Akio: just what are you?

Solis coughs and clears his throat and then says, "I am Solis shimura. Told you."

Akio sighs, "I am not talking about that though. Leave it. How did we end up here? The jungle is wrecked. The whole base is looking like a total mess. So the bomb did its job."

Solis smiles, "yeah totally. But something else also happened. I guess you don't need to know that."

Akio looks around and sees rigaka, risha, sanjo, his father- they are all lying on the ground with their eyes closed.

Solis: don't worry about them. They're alright. Just unconscious. I put them here in the free air. They couldn't comprehend that goat's image in the physical world. As expected. And seeing it… made them lose their sense.

Akio flusters, "goat?"

Solis shakes his head, "never mind."

Akio suddenly recalls a few things and asks immediately, "wait... What about Sid?"

Solis asks, "who's Sid?"

Akio gets up on his feet and starts walking.

"Nice to meet you, but I have a job to do. i have to rush towards the control room."

Solis nods, "ok. but there's a charge ball covering the whole control room."

Akio gets confused, "charge ball?"

Solis continues talking, "yeah. A thing which can be made from a lot of natural charge. Somehow it was there after the whole incident. covering a guy… maybe he is that sid you are referring to."

Akio shrugs, "So we can't enter that ball?"

Solis smiles, "If you want to die, why not? But jokes apart, you can't. If you try to enter, it will kill you. It's a ball which can't be passed via normal charge. If your friend wants to get out of that ball, he will also get killed."

Akio gets irritated, "who the fuck made that shit?"

Solis shakes his head, "I didn't. But if you see, that ball somehow saved your friend. If the ball hadn't appeared, your friend would've died right away. that blast impact was so near him, but still because of that charge ball, he got saved. be grateful to that charge-ball."

Akio stays silent for a while and then says, "You can undo it. Right?"

Solis smiles, "I can. Ok let's go. I will help you undo that charge ball."

Akio after a few seconds, stops and looks behind..

There he sees Solis standing near the car. And there's his father, Rigaka, Risha, Sanjo sleeping.

But he feels like he is forgetting someone.. Something..

Solis sees his confused face and asks, "what happened?"

Akio suddenly remembers a face…


Solis sighs and laughs,

"I thought you'd forget him.. And you still have time. Forget him, go save that Sid or whatever that guy's name is. I will help you save him."

Akio looks at Solis and faces him, "I guess, I will go save him. But I need to save kaush as well. I know, you rogue guys want him for your next missions."

Solis sighs, "sorry but i can't give him to you. He is important to us."

Akio takes a fighting stance. He did see kaush getting on this stance before against Kid. But unfortunately, akio doesn't know what to do next after he takes his fighting stance.

Seeing him taking stance, solis laughs,

"You seriously don't know what to do next. Do you?"

Akio shakes his head and leaves the stance, "yeah.. Kind of. I dunno what I was thinking. But please, give us kaush back."

Solis gets serious right away, "no-no-. you were right. I liked that joke. if you want to save kaush, then win against me in a battle right here, right now. If you win, I will undo that charge ball and will return kaush."

Akio startles, "win means? You want to fight me?"

Solis nods. "Ah-ha.."

Akio tries to put a fake laugh, "Are you serious? I am not that strong. I don't even know how to fight with charge. And I was just joking with that stance. Why get so serious over a joke?"

Solis doesn't wait for akio. He attacks akio right away with his speed and punch.

Akio gets the hit head on. He flies away and lands on a rock.

As he lands, He lets out a scream, "my back."

But he couldn't get the time to catch his breath. Solis again appears in front of his face.

Akio startles, "Give me a break."

He gets a straight punch on his face.

Solis laughs, "why stop? Fight me. Were you thinking of me as your friend or anything? Hell no. I am the antagonist."

Solis then drags Akio by catching his neck, after that he just lifts Akio and looks into his face. Bloods are coming out of his face.

Solis looks at him with maniac eyes, "but are you the real protagonist, akio?"

Akio tries to breathe in that state.

Solis yells at him, "Was I wrong about you?"

Solis just throws him again. And this time, akio hits himself with a tree. He recalls Solis saving him and now he is here trying to kill him.

