


I couldn't help but grab his hand when I heard him say my name, the same way Damon did when he first told me he loved me. That sweet, calming, captivating voice coming from his cherry-like lips makes me almost want to taste with mine, his round eyes so alluring when he's nervous, it felt like we were in a different dimension and his body language makes me believe he feels the same way.

But I was wrong.

I walked towards him closer and closer with my palm to his warm and trembling one, looking straight into his eyes, waiting if he would let go but he didn't. With only a few steps, I managed to come near his angelic face, so near I felt his heavy breath hit my mouth immediately releasing hot flushes all over my body.

That was it for me.

I let go of his hand and trapped his cheeks in between my palms, squeezing it quite rough for I couldn't take it anymore. I closed my eyes and shoved my lips with his moist ones without thinking about the consequences that might occur after, cause I honestly didn't care. I felt like a different person. He made me feel like a different person and I didn't know why. I indulged in it for a while until Damon's face suddenly appeared on my mind. I opened my eyes only to see a shocked and confused man so I instantly removed my lips and hands and took a step back away from him. Different emotions came rushing inside me as I look at him with a sorry eye but, only gave me a dreadful stare in return and then silence. We stood there looking at each other with no words coming out of our mouths. His expression utters lament but for some reason, I sensed no anger, and I, on the other hand, was furious by my doings.

It was unbearable. The thought that I betrayed him was agonizing.

It was my fault, I forgot who he was, I forgot who I was because I can not restrain myself.

I noticed his eyes forcing me to not drop a tear as he drifted it away from my gaze, wondering what he was thinking about. Probably slap me but to my surprise, he turned his body around instead and quietly walked away, not looking back again at the mistake that had happened tonight. I wanted to stop him and apologize but it was too late, my mind was playing me and I lost. I told him earlier that we should get along and he agreed but, I think I just ruined it again because I couldn't control myself and took advantage of him when I saw no refusal.

I watched him vanish before my eyes, wondering if I would ever see him again after what I had done.

But why did I do that in the first place? It is because I see Damon in him? I feel Damon in him? Is it because I'm lonely and I'm still longing for my lifeless love and in need of distraction? Or am I beginning to truly like him?

Kalen POV

My head was spinning and my heart was racing, tears preventing me from plummeting and my body trembling as he took away the sacredness of my lips. The lips I promised not to give to anyone unless time and fate permit it. What's gotten into him? My body won't move from where I was standing and I just looked at him feeling like a lost kid trying to find sense in it while the guilt and regret consume me inside. Air finally reached me when he finally decided to let go of my flushed cheeks and released my lips from that rosy, smooth, and sweet lips of his, as I was holding it in from the moment he did so.

He gazed at me, probably shocked as well as I was. But, how? He held my hand and came to me.

My best friend's lover, Leo, snatched something I could never take back, but the worst thing was, I couldn't get myself to get indignant with him.

I wanted to shout, not because of anger, but because I felt like it was a foolish move on my side, and I felt like I cheated on my own best friend even though he wasn't here anymore. I could feel my tear ready to jump out of my eye so I shifted my stare to where he will not see it, and I thought I could still hold it in a little bit longer but it wasn't easy. I closed my eyes for a brief second and took the deepest inhale before I finally decided to turn around and walk away.

I didn't dare look back for I can't anymore stand the uneasiness between the both of us. My steps were wide along with my tears flowing freely, tears I thought I would never cry again after Damon's death but just like that, they broke open again because of him.

Because of that stupid kiss.

I stopped in a corner, making sure he can't see me anymore, and grabbed my handkerchief in my pocket, wiping away the tears that don't seem to end and hoping that the guilt flows away with it. I put down my backpack and leaned on the wall for a minute, trying to calm myself down. Thankfully, there wasn't a single soul around to see me sobbing like an idiot. I closed my eyes while I rubbed my lips with my fingers, repeating the same words inside my head; I'm sorry, Damon. I didn't mean to. I took you away from him and now, I feel like I am taking him away from you. Why is this happening? I am always at fault. I'm sorry.

I picked up my backpack from the floor, ready to go home and just sleep off what happened. The night was getting deep and so were my emotions so I start to walk towards the elevator when suddenly, my surroundings began to whirl and my heart began to pound. It felt like there was a lump stuck in my throat for I couldn't take a deep breath. My foot froze and I began to shake uncontrollably, my head felt heavy and tight I almost fell to my knees when I heard a man scream my name, then someone's hand grabbed my arm. Somehow, I felt safe and then, all black.

