Federant the AI

Chapter 15

'This… how did he get a token from the Federation of Health? Wait… this is the Golden Pass.' Mad Hat Camile is shocked when Smith took out the token from the federation of health.

A token from the Federation of Health is not easy to get. Furthermore, the one that Smith gave him is a Golden Pass. As the name suggests, it is a high-ranked token from the Federation of Health.

But most of all, the tokens from the Federation of Health are one use only.

Meanwhile, to use the Elysium Coffin, one must have a token from the Federation of Health. It does not matter what token it is as long as it is from the Federation of Health.

If one has the token, then the Elysium Coffin is within reach.

Well, they can apply to use the Elysium Coffin. However, that does not mean that they would be able to use it right away. They had to wait in the queue.

Despite only giving a few tokens to the world yearly, the Federation of Health still gave a lot.

Well, the few for them are only a minority of the world, an insignificant number. However, with the vast number of the total population of the world, the few tokens that the Federation of Health distributed would still amount to a big number which the only one Elysium Coffin would not be able to heal in a blink of an eye.

Not only that, most conditions that the Elysium Coffin needed to heal are not the ordinary ones. Of course, no one is foolish to bring a patient with a fever to the Elysium Coffin. That would be killing a fly with a cannon, a waste of treasure.

"Sir Smith… this…"

Seeing the token that Smith gave, Mad Hat Camile's way of calling Smith changed. He is now using sir before saying Smith's name.

That's a hell of a change.

Well, that cannot be avoided.

"Mad Hat Camile, that is to conclude the deal that we have," Smith said with a smile.

"In exchange for the Armageddon, I will give you one D-Link plane. But I will require your services for five years."

In normal times, Mad Hat Camile will not agree to this. However now…


She had only one reason for this. 'If I don't agree, Damion might die.'

Although that is not her fault, he knew that Smith will not care for the life of her subordinate who had no relation to him.

But, by giving the Golden Pass from the Federation of Health, it is already guaranteed that Damion would be healed. However, the thing is, the tokens issued by the Federation of Health are priceless.

If it is auctioned, it will reach an unprecedented amount which could possibly be exchanged with star points.

Hence, there is only one meaning to this. Smith wants to recruit them.

But thinking about it, Mad Hat Camile paled. 'How the hell did he get a Golden Pass from the Federation of Health?'Now, the more he looks at Smith, the more mysterious he gets. 'This man… just who is he? That's right, I must probe him.'

"Sir Smith…"

Just before he could say anything, Smith already ended their transmission and kicked her out of the reception room.

Mad Hat Camile's eyes twitched.

Did you know the feeling when you are about to sneeze but it suddenly disappeared? That's what Mad Hat Camile is feeling.

The excitement is rising and is about to reach its peak, but suddenly, it was cut off. And the worse, Mad Hat Camile can't do anything to do anything. She could only let her eye twitch and shout in frustration.


Meanwhile, Smith did not know anything about that.

After he left, he went back to his business and no longer cared about anything.

"Sir Smith, there is a guest who wants to see you."

Naturally, one of his maids is the one who called him.

"Business, you say?"

In the Sky City of the World Federation, the organization that controls the west is not oblivious of Smith and the others' activities. In fact, the higher-ups are watching them in the battle.

Of course, the superb sensors of the Sky City could sense it all. There is nothing it could miss on the ground.

However, there is something that forbids them from approaching Meta and the others.

That is the warning from Federant.

Federant is the A.I. of the Word Federation of the south.

Among all the A.I.'s of the other organization on par with the Word Federation, Federant is the most special one.

Federant almost had no control over any hardware in the system. However, it had access to almost all sensors in the territory. Of course, that is on the premise that they are under the Word Federation.

Federant's power lies in its calculative program. In fact, Federant is the reason why the World Federation was known as it was now.

Federant's software can simulate the future as long as all the factors are known. It is like a sage that's overseeing the World Federation.

That power is very scary especially since it belongs to a nonhuman.

Although Federant is a tool of the World Federation, there is a great possibility that it will scheme out of the World Federation's control and become the world federation itself.

Hence, the World Federation, fearing its unknown potential, made up a decision to make Federant unable to control any hardware. At most, all it could do is calculate but not control.

The no-control protocol in Federant's made it a challenge hard to assess data.

Imagine having to learn with only the things that are given to you and you are not able to search for anything. Furthermore, during quizzes and exams, you are given items that are beyond the level of the information that is given to you. Then, that's not all, you are not allowed to fail.

That is the difficulty that Federant is facing. Fortunately, all of this is compensated by a sensor provided by the World Federation.

Meanwhile, aside from that, under Federant, there are a bunch of A.I.'s that do the bidding of the world federation.

"Federant, can you assess the danger in that location?"

An elder overseeing elder, Matias Erikson, asked Federant.

Naturally, the location he is referring to is the location where Meta subdued Dickinson and the others.

"Sir Matias, the level of danger of that location had already reduced to zero degrees. However, the accuracy of my simulation had also decreased by 20%."

What Federant said shocked the overseeing elder. '20? What in the world? When is the last time that Federant declared something like this?'

Over the years that Federant becomes the sage of the World Federation, the biggest decrease in the calculation is only three percent but now…

"How? Federant, explain!"

"Sir, there is an unknown variable hovering over the country."

That is a simple answer. However, Matias knew the danger is far greater than they could imagine.

Fortunately, this is not unsolvable. 'If we could find this variable, everything would be fine.'

That is true, the case. But Federant's next words stunned him silent.

"I have been looking for this variable for a week, now. But, to no avail, I could not find it and my system is about to go error."

It is the most terrifying A.I. that spoke.

"I have been working for weeks now. I used thousands of formulas. But the result is still the same."

'The heck?' Matias did not know what to say and what to think.

"Are you saying that, for the years that you have been working, you have finally met your bane?" Indeed, what else could it be if it is not Federant's bane?

Well, of course, that variable that Federant is talking about is none other than Smith the good malware.

Meanwhile, Federant remained silent and did not reply.

"In that case, we better not provoke that variable. As for now, we could only focus on the war."

With that, Smith's life in the front line is guaranteed.

Meanwhile, three days later, Parker and Mad Hat Camile went to meet Meta to deliver the Armageddon and at the same time, to get the D-Link plane.

This is to close the deal between Smith and the Midnight Hunters.

Of course, the deal is done, easily.

The Energy Units are transferred to Meta while the ownership of the D-Link plane is given to Mad Hat Camile. Smith used a small effort to make everything legal.

However, after the deal was done…


A plane appeared in the sky of the western and northern battlefield.

The miraculous thing about this is that Smith and Federant did not notice it. It was like it is not there in the first place.

"Is Armageddon really in this area?"

A man asked inside the plane he was. However, there is no one with him

Despite that, a voice of a small girl drifted and answered him.

"Yes, sir."