the king castor and queen stegella sat at the table.

"Clara left the capital and went north," queen stegella said.

"I know that she informed me," the king replied.

Queen stegella shocked.

"Lord castor, what did you say you know that she left," queen stegella asked.

"Yes, my lady, she informed me," king castor replied.

"How can you let her leave? She is just a girl," queen stegella asked in the blowup.

"She told me that she wants to help her father, she is a princess, she doesn't need my authorization, and most importantly, if the king perishes, she is the heir she must face the consequence all alone, so let her know my lady," the king castor replied.

"Let her know, by risking her life how can she survive in the north all alone," queen stegella asked.

"She can survive; she is a courageous girl, and she is not alone; her personal guard Nicholas, my guards were with her, and I have already informed the northern commander about her presence in the north," the king castor replied.

"How many days it will take for her to come back," queen stegella asked.

"I think it will take around ten days," the king castor replied.

"I am counting on you lord castor, please look after my child," queen stegella said.

"I am tracking her movements, don't worry my lady she will return safely," the king castor said.

The priest rushed in and stood Infront of the king.

"What happened to Clara my lady," the high priest asked.

"Clara was terrified as she saw her father in bed, struggling for life so she left to her aunt's house in the druinate," queen stegella replied.

"Thank god I was worried about her," the high priest said and left the chamber.

Stegella left the chamber with a sad face and then went to the king's chamber where the king luiwen was treated; she saw the king and wept; she kissed the king's forehead and whispered, " May the gods be with you.

"Master lasonas, how is he," stegella asked.

"Still, we can't conclude my lady, at least we need ten to twenty days," master lasonas replied.

"Take care of him master lasonas," stegella said.

"I will do my best my lady," master lasonas replied.

Queen stegella left the chamber and went to her chamber, watching throw the window.

"Where are you, my child? We need you here; come fast," stegella hissed while seeing the moon.

Clara and Nicholas sitting near the campfire having dinner. Nicholas roasted a rabbit for princess Clara and a boar for him.

"How is it Helen," Nicholas asked.

"Pretty good, I like it," Clara replied.

"Taste this," Nicholas said and gave a piece of a roasted boar.

Clara took it and tasted it.

"Yummy, it is delicious Nicholas," Clara said.

"it's my special recipe. I have toasted the boar with some wine and cheese," Nicholas said.

"Your wife and children were lucky," Clara said.

"You are also my child Helen," Nicholas said.

"So, I am lucky too," Clara said.

They both talked for a while and slept in their tents, the night passed on, and the beautiful sun had fallen from the tree, which looked like a beam of rays from the long trees.

Clara and Nicholas got packed for the voyage and started to drive towards the northern territory; the guard's pursued them.

"By evening we will reach the north, remember what I say, Helen," Nicholas said.

"What is that" Clara asked.

"don't rush the things, never talk about the new gods, don't let anyone guess that you were a royal girl and most importantly, don't go anywhere without my notice," Nicholas said.

"Ok Nicholas," Clara replied.

They have traveled for the miles, and in the afternoon, they have halted in the woods, ate some fruits, and started the voyage; in the dawn, they had almost reached the northern territories, and they have halted and arranged a camp in the woods near the village of meymand the entrance to the north.

"Why we stopped here Nicholas, if we moved a bit, we would have reached the village," Clara said.

"don't be so excited, Helen; we have some works to do before entering the village, "Nicholas said.

"What are they," Clara asked.

"As I said don't be fast Helen, drink it," Nicholas said.

"What is it," Nicholas asked.

"Wine Helen," Nicholas said.

"I don't drink wine, I am still a child," Clara said.

"As I said, you are no more a southerner; drink it, it will be a frosty night; it will keep you warm," Clara drunken little.

"Drink little; you have to eat," Nicholas said.

Nicholas served boar, and they took the supper; the guards who camped a little away from the princess camp sang and danced. The cold started to freeze everything; the cold breeze from the north made the climate cool; Clara started to shiver, and she completed her supper quickly. Nicholas went inside the camp, brought the woolen sweater, and placed it on princess Clara.