• • • •

Kalen woke up from what seemed to be the longest sleep he has ever had, struggling to remember what happened to him and confused about where he was while trying to fully open his eyes which were still in a blurry state like everything else around him. Only the light from a lampshade made the room slightly apparent as he wiggles his hands with small movements then down to his foot fingers before sitting his weary body up even though his head was still spinning and his face still feels hot. When he managed to do so, he buried his face in his palms, massaging up and down his forehead when he suddenly remembered about the time and that he should've been home long ago.

He quickly removed the blanket from his legs and tried to get up when he noticed that his clothes were replaced by a t-shirt half his size and sleeping pants. He didn't bother to examine anymore for he got up and instantly looked for his bag, walking around the room to find it when a knock on the door interrupted it all of a sudden.


The familiar cold and deep voice sent shivers down his spine, hitting him like a bullet inside finally making him remember clear as crystal what had happened after all the events that took place. He stared at the door for a while hesitating to answer back, just stood there and sighed before taking a step backward with his hand on his chest, caressing it. The squeaking sound coming from the door slowly opening made Kalen's heart skip a beat. He sat back into the bed panicking inside his mind, trying to conceal it, not wanting Leo to see that he is anxious.

And there was this man, hung back behind the door reluctant to come in and face him, uncertain if the man would want to deal with anything after everything that had gone on. He peeked inside and saw Kalen sitting upright on the mattress, with stares locked on the floor, obviously averting eyes from his own and arms hanging in between his thighs with hands clenched together. Leo's dead eyes were now full of concern but acting it out outside with his cool posture as always. He slowly walked in and towards Kalen when the man unexpectedly stood up from the bed, eyes still preventing him from looking at him which made Leo pause for a brief moment.

"Where are my bag and my clothes? I need to go home."

Leo stared at Kalen for a while and without a word, walked towards the cabinet as Kalen's eyes followed and pulled the backpack and the clothes with it which were folded nicely. He returns and handed it over to Kalen but the man without saying anything turned his back on him instantly after receiving them, putting it on the bed and looking for his phone to check on the time, only to frown when he couldn't find it. Leo knew what he was looking for and quickly intruded.

"I charged it downstairs. Someone kept calling you and it drained the battery."

Kalen upon hearing it faced Leo for a second as if thanking him with his eyes, only to turn around again after.

"How did I come back here? Who changed me? Why? What time is it?"

Leo wanted to come closer but their mood made him cautious. Not only he was the reason Kalen is upset, but he also blames himself for why he was suddenly sick so he couldn't do anything else but glare at the man's sleek back and try to convince him to remain.

"Lyle and I brought you here when you blacked out. You were soaked in sweat so I asked my landlady to change you. It's 1:30 in the morning."

Kalen let out an annoyed sigh when he heard the time. He just wanted to get out and go home and sleep again in his bedroom. He finished arranging his things and was ready to walk out the door when Leo clasped his arm making him flinch a little, not finishing his sentence.

"Oh, Mr. Lyle. Please tell him I said.."

Kalen wavered and looked at Leo straight in the eyes with bitterness patently visible in it as if telling the man to back off, pulling his arm away softly but with hostility. Leo, on the other hand, didn't give much care as he grabs Kalen's wrist but this time, with a disgruntled expression.

"Just stay here. You have a fever. See?

Leo pointed his finger at the nightstand table with a bowl of water and towel but Kalen only gave it a hurried look. And with that, he had a glimpse of a photo beside it, turning his head again in the direction. His heart sank when he saw his best friend's smiling face, making the hurt in his chest come back. Kalen's eyes swung around, trying hard not to be emotional again but Leo noticed and looked at where Kalen's stare was. He heaved a sigh and returned to Kalen to continue to convince him to stay.

"It might get worse if you go out there this late."

"Please let go. I need to go home. I have to go to work early. Please tell Mr. Lyle and your landlady I said thank you and I will return your clothes after I wash them."

Said Kalen not even staring back at the man, but as haughty as Leo is, he knew that he can make him stay even by force but tried not to. Not this time, at least. He let go of Kalen's wrist since he was not in the position to stop him any longer.

"Fine. As for the clothes, you can keep them. They're Damon's anyway."

