Everyone is shocked seeing akio's appearance like this.

An 8 legged beast. He looks like that mythological creature named sleipnir.

But the thing which is concerning everyone is that, akio isn't even responding.

The calm before the storm.

Solis doesn't take chances and tries to disappear akio's charge by touching him.

but all of a sudden akio punches solis.

And the surprising fact is, none was able to comprehend akio's speed at that moment. Not even Solis.

That's when they all see akio taking a human shape.

Not truly human. But a human with a horse-ish face.

He has that tail. But, Those legs are not there.

Akio sighs and then looks at his hands.

Seeing so, he laughs,

"I am in control."

Everyone gets shocked seeing so. akio gained control over his hack way too fast.

Solis takes his stance and then attacks akio.

But Akio dodges that like nothing.

Solis gets a bit irritated, "what the f-"

Sanjo is also speechless. But he somehow speaks and asks,

"can't solis just disappear akio's charge like he did with us?"

Toshiro responds, "I think he wanted to at 1st, but not anymore."

Sanjo asks desperately, "why?"

Toshiro keeps staring at their fight and he says, "Maybe he is up to something."

And there, Solis is literally struggling against akio.

Akio dodges his punches, kicks.

After that, Solis takes a spear which was left on the ground and charges at akio, but akio just splits that spear in half and takes the 1st up of it and fiercely attacks on solis's face with it.

Solis shuts his eyes off.

But all of a sudden, the transformation takes off. Akio stops the attack.

"I am no hero. You wasted your 10 years for someone like me. But it's alright. I love what I am. You just implied your preference over me and you talk about freedom and stuff? Isn't this hypocrisy?"

Solis doesn't say anything.

Everyone remains silent.

Akio falls to the ground due to lack of stamina and loses his senses. but Sanjo comes in front and catches him.

Sanjo smiles, "You did well."

Solis recalls his press conference.

He made a huge statement which literally changed the course of history. And when he was leaving the press room.

A small interviewer came towards him asking a question.

"Some people are now gonna consider you a hero and some are gonna take you as a villain after this huge statement. What's your opinion about it?"

Solis smiles, "haha.. I am no main protagonist. You can say I am the explorer of this story. I will go to any boundaries to see what's next."

Journalist: means you are the one who is gonna explore all those taboos?

Solis laughs, "when you put it like that, it can be. But what I am searching now for is a hero, a main protagonist who is going to lead the story."

Journalist: did you find him?

Solis looks at the blue sky and says, "I hope to find him one day."

And now when he looks at akio… he sees a hero. Well there are reasons for that thinking, which he himself can't talk to anyone.

Solis looks at that torn face of akio which is still smiling. Then he looks at the sky. The sun is coming out.

"Everyone in this world has their own role to play."

on the other hand,

Kid is trying to open his eyes. And with that half opened eye, he notices a big chargeball all around him. He doesn't have any idea who put that chargeball here. And he can't even think about it. He's exhausted.

"that wasn't a dream.. Was it?"

Tears come out of kid's eyes while he's trying to smile.

"Am I truly alone now?"

At that very moment, the charge ball disappears. Kid sees Sanjo, president toshiro coming at him. Kid keeps smiling.

"Kid, where are you?"

After 1 hours Kid wakes up from the sound of music.

The sound is loud. It's very good music. Though an old one.

"Babe, tomorrow's so far away

There's something I just have to say

I don't think I could hide what I'm feelin' inside

Another day, knowing I love you"

Kid notices that Rigaka is sleeping beside him.

There, Kid all of a sudden realises that he is in a car which is passing through the jungle.

Sanjo is driving the car while humming. toshiro is listening to the song very carefully.

Risha is sleeping beside rigaka.

Aritsu is sleeping on the corner And Akio is sleeping on Aritsu's lap like a dead person.

Kid moves slightly to adjust himself which makes rigaka wake up.

Kid says with a nervous tone, "hi."

Rigaka panics a little bit and then he shouts Sid's name and hugs him tightly.

This makes aritsu, and risha wake up. They all notice Kid and embrace him in a second.

Aritsu keeps crying, "I am so sorry, Sid. I won't leave you anymore."

Rigaka: me too.

Risha doesn't say anything, just cries.

Kid realises something. He isn't alone anymore. Maybe he doesn't have Kid with him. Still there are people… who may love him… but they don't know that he is Kid. They are thinking that he is Sid.

But it's alright.

He can act like sid.

None will get to know…


Tears come out of Kid's eyes. He is feeling both helpless and happy at the same time..

"This is bad."

And at that moment, toshiro yells at all of them.

"Shut up, I am trying to listen to a song."

Aritsu murmurs, "who gets worked up for a song?"

Toshiro: Did you say anything?

Aritsu declines with a smiley face, "nope, absolutely nothing."

Toshiro: good and Sid..

Kid looks at toshiro.

Toshiro: Welcome back.

Kid tries to put on a fake smile and nods his face.

Risha asks, "So have you decided where we should be going?"

Sanjo answers right away, "For now, toshiro suggested moving to japan. He knows some people over there who can let us stay there for some years. After all this, we can't simply go to the zord with a natural charge holder such as akio and multiple betrayers. It'd be a suicide. Even if we try to fake the report, this time it'd be hard because a higher up has been killed."