Akio murmurs, "What's wrong with this guy? It's not funny. I just came out of the tube… and it's not even 10 hours since i came out… you can't expect me to-"

akio gets up and notices that solis is coming towards akio with blood lusted eyes.

Akio feels helpless, "Does this guy have any issue with his head?"

When Solis reaches that tree, he sees no one. Akio just disappeared.

Solis shouts, "where are you hiding, akio?"

Akio hides behind a tree and keeps a look at solis. He recalls that solis was never normal.

He does act like one, but every time he speaks with him before feels abnormal…

As if he knows something more than this world…

Something beyond comprehension

Which is now making him act this way..

Akio puts a hand on his head,

"maybe i am overthinking….. Or… am I really?"

At that moment, Akio throws an axe at Solis's face. Solis somehow reacts to it and dodges it.

Solis yells, "what's this, akio? fighting like a coward? Is that you? a hero?"

he suddenly hears some footsteps. Solis looks at the source and sees that Akio is fleeing towards the car.

Solis picks that axe and throws it at akio.

but akio dodges it with the help of his instinct.

Solis thrusts and tries to catch akio,

but akio all of a sudden turns around and lands a punch on his chest. It was so unexpected to Solis that he couldn't even react to it .

his balance gets shaken . Solis falls on the ground right away.

Akio doesn't waste his time, he takes a knife from the car which was used to make him unconscious by kaush.

Akio tries to stab Solis with that but Solis gets up before that and punches akio.

Akio tries to keep the balance but Solis kicks him on his legs.

as a result, He falls on the ground.

At that moment, something happened. Solis takes a direct hit from sanjo.

Solis still somehow puts his balance but sanjo continues to attack him on his back which makes solis fly away.

Akio gets relieved after seeing Sanjo.

Sanjo smiles, "sorry that i am late."

Solis gets up and says, "it's a fight between me and akio. step aside from it."

Sanjo replies, "sorry but i have no intent to do so."

Solis attacks Solis right away.

He closes his eyes…. And feels the wind… and then creates a sword with the help of that wind.

but Solis makes that sword disappear in a second.

Sanjo flusters. But he doesn't give time to solis and creates wind-balls and uses them on solis.

Then, He makes a huge circle around Solis and tries to trap him.

But Solis just makes that circle smaller and puts it on his hand.

Akio startles, "what the-"

Sanjo gets irritated and once again he attacks solis. But this time, he messes up with his timing.

And Solis just grabs Sanjo's neck. Then he just uses that windball made by Sanjo to push him from his belly…

Sanjo keeps screaming.. And then Solis just takes Sanjo's head and smashes it on the ground.

And even in that state, sanjo yells, "akio, run away."

Then Solis uses Sanjo's windball to attack akio. Akio gets afraid..

But all of a sudden,

Someone blocks that ball…

Everyone, including Solis, is surprised.

It is blocked by a shield made out of fire.

Solis laughs, "oya. I didn't expect you to see you here, toshiro."

A figure comes out from the shadows of that base with a doll in his hand.

And everyone see Toshiro's dead eyes.

And in his hand, there's a doll..

Everyone is shocked there… seeing toshiro in such a state..

Little did they know what happened to Toshiro back there.

The child he was trying to protect during that blast wasn't a real human,

It was a doll.

His imagination.

Everyday, every night…

after killing akio's parents and sisters…

he gets such hallucinations.

The reason he wants to save as much as possible, is he wants to repent for his sins..

And he is still getting those nightmares..

That girl was named nia, akio's sister, aritsu's youngest daughter….

Always disturbs him out..

He is now losing it all..

Sanjo flusters after seeing Toshiro like this, president..

Toshiro looks up and sees solis.

"Me neither."

Solis also notices that doll in Toshiro's hand, "I guess you also had a lot since that incident 10 years ago."

Toshiro's eyes darken…

He fiercely attacks Solis but Solis dodges it right away.

Sanjo didn't give him time, he gets up and tries to kick Solis which lands perfectly.

Toshiro then makes a rope using his fire and binds Solis with it.

While solis being solis, just touch that rope and it disappears.