We didn't utter anything except for a slight nod and slowly walked towards the door, obviously in a weak state. Leo attended to him every step as he was sure that Kalen was not feeling well enough to go home alone and waited for the opportunity to step in and take him himself, at least hoping that he asks him to avoid any misunderstandings.

Kalen felt his body become so light it seemed like it was floating along with a headache. He stopped near the stairs, stroking his temples and holding tight to the handrail while going down with careful steps not realizing that Leo was already eyeing him from behind just in case he faints again. From the moment Kalen walked down another step, his knees wiggled like a jelly causing him to nearly fall but Leo was already there, bent down, and instantly caught him before injuring himself. He held Leo's hands which were at his chest and stomach in shock as he looks up at his savior who was now staring down at him with an I-told-you-so expression. Kalen withdrew his hands and tried to stand up with Leo's support, only giving the man a tired smile.

But, Leo wasn't having it anymore.

"Kalen, if you want to go home you can just ask me to drive you. It's the least I can do after.."

"It's okay. I can manage.."

"No, you can't."

"I already bothered you enough. Please let me go and let's just forget what happened earlier."

Leo's ears smoke upon hearing Kalen say the word forget. For some reason, he wanted him to be bothered by it, not forget it or him. He steps down from Kalen blocking that man's way, glaring at the sick man with sharp eyes as if wanting the mab to conform to whatever he will say while the other man gape at him with his saggy eyes, a bit startled. To hell with it, he thought.

"You choose Kalen. I will drive you home or you will spend the night here? Choose and stop being stubborn about it."

Leo asked directly, looking at Kale straight in the eyes with superiority. But, Kale was feeling too sick to even answer, he just wanted to lay down not giving much care to anything anymore. He stepped down to where Leo was making the man's brows meet as he gradually moved his head towards Leo's shoulder and rested there like it was his safe place. Leo was stunned but knew how sick the man is when he felt his burning face in his shirt so he touched Kalen's neck with both his hands than his shoulders, squeezing it gently, down to his hands as he vaguely hears a soft sound coming out of the sick man's mouth.

"My head, it hurts. Leo..it hurts."

"Let's go back to my room. You need to lay down."

Leo whispered as softly as possible to Kalen's ear, nearly hugging the man. He grabbed his bag, placed it on one of the steps, and assisted the fragile man, turning him around and clutching both his hand to his arms and carefully walking up the stairs at the same time. Upon reaching the bedroom, he immediately laid Kalen down and covered him with a blanket even though he was not shivering. Kalen's face showed discomfort due to headache, shifting his head and body in every position to ease the pain. Leo grabbed the towel and soaked it with warm water, sponging his face and placing it on his forehead.

"Water. I want water.." Kalen murmured with his eyes sealed shut.

"Okay. I will get your water and medicine. Wait for me."

Leo ran downstairs to get water and quickly went back upstairs to the bathroom to get the medicine. He was in thought about what was happening, never predicting that he will be worried or take care of someone other than Damon.

When he entered the room, Kalen was still in a discomfort state as both hands were clutched into his hair, grabbing and pulling it hard. Leo placed the water and medicine on the table and quickly stopped him from continuing.

"Stop. You're hurting yourself. Sit and take the medicine."

Kalen obliged and tried to sit with Leo's help, pulling his hands gently forward. His headache lessened as soon as he took the medicine and laid down again which made Leo sigh in relief. The sick man, in a daze, looked at him with his sleepy eyes and Leo find him more beautiful than before.

"Thank you and sorry for bothering you like this."

"Stop talking. You should try and get some sleep. I'll be in the next room if you need me."

But, before Leo could stand up, a hand stopped him by reaching his arm. The drug was taking effect fast as his mind sways in a different direction, not realizing what he was doing and just ready to fall asleep, mumbling;

"Stay with me. I want you here. Lie next to me."

Leo's eyes smiled but he knew that it was because of the medicine Kalen took. Nevertheless, he felt glad. As the man finally dozed off, he gazed at his face with amazement at the thought of what will happen after he woke up. Will he still be here? Will he still be mad? Questions he somehow didn't want answers to.

He lay down quietly beside him who was already sleeping like a baby when he thought he heard Kalen vaguely say something in his sleep;


And for Leo, it was enough of a good night for him to smile, slowly closing his eyes too with sweet dreams.