Aritsu sighs, "fuji.."

Rigaka laughs, "Well well, let's not destroy the mood. We survived the disaster. We should be happy."

Aritsu and risha smile, saying, "right."

While, toshiro doesn't respond. Sanjo also doesn't pester him for that. Among all of them, only he knows right now what is going through his mind and heart.

After that fight against Solis, Solis did save Sid. but he didn't return Kaush to them. Toshiro tried to fight Solis once again, but Sanjo stopped him.

There was no way to defeat Solis for now.

They need to get healed and move from that spot as many zord members are coming there. It'd be a huge problem for all of them to stay there.

All of them are now betrayers.

They hid information.

They hid natural charge holders.

that many faults... it will create chaos inside of zord.

There's now no way Zord will listen to them in a right mind state.

While crying, Toshiro let Solis take kaush.

Solis while walking looked at toshiro and smiled, saying,

"Don't worry. I won't and can't do anything harmful to your brother. You may get to meet him in future. Just try to keep surviving. Don't die if you want him to see. I will try my best to return him to you. Trust me."

Sanjo recalls all those memories from there and looks at toshiro..

Toshiro is now listening to music in order to forget his wound.

But Sanjo knows that deep inside, Toshiro is crying.. Heavily.

From a huge distance,

Solis is seeing them passing through the jungle.

He is standing on a mountain. And behind him, Okira is standing.

Okira asks desperately, "sir, are you sure to let them go? There's a president among them."

Solis stays silent. And then says,

"Call Jordan."

Okira gets afraid. Jordan is the vice president of the whole rogue. After solis, he holds the highest position in rogue. And calling him like this.. From Okira's phone… it may get him into trouble…

But still it's an order from solis, so he dials up his number.

After a few rings, from the other side of the phone someone receives the call. And that someone is none other than Jordan himself.


Okira gets scared and asks with a trembling voice,

"Sir, I am Okira. Actually, there's someone who wants to talk to you."

Saying so, Okira hands over the phone to solis.

Solis takes the phone and says,

"Hello, jordan. It's me."

Jordan recognizes the voice right away and gets a mild shock. He answers desperately, "yes sir. I know your voice, sir. You are free now I guess. This calls for a celebration."

Solis smiles, "yes, kinda. By the way, jordan.."

Jordan responds like a loyal dog, "yes sir."

Solis: why did you guys make sid turn the red bomb on?

Jordan gets a shock and tries to defend himself, "no sir. I didn't order anyone to do such things. I mean.. Why would I try to do so? What benefit could it bring upon me? Hehe.."

Solis laughs, "benefit?... umm… let me guess.. You wanted to kill me along with the base.. One mission… multiple targets…you guys are becoming a lot like me."

Okira starts trembling. He knows what Jordan is thinking right now.

This whole plan of annihilating zord base 009 was basically Solis's plan.

Solis will get himself arrested. Thus making it seem like rogue doesn't exist anymore. After that, using his connection, he will get into zord base 009 in order to catch kaush. But that plan got delayed because toshiro made kaush a subject inside the tube. Solis had to wait for 10 years because of that. After kaush's awaken, hidden rogue members will attack the base, kill higher ups, and kidnap kaush. This was the original plan.

But someone hindered the plan.

The red bomb…

Okira manipulated sid to activate red bomb under jordan's order.

All so that they can kill solis along with the entire base..

Okira keeps trembling. He gets his hidden knife out from his jeans and then attacks Solis right away.

But Solis was ready for this.

He dodges the attack and then just catches him by the throat.

Okira gets so afraid that he forgets how to move…

Solis keeps on laughing while having Jordan on the other side of the mobile.

Jordan tries to put a fake laugh, and also tries to defend himself,

"It's not our plan. Trust me-"

Solis stops laughing, "I am disbanding rogue."

Jordan and okira gets a huge shock hearing so.

Solis continues talking, "stop all the works of rogue right away. I will finish my mission to destroy the zord on my own."

Jordan starts blabbering, "sir- sir… it's- impos-"

Solis looks at okira and increases the pressure,

Resulting in killing okira…

His neck comes out of his body.

Solis smiles, "don't even dare to conduct any more missions. Nor will I seek and destroy the rogue myself. i dunno why did you guys go against me... nor do i care. just don't get in my ways. ever.."

Jordan keeps shaking. He is afraid.. He never got any threats such as this.. He knows the capabilities of solis…

He knows what he can do…

He knows…

Solis is the law.

Solis turns the mobile off and leaves it there as it is.. And continues walking towards a car..

Light breeze goes past him..

after a while, solis enters the car.. there he turns on the music.. behind him, inside the car's trunk, there's someone screaming for help.

and that's none other than kaush aka mr. poker...

his screams even reach solis's ears.. and he feels it annoying..

so he increases the volume of music.

and starts the car right away...

2 cars leaves that base for 2 different destinations.

[A/N : feels cliché? i know. but that's how i can write the story.. damn.. i feel like erasing the last line, but whatever..]