."

Everyone left except sid. Even the goat leaves Sid's body. He can't just interfere with material bodies that much just yet. He needs time to directly interfere with material bodies.

That's why he leaves Sid's body and creates a shield around him so that the shield protects him from that huge explosion that is gonna happen.

And inside that shield, there is no Sid. in order to save them, sid had already sacrificed his soul to the goat.

The only one who remains in that body is none other than Kid. kid tries to move, but he feels heavy pain on his hand.

The person who tried to put Sid down before, broke his arm as well.

He can't move , just crying. Kid tries to get up somehow, but his body is breaking apart.

Tears are coming out of his eyes, "shit… why is this… whyy… Sid.. where are you.. I am helpless."

On the other hand,

Toshiro somehow reaches near room f5. Guards get scared seeing him alive. Still somehow, they put themselves together and attack toshiro with their hacks and charge.

Toshiro creates a spear made out of fire and swings it.

With that swing, a lot of guards just get burned by it.

Still they don't back off. They continue to attack toshiro.

Toshiro has no choice but to create a whirlpool. And with it, he annihilated them completely.

And as he is tired, toshiro enters the room f5, and there he sees something, even he wasn't prepared for.

Corpses everywhere. When rogue members saw that the red bomb had been launched, they killed all the zord members.

All those bloods. And in front of him, he sees Grinal's dead body. He recalls the mission 10 years ago. He had to kill a whole family unintentionally at that time. In front of him, he killed someone he shouldn't have.

"It's the same, nothing changed."

Toshiro couldn't handle it. He sits on the ground and looks at those bloods.

Toshiro is frozen, "Fuji uncle, I couldn't protect anything. I am no president. Not anymore. I am just a corpse like these corpses. The only difference is I can still talk. I am worthless."

Suddenly Toshiro hears a sound, a 8-10 year old child covered in blood coming out of the corpses. She's terrified. Scared, traumatised.

Seeing her, Toshiro's Tears come out. And for some reason, he feels strong once again. He can protect at least someone.

The bomb is going to blast off. Toshiro creates a huge fire barrier all around him and that child.

Togi is running with his companions and trying to reach the exit door.

Kaush and Sanjo are reaching the jungle with their car.

Kid is also trying to run.

But at that moment, something happened.

Something supernatural.

The sky turns pure red.

The entire atmosphere changes.

Everyone who is present there is able to witness it.

Kaush, togi, rigaka, risha, sanjo everyone.

The reality distorts around them.

Sanjo is driving, but at that moment, a huge thing falls in front of him.

When kaush looks from the mirror, he sees more than 1000 huge spears coming at this place from the sky and falling all over the place.

Kaush screams out, "oh no."

But targeted swords stop right before those make any damage to the living beings.

Kaush sees those swords above 100 metres of them.

And then A huge eye pops out of that sky and looks down at them.

At that time, kaush gazes fall on the roof of the zord base.

There he notices a shadow standing.

And after some moment of glaring, he realises that this shadow was of a goat.

And surprisingly enough, that goat is Smiling.

Sanjo murmurs, "a demon."

But after a few moments, the sky turns normal.

And in 10 seconds after that, the bomb does his work. The entire place turns into a wreck.

Anonymous deaths.

Alive count: unknown.

At that time, akio was unconscious. And in his mental plane, something big is also occurring.

He reaches a world he knows a lot about, but at the same time, he doesn't know much.

He reaches that night. that same place 10 years ago. He sees fire all around his house.

He forgets about everything and hurries to put out the fire. And when He gets near it, he realises that for this world, he isn't real. Just an invisible guy.

Akio tries to put a fake smile on his face, "So I am an astral image for this time."

Akio looks all around him and he sees his younger self coming out of the jungle. And that little akio discovers the house burning.

That little boy gets on knees. But right after he moves forward to save his family.

That was the moment little akio got hit from behind by an unknown personality.

He didn't know who that person was all along.

But now that he is here, he sees the person who hit him from the back.


At that moment, a few people comes in front of solis running,

"Sir, zord is here."

Solis answers, "I know. They're already here."

Saying so, Solis looks in front of him and notices 5 zord members coming out of that house.

Akio flusters, "Zord is the one who destroyed my house!!?"

And among them, there's a very familiar face. He has seen this face before.

President toshiro.

who looks a lot younger than other members.

Solis shouts, "oh. Son of the president, Toshiro, is here. What happened? Why did you guys burn down that house? Let me guess, you thought, I am within that house? That's completely careless."

Toshiro notices solis and tries to keep himself calm and says, "don't fucking try to make a joke with me, it's not funny. There was a small girl who was able to awaken charge naturally. And you know that, we annihilate those people who are natural. And the other family members were going against us, so we had no choice… just as simple as that"

Akio frightens, "small girl, nia… she awakened and they killed her for this reason. My family….."

Akio gets on his knees. "Is it simple for them to kill my family?... it's …. No…how can it be? How-" he yells , but none hears his voice.

Then, He looks at his younger self.

"Why are we alive?"

Akio remembers the face of nia. Tears come out of his eye.

"We missed the safari."

Solis shouts at toshiro, "this is the reason why zord should be destroyed. You guys play with those people's lives like nothing."

Astral akio looks at Solis.

And there, Solis looks at his companion while pointing at little akio, "take care of this child."

Solis then thrusts and attacks all of them. They also counter with their charge.

But solis just changes the direction of those charges like nothing.

Solis is basically dominating those zord members.

Anyone could see how powerful solis was. Solis kills every single zord agent except toshiro.

Then Solis also corners Toshiro and tries to kill him.

Toshiro yells at him, "you're not gonna get away with it."

Solis smiles, "same goes for you and all of the zord. The thing… you guys did….. With newborns…..with my friends before…. "

Solis looks at Toshiro with a fierce face, "you guys are not gonna get away with it."

And then out of nowhere, someone appears in front of them and stops Solis's attack.

Akio looks at that someone and discovers that it's his father. Aritsu.

Aritsu then lands a powerful scream at solis.

And that sound is so fast that even Solis couldn't react to it. He gets blown away by the force of the blow

Toshiro flusters, "you.."

Aritsu turns his face towards toshiro, "yo, i hope i am not late."