Aritsu and Solis are standing against each other. A light breeze goes past them.

Aritsu is protecting toshiro at this moment, while solis is protecting young akio. Little does Aritsu know, it's his son's protector he is going to fight right now.

Akio's present self is trying to keep himself calm. He is here in his past watching his father battle for his organisation. While his family is dead.

"The irony.."

Solis and Aritsu Both attack each other.

Solis consecutively lets out attacks made out of scream, but aritsu just either blocks or dodges them.

And after a few minutes, he gets the pattern of aritsu's attack and thus he responds to every attack of aritsu head on.

Solis smiles, "I guess your advantage just took off."

Aritsu also returns the smile, "speed isn't the only thing I have."


A voice stops both of them. Solis looks at the source of that voice and finds a zord member Who has Akio's throat in his hand.

All of Solis's rogue members were already down by that single zord member.

Aritsu recognizes that figure.

It's his partner and brother, grisha katsueki.

He smiles at him and notices that kid in his hand.

And there aritsu discovers that the kid is akio. His son….



He is surprised, shocked…. And doesn't know what he should do. It feels As if the entire ground shifted from under his feet.

He takes heavy breaths.

"wh– where are we? Akio…"

Grisha, toshiro doesn't understand what's going on. But Solis understood it in a second. And seeing his plight, he laughs,

"So you are that father. Lame and hated. I wanted to meet you. Didn't know that you're a zord member."

Aritsu goes silent. He feels dead inside of him…

"then which means.."

Toshiro also understands the meaning. He feels like his head is going backwards and his entire body feels so numb.

The girl he killed, the family he just slaughtered was none other than Aritsu's family.

He considers aritsu as his rival. But with that saying, he also respects him as his mentor. He doesn't know what to say anymore or anything. He feels like he is losing it all.

He vomits right away.

He has killed a lot of people like this. But this time…. Only this time…. The feeling is totally different.

The whole place gets silent. None utters a single word.

Toshiro finds himself to be the guilty one. He doesn't say anything and falls on the ground.

Aritsu breaks the silence saying, "grisha, give me my son back."

Grisha doesn't say anything for a while, but then he looks at aritsu with a sad face and says, "look, aritsu. You know, I respect you man, you're my brother. So this is my nephew. Right? But I totally can't. Please forgive me."

Aritsu feels angry and frustrated at the same time hearing this.


Solis: what do you want?

Grisha sighs, "just surrender."

Toshiro keeps muttering, "I can't handle this…. I am sorry… aritsu… Forgive me."

Aritsu at that moment can't think straight. Thus with such a weak and confused mind, he attacks his own brother.

Grisha somehow blocks it but he had no choice but to leave akio's throat.

Aritsu kicks him in the face and puts him down.

Grisha screams out, "aritsu… don't… you will betray zord… by… doing so."

Aritsu is not in his mind right now and he says, "I don't care."

And at that moment, something else happens. Something unexpected and unwanted.

Another zord member shoots at aritsu and aritsu couldn't react to the bullet because he was so concerned about beating grisha. That bullet hits Aritsu's leg.

Aritsu screams out in pain.

Grisha uses this moment to get up and again he runs forward to grab akio. Solis also starts running in order to prevent him from doing so.

But all of a sudden, A huge blast occurs. And grisha, Solis flies 10 metres away after that push.

After a few seconds, they see a monster there instead of akio.

Even the astral akio is confused seeing so, "what the hell. is it me? I was awakened at that time. Means I am a natural charge user. Wait… a second….. It means my theory was correct… ah… just half correct. But correct."

Solis looks at akio's monster form with amazement. And laughs, "Oh god. Plot armour. I expected so. You have the qualities of a hero."

Grisha is terrified.

And unexpectedly monster akio attacks grisha at 1st and kills him with a single blow.

Thus, Aritsu sees his brother getting killed by his own son. He is getting traumatised for everything that is happening here.

Solis stops laughing and looks at Akio with a serious face, "Now the shit got real. He can attack anyone."

And as expected, the monster notices aritsu.

so he tries to eliminate him right away. Aritsu doesn't have the strength to counter him. He just looks at that form of akio, and tears fall out of his eyes.

He has prepared himself for his own death.

but Solis comes in between and changes the direction of akio's charge.

Which makes his charge disappear right away.

"I changed the course of your charge to its primal root."

Akio falls on Solis, and Solis grabs him.

"And here you are."

Aritsu also gets down on his knees.

The sun comes out.

Everyone looks at that and thinks about their mistakes from this night.

Not actually mistakes.


Aritsu looks at his house and then his brother.

"It hurts."

Toshiro sees it and cries.


After a few minutes, a lot of people surround them.

All of them are zord members. And, They all have weapons on their hands. Charge-holders are activating their charges and taking stance to fight solis.

Solis: they're late to the show.

Saying so, he goes in front of Aritsu and gives him his son.

Aritsu takes akio on his lap. Then he looks at the people. They are afraid, confused. And while targeting solis….

They are targeting akio as well.

