The king summoned a small council meeting. The prime minister, Master Nicholas, and the northern commander appeared along with the lord Zeon and Calix. The guest lord of druinate Damon apian attended.

Castor attended the council meeting as the king, holding the scroll along with him.

Everyone was seated at the table; the prime minister took the scroll from the king's hand and placed it on it.

"The first small council meeting agenda was this scroll which the king himself written and given to me," the prime minister said.

Lord Calix took the scroll and read it.

"What is it, lord Damon apian asked.

"Our king luiwen named lord castor Raptis son of lord Perseus Raptis as his heir until princess Clara ended her vows," the prime minister said.

Damon took the scroll and read it with disappointment.

"What an idiot," Damon said and punched the table.

"If that is king's will, let it be," lord Calix replied.

"This throne is ours; it only belongs to the apian family," lord Damon apian said in a harsh tone.

"Still, the throne belongs to king luiwen apian lord Damon. Do not forget that I remember the king always telling me that he had a stupid brother in druinate who was strong and loved his family other than anything; he loved you, Damon, as a brother, but this is not a family matter; it is about the kingdom", king castor replied.

"We need to announce king's hand castor as the new king," the prime minister said.

"No need, I called you all of you, not for declaring me as king," king castor said.

"Then what is the purpose of this meeting," lord daman apian, asked.

"We need to discuss the war, the war which almost killed our king and a quarter of our men," king castor said.

The king's guard hector appeared and stood at the door.

"Explain what happened to their commander Jonas," king castor said.

"We planned to attack rebellions in five finger's territories,' we wipe them in finer one, two, three and five, in finger five we faced as unexpected huddle because there were more than ten thousand of rebellion's and livanait soldiers. More than what we expected, and all the rebellions were also trained as soldiers of we had difficulty beating them then the soldiers of livanait who were already planned to eliminate our king attacked our king in phalanx formation. The wounded king was quickly moved to the castle, but still, livanait soldiers followed him and tried to butcher him until lord Zeon's forces eliminated them, then the mob tried to assault the king in his chamber," the northern commander said.

"Phalanx formation? I never heard livanaint's used such a formation," lord Calix said.

"Their motive is not to win the war. Indeed, to kill the king," the prime minister said.

"I heard you abandoned the war; instead, your cousin dressed up like you and went to war. Can you explain why," lord Damon asked?

"Is it true," master Nicholas asked.

"I have a lot of questions for your castor, why you abounded you king, who advised the king not to call me to the war, why I received the scroll to stay at druinate instead of war and why you cousin dressed up like you," lord Damon asked in rage.

"before the battle in the darkness I have visited the armory which was still in working watched the black smith's making axes, I asked them why so many axes then he lied to me I got a doubt then I have seen servant's and few banner men nervous think about their families then I had a conclusion that they were planning for something, so I abounded the battle, with my troops I have hidden in the basement's until the mob attacked the king. I have instructed lord Zeon to wait at the banks of river yang so that if it is a trap to kill the king in one of the territories, he will help the king to evacuate the battlefield safely and I have told the king's guard hector at any cost maintain an evacuation team ready by king's side. And coming to my cousin, I told him to dress like me so that no one will get doubt my plans; you asked me why you got scroll, right? Do you think, as a king's hand, I have not suggested the king called one of the finest warriors, Damon, and his men to the battle? The king himself wanted you to stay at druinate so that if anything happens to him, you will look after his family," king castor said.

"Your actions were heroic, lord castor," commander Jonas said.

"Our kingdom is in a critical situation, lord castor; I have seen northern territories rebelling against but never expected that they will try to kill our king," master Nicholas said.

"Master Nicholas, I remember you were there when we had a problem with northern people; you know them well. I am giving you special operation go to the northern territory but not as a minster but as a normal person join them to talk with people there and give us a detailed report about the situation's every village visit," king castor replied.

Everyone in the meeting approved the proposal, trader from Neville arrived.

"This is an old friend of mine from Neville, sir otto. He will work as spies and visit the livanait capital and gives us the details about the matters of livanait king," castor said.

"To livanait? It is a risky one," the prime minister said.

"don't worry, I know him from childhood; we can count on him; sir otto, take your team and be ready to move on king's mission," the castor said.

"Take care of the king, your grace," master Nicholas said and left the meeting.

"Your grace," Zeon wished and left the council.

"Your grace, we count on you," lord Calix and commander Jonas said.

"Your grace," lord Damon said and left.

Royal guard Nicholas came and knocked on the door.

"Who is it," Clara shouted.

"it's me, Nicholas, your highness," Nicholas replied.

"Come in," Clara shouted.

"Your highness, you wanted to see me?" Nicholas said.

"Yes, I am waiting for you," Clara said.

"Your grace is anything important," Nicholas asked.

"Yes, I need to discuss with you one thing," Clara said.

"What is it, your highness," Nicholas asked.

"I heard that northern people tried to kill my father, but I want to know why," Clara asked.

"I heard king assigned some members to spy on the northerners; we need to wait until they have returned," Nicholas replied.

"No, I can't wait. I will discover on my own," Clara said.

"But, how your grace," Nicholas asked.

"I will go north," Clara said.

"What, it is a bad idea; the north will be dangerous for you, your highness," Nicholas replied in terror.

"My decision is made; I am leaving the north," Clara said.

"But your highness, ok, let me join you," Nicholas asked.

"Ok, we will leave tomorrow," Clara said.

"Tomorrow? have you said this with the queen," Nicholas asked.

"No, I won't; she won't allow me to leave the capital," Clara replied.

"She is already in sorrow; your actions can hurt her more, your highness," Nicholas said.

"Ok, I will leave a letter," Clara said.

"But, your highness," Nicholas said.

"Still what? Are you coming or not," Clara asked?

"It is better to discuss this thing with the king; your sudden leave will harm him," Nicholas said.

Clara thought for a while.

"Ok, I will speak to him. Wait outside," Clara said.

Clara dressed up, came outside, and moved towards the king's hand chamber. Hector guarding the chamber.

"Your highness, what made you come here," hector asked.

"I need to see uncle castor," Clara said.

"As you wish, your highness, go in," hector said. Clara went in. Nicholas waited outside.

Clara went in, and the king sat on his chair, scrutiny some scrolls.

"Princess Clara, sit; you wanted to see me," the king asked.

"Yes, uncle, should I call uncle or your grace," Clara asked.

"that's up to you; what's the matter, princess," the king asked.

"I want to visit the north to discover something," Clara said.

"To the north?" the king replied with a smile.

"Yes, uncle," Clara said.

"They tried to kill your father, but they failed; instead, they will kill you for fun," the king replied.

"I am going there as a normal Athena servant, not as a princess," Clara replied.

"I had seen your father when he was young; he always wanted to be independent and help his father when he was helpful at any cost; now I see him in you. I think the cute little princess of luiwen want is my decision, but I want to allow you to go single," the king said.

"I am not alone; my personal guard Nicholas will come along," Clara said.

"Send him in," king castor shouted.

Hector sent Nicholas in. Nicholas came inside and bent their knee.

"Rise, solider, look after the princess. I will send some finest soldier's along with you; once you reach the north, they will stay away from you; in case of emergency, find them," the king said.

"Thank you, uncle," Clara said and left the chamber.

"Your grace," Nicholas said and followed Clara.

Clara reached her chamber.

"Your grace, with your permission, I will leave; let me spend some time with my wives and kids. I will join you tomorrow at Forrest of Malinda," Nicholas said.

"Ok, you may leave," Clara said.

Nicholas left the fort and went to his home.