"Thank you, Nicholas; where have you purchased this," Clara asked.

"My wife made it for you, to keep you warm," Nicholas said.

"I loved it," Clara said.

"Go and sleep, Helen," Nicholas said.

Clara went into her tent and slept. Nicholas, for a while, drunked wine, observed the place and slept.

In the morning, Clara woke up and came out of the tent to watch Nicholas.

"What are you wearing Nicholas," Clara asked.

"This is how the northerners dress up," Nicholas said.

"Ho we need to move fast Nicholas," Clara said.

"Before, we need to do one thing," Nicholas said.

"What is that" Clara asked.

"Sorry, your highness," Nicholas said.

"Sorry for what?" Clara said.

Nicholas held her head and bobbed her long hair.

"What have you done," Clara shouted.

"Now you look like a peasant girl," Nicholas said.

"What? I love my hair how can you do that," Clara said.

"Firstly, we need to keep our heads safe from the rebellions; if they detect that you are from a royal family from the south, they will behead you, and they put it on spikes," Nicholas said.

Clara holding her trimmed hair and looking seriously at Nicholas.

"Go and wear the dress I have kept in your tent," Nicholas said.

Clara went in and dressed up; Nicholas called the guards.

"Soldiers wait at the northern command, for four days we will stay close to the northern command after that we will move to the villages in high hills, my owl will give our location and information every day only an owl will carry my message be sure of it," Nicholas said.

"Ok, sir: guards replied.

"Ok, you may leave," Nicholas said.

The guard's left the place and moved to the northern command.

Clara and Nicholas slowly began to move and entered the village of meymand. Clara started to observe the northerners.

"Do you observe them," Nicholas asked?

"Yes, they were wild," Clara said.

"Yes, they were tribes," Nicholas said.

"Why they don't civilize," Clara asked.

"They love to live wild we tried to change them, but they have never leaned," Nicholas replied.

"So, where are we going? "Clara asked.

"We are going to stay at my old friend's house," Nicholas said.

"Old friend, still you have friends in the north," Clara asked.

"Yes, Helen we used to meet often," Nicholas said.

Slowly they have reached the village of babol, one of the trade centers in the north; they have moved to the house in the wood. Nicholas halted at the house, an old one, a big one with a tavern beside the house. A man who is middle-aged with a muscular body arrived to see Nicholas.

"Welcome, my friend, it's been years," the man shouted.

They both hugged and smiled. Nicholas brought the men to Clara.

"She is my daughter Helen," Nicholas said.

"Wow, she is so gorgeous. I still cannot believe that you had such a beautiful daughter," the man said.

"She is like her mother," Nicholas said.

"Welcome to babol sweetheart, feel like home your father is a good friend to me," the man said.

The man had taken Clara and Nicholas into his house, which is a big one with two stairs,' his family was waiting to receive the guests.

"Sweetheart let me introduce my family, she Daria my wife, he is my son Arman, she is my little princess Ariana, and another newborn girl ava was sleeping in the crib, by the way, my name is jasper you can call me uncle jasper," the man said.

And Jasper introduced Clara and Nicholas to his family.

"This is Nicholas and his daughter Helen," Jasper said with his wife.

"You are looking like a princess Helen," Daria said.

Clara and Nicholas looked at each other.

"You can stay in my room Helen," Jasper's daughter Ariana said.

"No, you will annoy her; she will stay beside your room; Ariana leads Helen to her room.

"Take rest, sweetheart I will call you once breakfast was done," Jasper said.

Ariana took Clara to the first floor by holding her hands.

"Come let's have some ale, my friend," Jasper said.

Nicholas and Jasper went to the tavern and started to drink ale.

"So, you have taken four years to meet me, idiot," Jasper asked.

"You know that jasper, when a man got married his hands and legs were tied," Nicholas said.

"So, you became a prisoner," Jasper replied with a smile.

"This place doesn't change a bit," Nicholas asked.

"You know this, northern life man we have our style," Jasper replied.

They started to drink plenty of ale.