Sanjo screams, "don't use your charge. He can manipulate your charge."

Sanjo and Toshiro both just keep attacking Solis.

but his physical characteristics are also a lot higher than those of the zords. Akio sees it and wants to help, but he also knows that, with his current power, he can't even hold a candle in front of solis.

Toshiro then brings out a hammer made of fire and confronts solis.

Solis stops the thrust of that hammer with his bare hand and uses that hammer to bash toshiro's head.

Then he just proceeds forward with that hammer in order to attack sanjo.

Sanjo just starts to go backward.

And that time, toshiro stops solis by holding his leg.

At that moment, something unexpected happens, akio stabs Solis from behind.

Sanjo gets surprised, "how?"

Toshiro sighs and thinks in his mind, "Even though akio has awakened his charge… I think he is one of those charge holders who can empty their charge presence.. damn.."

Solis swings that hammer at akio while akio just stops that swing with his bare hand. Solis gets a huge shock.

Sanjo gets on his knees, "that knife is basically Kaush's weapon. It's poisonous. The side effect of getting hit by this knife is, you will lose your consciousness right away."

Solis shrugs, "so this is his knife. Huh? Made out of charge? Then no problem."

Solis changes the direction of that poison and brings it out from his body making that poison take the shape of a ball.

akio, toshiro, Sanjo fluster.

"No way. He is unbeatable."

Solis then makes akio eat that poison ball.

Sanjo yells, "no.."

That poison just goes through his body. Akio tries but fails to take a deep breath.

Akio in his mind thinks, "Is this the end?"

He is falling on the ground, at that time, he lands on a very familiar land.

he lands on that same world he landed right before he gets out of the tube.

That same prison and within that prison a huge number of beasts are shouting, screaming. And in front of akio, there stands a goat. The same goat with no eyes.

Akio shouts, "Why am I here again?"

The Goat responds, "hmm. It's your 3rd time here."

Akio flusters, "you speak?"

Goat: of course i do

Akio sighs, "Wait a second, 3rd time? I can only recall 2 times."

Goat: you don't remember the 1st time you got your power. Right?

Akio shakes his head, "at that night when my family was executed. And I was in a deep sleep.only my unconscious self visited this land and came out to the material world.. Killing my own uncle."

That Goat mocks him, "quite tragic."

Akio then asks, "so. Why did you bring me here another 2 times?"

The Goat answers, "I didn't bring you. You brought yourself here. Your emotions wanted more powers. Which is why you're here."

"powers through emotions?"

The Goat nods, "ha. By your hack, You take the shape of multiple beasts. Did you wonder where you get those beasts to take shape?"

Akio thinks for a while and then answers, "from that prison?"

The Goat laughs, "you catch up too fast. Absolutely right."

Akio snaps his finger, "So I again came here to attain a new beast."

The Goat keeps laughing, "right. I couldn't speak with your previous time because I didn't have the power. But thanks to your friend, he wanted me to speak. He sacrificed himself to give me such power.. I can now interact with the material world more and more."

Akio asks desperately, "Who are you talking about?"

Goat: you know him. That cheeky bastard with red hair.

Akio gets a shock, "sid?"

the Goat nods, "yeah yeah. He gave me his life."

Akio startles, "so, Sid and kid are dead?"

Goat corrects him, "no, sid is dead. Now Kid is the one owner of that body."

Akio stays silent.

that Goat breaks the silence, "So tell me, just what beast do you want this time?"

Akio: Give me something to protect everyone.

Goat smiles, "haha… here you go.. Hero.."

Akio stops him "wait a second. Why are people calling me protagonist or hero? I am no hero. What am I? Why do I have such privilege about powers and hacks.. Who am I?"

That goat doesn't answer the question. He just keeps on smiling.

And after a few seconds, he comes back to life with a new appearance.

At that moment, toshiro and sanjo are already lost.

They're fighting for their survival right now.

But when akio gets up with his charge, everyone gets shocked.

Among the fog, there's a beast with 8 legs.

Sanjo flusters, "a horse?

Solis turns around and notices that beast."

"Is it you? Akio?"

Akio is in the shape of a 8 legged beast whose face looks like a horse.

"Bites me."