Chapter 5: Concrete Decisions

Ace's P. O. V.

"Have you fed the Neo, Pier?" I asked Pier.

We successfully escaped the city without being cited. The woods os the safest place for us so we went back here. Drones and guards doesn't seem to do rounds in this terrain.

"I did, but Ace, if we're to stay here where will we take shelter? The baby needs shelter." He answered.

I continued walking ahead, he has a pretty good point. There are resources here but the building part is the heavy job. It'll take time.

The tall trees surrounded us. Our voices are the only thing which could be heard. My eyes wandered. Maybe a cave can keep us safe and sound. I've never been here before but maybe there's one here.

Neo must be kept alive. We are not blood related but I had the sudden urge to protect him. I can see Simon in him, a mixture of Mom and Dad.

Perfect coincidence I guess but I felt the great need to father that child. No matter who's bearing is that. Pier once pointed out the fact that Neo might be related to the Prime, but even if he is, I won't return him.

My anger raged towards that leader. He had the power to wipe out Sydon but he choose to let him stay and rule. Reckless as he is.

Our phase went on and what a great twist of fate! An abandoned home at the end of the forest answered our wishes!

I immediately turned around to mouth the good news to Pier.

"Pier, we have a new place to stay!"

Even Pier's face depicted happiness. We no longer have to worry about our shelter.

The house looks abandoned but it's big and modernly designed. Without further a do, I walked towards it.

There are no gates, just a simple untaken cared of garden with tall weeds are seen in the front yard. After reaching the doorstep I twisted the doorknob. It's not even locked!

Where could the owner be? The creeks of the wooden door filled the empty dark halls. Ambience itself smells dramatic. Spider webs and heavy dust covered the whole area, but it looks neat once properly cleaned.

I felt Pier's presence behind my back.

"This looks nice, but we should start cleaning." He said.

And he's right. Dust is not good for Neo.

I looked at him as I give further details on what our next move is.

"We'll take turns in taking care of Neo. I'll clean while you look after him for now."

He nodded. I'm thankful that Pier survived along with me. At least I'm not alone.

I once again looked at the inside of the house. This is gonna take a lot of time. My feet were about to touch the inside flooring when suddenly...

"Welcome, Neo Kizer." The speakers spoke and the house lights lit up.

It made me trample in surprise. How did he know the name of Neo?

What happened made Pier and I look at one another. Who is Neo?

I think there is more than just a infant with a blue tag.

"Systems activated." The whole house turned bright blue from pale white. This is what technology can do.

Lights from the inside opened, giving us a peek of what the inside looks like.

It's just as better as the outside. We'll designed electronics could be found. Far from what we owned in the city. Now the saying don't judge a book by its cover applies in this.

But why is there a need for camouflage?

Together, we all went inside. The cold breeze of the air conditioner comforted us. The dusts and dirt are no longer present. The house cleaned itself.

It looks presentable this way.

The house is a two storey building, the first floor is composed of the open kitchen and living room. Due to tiredness, we both sat down, letting our bodies rest from a long travel.

The thread of our barefooted walk drained our energy, but thankfully we have a comfortable home.

The soft coach managed to calm my tensed muscles. I'm only 20 but I felt like I'm 30 because of this back.

My eyelids started closing in. I know that Pier is tired too, but I could no longer manage to look at him. It gave us a short relief from toiling yokes.

And no longer was I able to think, sleepiness ate me.

* * *

Yvo's P. O. V.

"Sir, when will you make your move for the huge avenging?" I asked.

He just faced the other side of the room, turning his back away from me to watch the blinking lights of the city.

"I'll give my signal. Wait for my order." He plainly replied.

I don't know what is running inside his mind. The Prime is mysterious as a rose, a bulb at first them suddenly glorious plans will bloom. He can execute what he wants, no one can stop him, not even Sydon.

Up here we can see the Hemians misery, the high tower gave us power to see. Every groan and explosion below crushes my heart, not just mine but also the Prime's. He has a plan, timing is his middle name.

Plenty have turned their backs on him but there are those who swore their loyalty. The Prime wants to fight for them. Take them back from the hands of Sydon and his viscous comrades.

The room flickered with blue lights. System was activated, not for long the programmed software spoke.

"Neo Kizer settled in Mt. Pleasanton. Two men detected." The cold and computerized voice sounded along the room.

This is a great news!

I was about to interrupt when the Prime suddenly uttered his order.

"Secure condition, activate camouflage and send provisions."

Won't he take Neo back? What is he up to? Pleasanton is far from the city, but it might not be safe.

But may danger distant itself from him. As of the two men, may their hearts be filled with peace and knowledge.