Solis says in a low tone, "they don't know about akio being a natural charge holder. I guess they're targeting him because they think Akio is a newborn who has seen this whole battle. And sadly enough, in your zord association, evidence and witnesses have to be erased no matter what. Damn… organisation."

Aritsu continues to get down from the mountain and then goes in front of Fuji who is leading this whole team. Tears are still coming out of his eyes but he isn't crying.

Fuji feels sad to see him like this.

Aritsu clears his throat and says, "Fuji, I have something to talk about with you in private. Can i?"

Fuji looks at akio on aritsu's lap. He is sleeping like a baby,

and then he looks at Aritsu's face. There he sees the look of a father.


Fuji creates a circle made out of bubbles around him and aritsu. And that circle takes the shape of black hole. Outside of the bubble, there's no way to see what's going inside of that.

Akio also enters the place with his astral body in order to get a clear picture of what's going to happen.

What's that deal his father made?

Fuji says with a sad voice, "none is going to hear our words from here. Now tell me what's going on."

Aritsu responds, "This is my child. Akio."

Fuji touches akio's face, "oh so cute."

Aritsu: he is a natural charge holder.

Fuji startles, "what?"

Aritsu continues speaking, "I know the consequences and what will happen next, but please. Please, let me live with him. I have none right now. For the 1st time in my life, I feel like I am an orphan. My foot isn't answering anymore. It's getting harder and harder to stand. Maybe I will lose it. That guy shot me well."

Fuji flusters, "shot? You mean by those specialised bullets?"

Aritsu nods.

Fuji's face turns into sadness, "oh god. Your leg might be gone for good. But you can have artificial legs. Don't worry."

Aritsu gulps, "I have no intention to do so. I have no right. but my son… you can cure him."

Fuji says right away, "curing what? He is a natural charge holder."

Aritsu's tears continue to fall… and within those tears, it becomes harder for him to see anything, "cure his life please. I as a father beg you. I don't want anything."

Fuji looks at him. He lost his family. Now the only thing that is there for him is his son.

Fuji holds him. "I mean, it's not a problem if you as a father approve of him coming to our base."

Aritsu sighs, "thank you."

"But you know the procedure, right? He has to go under that artificial treatment. We can't let people know he is a natural charge holder. or they are gonna start heavy experiments on him which may lead to his death in this state of him."

Aritsu nods, "totally understood."

Fuji continues to say, "He has to join the people on the tube. It's ok. I will do something. We will put him on the tube saying that he is just a patient suffering from an unknown disease. I will use my contacts and tell the higher ups that only awakening can save him and blah blah blah. But we can't put him in 012 as you're not from 012 right now. You're from 009. So your son has to be on their tube."

Saying so fuji sighs, "but it will turn into you and your son puppet of zord. Basically your son will get adopted by zord in exchange for saving his life."

Aritsu keeps nodding, "I understand. I'd be grateful."

Fuji puts his hand on his shoulder, "don't. You have already done enough."

Fuji erases that circle. Then his attention turns to Solis. He continues to climb that small mountain to reach aritsu.

And while walking Fuji says, "So Dr. Shimura, surrender please."

Solis smiles, "should i? This world needs me more."

Fuji looks at one of his subordinates, "give aritsu a wheelchair, he is having a hard time standing."

Then he goes in front of solis,

"Shimura, let me tell you something. You've lost everything. Every rogue base has been invaded. Building a new army of rogue to even defeat a single base of zord would take more than 5 years. And do you think we can't take you under our custody within that amount of time? It's too easy if you ask me."

Solis stays silent.

Fuji continues speaking, "look, you are also injured from this battle, our strong ones are also injured. But we still have the advantage of numbers. You won't get too far. And I can now call for more reinforcements. You will be finished. That's why I am asking you to come with us peacefully. It will spare both of us the trouble."

Solis still stays silent and then he sighs.

"You know, you may not remember me. But I remember you very well."

Fuji: Well, you were a newborn before. Did I kill someone special to you? Well, then I am sorry for that. But it's my job.

Solis laughs, "yeah yeah. Well, I have my reasons to act."

Fuji looks at Solis and then says, "you're really hard to get. I have never seen such a complex person in my entire life. What're your actual motives?"

Solis replies with a smile, "to fulfill a story."

Fuji sighs, "well, i guess i won't get to know you ever. Those childish cringey lines. Whatever. I will use the same threat as grisha. Come with me and I will let this child live. It depends on you."

Solis: aren't you using the threat in a wrong way?

Fuji continues talking, "So tell me, will you come with us? Yes or no?"

Solis thinks about it for a while.

At that moment, the astral image of akio starts disappearing. He looks and transparent hands and says,

"wait. It's not over yet."

And before he comes to the real world, he only hears a single word coming from solis.


Akio wakes up and finds himself lying in a car under the sky. He notices the moon.

Akio says with amazement, "ah… new moon. It's so beautiful as usual."

"It is."

Akio startles hearing the voice. He gets up and discovers a very familiar face standing in front of him. It's Solis.

Akio: dr. shimura..

Solis laughs, "I thought you were gonna use the name solis."