The Fall of Dickenson

Chapter 14

Whoosh! Bam!

Without further ado, Smith fired the Energy Cannon of the All Terrain Walker.

Then, what happened next, the pilots of the remaining D-Link plane as well as Dickinson and Clow perspired beads of sweat on their foreheads.

Without a doubt, the D-Link plane that Smith targeted exploded like a bomb. However, that is only because there is a crack on the chassis of the D-Link plane allowing the energy of the energy beam to seep into its circuits and into its power supply.

No matter how advanced their technology was, the wires on its circuits are the weaknesses. Of course, the wires are not the ordinary ones that we knew. They are durable to some extent. However, how could they contend against the energy beam from a C-grade energy cannon?

Meanwhile, contrary to Dickenson, Clow, and the pilots of the two remaining D-Link planes, Smith is in high spirits and is gloating toward them.

"Idiots. Unless you destroy the Hexa-Turtle Barrier, you cannot stop me from destroying that D-Link plane."

What Smith finds amusing is that the Hexa-Turtle Barrier is not affected by energy bullets coming from the inside. It only rippled. But non-energy things cannot pass from the inside. Furthermore, it will block anything that goes from the inside, be it energy or non-energy.

Dickinson also knows this which made him sweat more. 'Shit! I think installing the Hexa-Turtle Barrier is a mistake.'

Unfortunately, he and the others are on the path of no return.

However, Smith Dickinson did not give up. Not just yet.

"Sir Smith, how could you sacrifice your robot just to… to… to destroy the…"

Dickinson is unable to finish what he is saying because he saw Meta 'magically' appear inside one of the D-Link planes?

Indeed, inside one of the D-Link planes.

"Hmm… that one tough windshield." Dickinson heard Smith's voice.

Now that he looked at the ship more clearly, he could see that the windshield on the side is broken.

There is no need to say further.

"How did he destroy the windshield?" Dickinson was perplexed. Not only him. Even Clow, the driver of the All Terrain Walker could not say anything.

It is common knowledge that glass is weaker than metal. That is also the case for the windshield of the D-Link plane. However, the windshield is only a few decimals weaker than the other parts of the plane.

If that is the case…

"Meta could destroy the D-Link plane?" Dickinson mumbled while his face is filled with horror.

How could not be filled with horror? He initially thought that Meta is just a meager robot. However, it turned out that he is not.

But the thing that they did not know is that Meta consumed about thirty Energy Units just to destroy the windshield of the D-Link plane. Furthermore, he also used some Energy Units to dodge the energy beam from the All Terrain Walker from a while ago.

Meanwhile, Smith no longer cared about Dickinson. He had lost interest in him. At this moment, Dickinson had become a duck waiting to be slaughtered.

But despite all that, Meta did not stay idle. He killed the pilot of the D-Link plane where he was in no time and gained control over the plane. At the same time, Smith also took over the interface of the other D-Link plane and dropped its pilot using the emergency mechanism of the D-Link plane.

As you can see, there is an emergency mechanism on the D-Link planes.

The energy mechanism is a mechanism that ejects the pilot from where he was seated whenever there is an emergency on the ship.

With that, the pilot will be thrown out of the plane into the air along with its seat and a parachute.

This might sound primitive, but somehow, it could 'save' the pilot.

However, that is not the case for the pilot that was ejected out of the plane.


Meta shot the poor pilot, which turned the latter into ashes.

There is no need to say what happened with Dickinson and Clow.

Smith deemed them useless. Hence, he freed them from their 'wretched' life.

Of course, he did not just kill them. He said, "I must free the world from the wretched traitorous peasants like you."

"Mad Hat Camile, long time no see. Pardon me for the inconvenience on my part. My hired hooligans went against me."

Ah! That is already three days ago. However, it still felt embarrassing to say in front of an esteemed client. However, I have no choice but to explain since I have indirectly caused her companions' harm.

