In the darkness, mobs were tied to the stakes above wooden logs in rows.

"Who commanded you to kill the king," commander Jonas questioned the mob.

No one uttered a word.

"Speak, traitor or burn", commander Jonas shouted.

Still, no one uttered a word, lords, generals, and soldier's watching them. Some people in the mob stayed calm and wept. The cool breeze blowing from the high hills, wolf howling from the alpine Forrest.

One traitor started to sing a song.

"Oh, oh Elia, who defeated the dead.

Oh, oh Elia, who rose like the sun,

In a rally of rays.

Oh, oh Elia, raise us from the dead".

Then everyone started to sing the poem with tears. Commander Jonas's face turned red with rage. The arrow came and pierced the head of the person who started the song. The arrow came from the bow in the castor's hands; the castor left the bow and left the place.

"Burn them all", commander Jonas shouted. Soldiers torched the logs with fire. They all catch fire, burn in flames, cry in misery, turned into ashes.

In the morning, everyone equips for the journey to the capital. Lord, generals, and soldiers are waiting for the king's hand castor; the castor comes by attired like the king wearing his armour and sitting on the king's horse. The king is moved and placed in the carrier chariot along with master lasonas and his medical team. The troops moved, pursued by the lords and generals in the mid-castor attired like the king, is positioned in the centre along with the king's guard hector beside him.

Orion joined princess Clara in the royal garden and sat beneath the tree.

"Do you find anything, Orion', Clara asked.

"Not yet, your highness", Orion replied.

"Then why are you here," Clara asked.

"I read the tales of old gods", Orion said.

"I am not interested in tales", Clara said.

"No, your highness, it is essential", Orion said.

"But now it is essential", Clara asked.

"Once my grandfather said if you want to find the solution, you should start from the root cause", Orion replied.

"Great words, ok tell the story", Clara said.

At that time, they were told that there were gods who aided humans to have kingdoms and wealth; gods and the kings ruled over people for years.

itzama – the sun god(creator)

chaac- the ruler of water bodies.

Ahan – the god of justice.

Ek is the god of the afterlife.

Akan- the goddess of love and serpent's

Itzama, the creator, had a Rhinestone in his bracelet once it broke into four pieces while fighting evil. Then itzama created four gods, his sons and daughters, with four pieces; the piece gave life and power.

Chaac – the first made the son of itzama.

Ahan- the second-made son

Ek – the third made son.

Akan- the fourth and only daughter of itzama.

Ahan had a big piece of itzama Rhine stone has more power than reaming children's, in the past, there is a tradition that the gods have wedded the daughters of kings, who lived as priests in the temple. But the daughter of itzama wedded a small trader and had a son named Achilles; the gods didn't accept their sister marrying a normal man and then killed him. Akan went mad and cursed the gods that his son would take vengeance against the gods. Akan sealed magical power's in his child so that gods couldn't touch him until he mated a woman. As the son was born to a human and a goddess, the boy becomes a demigod with the powers of a god and the intelligence of a man, so the people loved the charm and strength of Achilles more than the god's; Achilles married the daughter (MIA) of king eros the most powerful ruler at that time, king eros names Achilles as his heir the people loved Achilles and treated as similar to the goddess. People started to worship the supreme and named him the people's god. Eros declared Achilles as the god, which made gods angry the god chaac killed eros with lightning in the temple of Zeon, and God Ahan rapped the wife of Achilles and killed his first-born son so that no more demigods would exit. Angered, Achilles declared war on the gods and fought against them, but Achilles lost and left to die; then her mother Akan appeared and placed Rhine stone in his heart, and she sacrificed her life Achilles got back his life, but this time he is more powerful than gods. Achilles killed chaac, ahan, Ek raped and slaughtered their wives, sons, and daughters. from them, he had collected three Rhine stones and made a sword with that sword Achilles wiped out many kingdoms and fought with itzama, ended him at the last breath itzama broken all the Rhinestones with the spell, Achilles who is having rhinestone in his heart broken down into pieces. But the first-born son was saved by the goddess Akan as he is his son's first-born son. Akan wiped the wounds and gave power with magical spells when the boy is her mother's lap. After the death of Achilles, his first-born son became heir, and his wife became the queen. After a few months queen gave birth to a boy (Egan), the people and the queen thought he was born because of ahan the day he raped her, and she threw the child into the seas. But the boy survived when he grew upon the evil met him and told the story of his birth; the boy turned himself into the evil by the spells which he learned from Akan when saving his brother's life, all his life, he tried to defeat his brother by the dark souls, but he didn't succeed then he wrote the dark spell books and died. Egan always dreamed of ruling over humans who treated him so badly.

"This is the story of old gods", Orion said.

"So dark spells and evil souls started from there", Clara replied.

"Yes, that's why this story is very important for us", Orion said.

"So, the dark power exited from ages, we had an idea what to look after", Clara said.

"Yes, your highness, we need to find that spell's book", Orion replied.

"Finish the last chapter of the book and see whatever we can find any clue", Clara said.

"As you command your highness", Orion said.

"By the way, how is king," Orion asked.

"don't speak in public; he is fine to leave now", Clara said. Orion left the garden.

Troops moved across the villages of druinate, and the people welcomed the king with cheers and chanted, "where luiwen sword went order fallowed". Castor, the king's hand, is dressed as the king, waving a hand in luiwen style.

"Why do you hide the fact that their king is in grave danger" Nicholas asked.

"Because this will make panic in the kingdom, and our enemies will think that their plan was succeeded", castor replied.

"But we can't hide it for more time", Nicholas said.

"If we neglect the present and think about the future, we will have a bad fate", castor said.

"I think the king can't pass through it", lord Zeon said.

"Then we need to find his heir fast; at this moment, our kingdom without a ruler will be torn apart", castor said.

"If this is the plan of livanait king, then as soon as he listens to our king's death, he will wage war on us", lord Zeon said.

"that's what I am worried about the most, bring the best physician and apothecaries to treat the king", castor said.

The next day troop and the king reached the capital; the capital was a field with a victory celebration and people chanting "hail king luiwen,". Clara came outside and identified that someone was dressed as the king; the castor moved like luiwen and went into the fort quickly; the carriage chariot went back into the great hall. From there, the king was moved into his chamber.

The king was placed on the bed, and the physician and apothecaries started treating her. Clara and stegella came to see him; they were weeping on seeing the king's position.

"How is he," the queen asked the physician.

"We can't say anything at this stage; we need time, my queen; please leave; we need to do our work. Leave him alone", the physician said.

The king's guard went near the queen.

"Your highness, we need to leave", the king's guard said.

Clara and stgella kissed the king and left his chamber.

"What happened, lord castor" queen stegella asked.

"The king is hit by a poisoned arrow", castor replied.

Stegella and Clara rolled out of tears and left to their chambers.

The prime minister walked out of his chamber, went inside, watched the king, then came out and handed over a scroll to the king's hand castor.

"What is this, master," the castor asked.

"The king appointed you as an heir until Clara until Clara fulfilled her vows", the prime minister said.

"I am not interested, master", castor said.

"Lord castor, it is not up to you. We need a king at this moment, your grace", the prime minister said and left.

Lord castor took a long breath and looked so nervous.

"What is it," lord Zeon asked.

"Read it", castor replied and gave the scroll to lord Zeon.

Lord Zeon read it.

"So, you are king now; I should call you your grace", lord Zeon said.

"don't worry, I will appoint you as king's guard; you can call me your grace daily and watch my chamber, " the castor replied with a smile.

They both smiled and went to the chamber of the king's hand and drank wine.