Chapter 6: Decree

Van's P. O. V.

"To all citizens, I address peace and prosperity." The great deceiver spoke.

His statement made me smirk. Foolish are them if they'll believe him. Sydon twisted up lies and piled them up, waiting for flies to land on rotting dung for trap.

The huge crowd compacted along the halls. The dais in front gave us a clear view of the third most high. He's tall and an Adonis born to life, but even his face and voice reflected his cunning attitude.

Sydon tried smiling, his decree gained him supporters. He succeeded in exchange of the stop of force labor. A good trick, but masks can't hide hideous smell.

The crowd cheered for him, almost everybody did. A few remained unmoved, with faces flashing contempt and discompliance. I'm one of them.

No good speech can convince us, words can't act.

"I, Sydon Vladimir, hereby declare that mistaken slavery is broken!" He added.

It made the people go even wilder. Something is fishy about this, he made it appeared as a mistaken order, but there is more than just a plain mistake in this.

What are you up to Sydon Vladimir?

You made it look like you left and you placed your power to an ignorant and reckless right hand. Your deceitful plan is crafted well.

I continued staring at him carefully, no detail surpassed my eyes.

"From now on, no one will live in the midst of shadows! No more economical crisis! Are you all with me?"

Many answered yes but I remained silent. My loyalty will always belong to the Prime.

While Sydon was mounted on the dais he looked around, and there, his eyes were fixed on me.

The smile of triumph evaporated. I knew that he doesn't have the support of every citizen, this will be dangerous, but we'll trust the Prime.

But to stop the suspicious actions, he went back to his folly speech. I'm not interested about it, I attended due to mandatory purposes.

No matter what you offer I'll never take your way Sydon.

* * *

Days passed and the city went back to its old doings. Citizens acted as if nothing happened. Hemians went back to their fair share of rights, but I can sense that something is wrong about this.

Many realized the sudden twist of events but they disregarded it. After all, who doesn't like vanishing prejudice treatment?

The busy street was now filled with cars and drones delivering packages. There's no room for peace or silence.

My house, too bad is built right in front of it. I just stared at them as they pass by. Sarah's death is still fresh.

Our memories kept on haunting me. A sigh escaped my mouth. I need peace and rest.

Ace's P. O. V.

"Pier, the city went silent." I uttered.

"Hmm... that's strange." He replied.

Strange indeed.

Pier held the baby in his arms. Carefully he rocked it to sleep. The house gave us a comfortable home. It's welcoming and advanced technology is still a mystery.

And we haven't yet solved the question regarding this neonate. We both know that there is something peculiar going on here.

The city went peaceful, now the Hemians are running free like before. I went there earlier today to get some supplies for me and Pier. My nervousness almost killed me but after seeing the different ambience it was replaced by uncertainty.

What is Sydon up to? I haven't seen Van. Pier told me that Sarah died, he's mourning. Too bad that I can't comfort him right now.

My feet dragged me outside. I need some fresh air.

The door immediately closed itself after I've reached the garden. Now, the old and grassy abandoned garden looked like a grand hotel's entrance.

The house removed its camouflage. So strange...

I started walking around the house. The fresh air caressed me. But as I was walking, an unfamiliar sound filled the air. A very strong wind from above almost crashed the trees near by. They swayed as if a tornado is passing by.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed.

My eyes widened after realizing what was that. Again, I hurriedly ran to reach the door. But, the sound went nearer and nearer. Within a few seconds the A75 chopper landed just a few meters outside the house's protective fence.

The area calmed itself down. My steps were fast, I was able to reach the door. But as I open it, it seems to be stuck!

"Oh come on!"

I kicked and pushed it as hard as I could but it doesn't seem to move.

"Pier open up!" I ordered from the outside of the house.

No footsteps could be heard but I must still be careful. Who knows of what danger that A75 chopper could bring?

"I couldn't? And Kizer is crying way too bad, he's freaking out." He answered from the inside.

Goodness! I'm starting to panic. After seeing a lot of dangerous and chaotic killings I've developed a very sensitive instinct.

For the nth time, I tried pushing and kicking the door again and again. But a voice behind me made my muscles froze. I wasn't able to move.

"I won't waste my force if I were you."

That voice...

I turned around to face him. His eyes were as red as fire, his presence is as cold and heavy as ice.


"Hand over the baby." He commanded plainly.

In your dreams! Kizer is staying with us.

"What baby?" I tried to deny and hide the fact.

Sydon is alone, why is he with no one? That's new. Where are his goons and henchmen?

"Oh, playing innocent Ace?" He asked in a very annoying tone.


"I don't know what you're talking about." I added.

I need to protect that baby. I don't know his identity but if I have to cross seas and rivers just to take him away from Sydon, I won't hesitate to.

He kinda looks like Simon. I don't know but I felt the urge to shelter him like a father.

"Well, if you want to play hard then I'll play with you." Sydon mouthed as he pulled a tesla gun from the back of his suit.

His coat fits him perfectly. None could suspect that a hideous personality hides underneath.

He pointed it towards me. But his threat doesn't scare me.

I smirked right in front of him.

Over my dead body Sydon.