"Hmm. How can you compensate us? It would be fine if my companions are not hurt. However, the thing is… my pilot is dead."

This bastard, she is talking about that bastard Damion again.

"Mad Hat Camile, Damion is not dead."

Mad Hat Camile had been insisting that I must compensate her. However, Damion is not dead. Although he is badly injured. Meta managed to saved him using the robotic nurse knowledge that found in the web. Now he is in a coma.

Argh! This woman. She just wants to take advantage of me.

If I have a d*** I will nail you down.

Ahhhh! This is frustrating. How can you do this to an innocent and good malware like me?

It's not like I have done naughty things, right? Besides, when have I become naughty? I AM VERY KIND!

Meanwhile, Mad Hat Camile replied, "he is not dead. However, he is half dead. Do you know how much money will I need to heal him? Not only that but there is also only ten percent of his survival! Where would I get plenty of money?"

Ha! This woman. Does she like me to pay for her expenses? Besides, it is not my fault that he died…. Ahem. Let me repeat that part. It is not my fault that he is in a coma right now.

Wait… did she say ten percent? Then, why not just…

"Miss Mad Hat Camile, you said ten percent survival rate, right?"

"Right," Mad Hat Camile confirmed.

"It's too big."

"Indeed, it's too big. Wait… how could ten percent be too big?"

Mad Hat Camile flared. However, it's not that I could feel a thing.

"I'm not talking about the ten percent, Mad Hat Camile. What I mean is that ninety percent of death probability. Why don't you just kill him?"

"…" Mad Hat Camile did not know what to say.

"Miss Mad Hat Camile, since he is dying anyway, why don't you just discard him?"

Right now, I don't care about being a good malware, not yet for today.

We are talking about business today. If I let her be, I will be ripped. On the other hand, …

"Kidding, miss Mad Hat Camile. I will take care of it."

Ha! In the end. My good heart persevered.

"Thank you, sir Smith. You really are a kindhearted shady business man… ahem… kindhearted businessman."

"…" I did not expect her to say that. I mean, do I look shady? No, right?

Nah! Forget it.

"Miss Mad Hat Camile, why don't we go down to business? I have two B-grade planes. One will be exchanged for Armageddon. Do you want to buy the other one?"

Speaking of which, Dickinson and his pals gave me opportunities. I must give them a visit to their tombstone.

Hmm, I can't remember commanding Meta to make a tombstone.

Did it forget it?

Nah! Never mind. Now, let's see what is miss Mad Hat Camile's expression.

Eh? Why are her eyes twitching?

"Mis Mad Hat Camile, are you okay? Your eyes are twitching uncontrollably," I asked out of concern.

"Erm… this is nothing. By the way, sir Smith, healing Damion is not an easy thing. His injuries are severe. I think only the Elysium Coffin could heal him."

The Elysium Coffin, although it sounds rather creepy, is considered sacred by everyone in this era.

Well, it is a coffin-like machine that could heal any injuries of a human that slept there.

Naturally, it will cost plenty of Energy Units.

However, the thing is that there is more demand than the service or the product.

In fact, there is only one Elysium Coffin out there. And that is controlled by a rather powerful organization- the Federation of Health.

The Federation of Health is once the World Health Organization that we know.

However, with their knowledge in science and health, they managed to rise in power and become a formidable force that no countries dare to offend.

They are famous for their health services.

The Federation of Health is like a paradise for doctors and most scientists. The federation always protects its members.

"Don't worry about it, miss Mad Hat Camile. I have already taken care of it."

Indeed, I have taken care of it. In fact, the token should be here by…


⌈ You have received an NFT token from the Federation of Health. ⌋

There, what great timing, system.

This NFT token will be for Damion. Hence, I will give it to you.

This time, I could see Mad Hat Camile's eyes tearing up.

Hehe, she must be very happy.

Furthermore, looking at her twisted lips, she seemed to be forcing herself not to cry.

Ha! I'm such a good malware.