In the capital, master Nicholas and sir otto met with the king.

"Master Nicholas, I am informing your presence in the north to the northern command," king castor said.

"Okay," master Nicholas replied.

"I need a detailed report about the situation in the north," king castor said.

"I will do it," master Nicholas replied.

"We have less time; we need to act quickly; master Nicholas complete the task quickly," king castor said.

Then king castor met with sir otto.

"My friend, I know this is a bit problematic, but we need you in this crisis, join them and tell us their movements," king castor said.

"don't worry, your grace, I will find their objectives," sir otto replied.

"May the gods be with you, sir otto," king castor replied.

Nicholas and sir otto moved away from the king's chamber; in a while, they started their voyage. Nicholas moved to the north, and castor moved to the village of Neville.

Clara woke up and watched her room in confusion, after a few minutes she realized that she was not in the royal fort anymore, she felt a little sad missed her family and prayed for a while then she saw a rat, shouted. Nicholas, jasper, and Daria came to her room.

"What happened, Helen" Nicholas asked.

"Is anything a problem here, sweetheart?" Jasper asked.

Clara pointed towards the mouse.

"What is that" Helen asked.

Nicholas, jasper, and Daria watched the mouse under the table. They have smiled.

"It is just a mouse, Helen," jasper said.

Nicholas signaled to Clara.

"Ho, I'm just terrified. I thought it was a snake; sorry for bothering you," Helen said.

"it's Okay Helen, breakfast time come down," Daria said.

They went down. Clara got freshened up and came out of her room; Ariana joined Helen.

"Slept well, Helen?" Ariana asked.

"Yes," Helen replied.

"Today I will show you, our town. Would you like to come with me," Ariana asked?

"Yes, thank you, I love wandering around new places," Helen replied.

"Stay calm; meet me after breakfast in the garden, and we will leave," Ariana said.

"Why to leave without notice? tell your father", Helen asked.

"He won't send me outside alone," Ariana replied.

They reached the dining table, and Ariana signaled to stay calm. Clara sat at the table watched the items; there was bread made from barley, wine served for everyone and desserts; Nicholas signaled to observe him; Nicholas took the piece of the bread and, dipped it in the wine and ate it; Clara followed him she took the piece of bread which is probably hard, then Clara dipped it into wine then it softened, Clara ate it and not loved it, Daria served dessert Clara started to eat dessert, slowly when everyone was busy in eating Nicholas observed that Clara was not interested in bread, so he took her bread.

"Helen, why don't you have a look around? The town is gorgeous," jasper asked.

"Sure, uncle, I love to explore new places; Ariana and I would go out," Helen replied.

"Not Ariana, sweetheart; Arman will guide you; Ariana is still a small girl, now a day's it won't be safe for little girls like you to wander alone," jasper said.

"I will take her out," Nicholas said.

"Let her enjoy her teenage Nicholas; why have you always been around her? Let her feel unrestrained," jasper said.

"Okay, uncle, I will go with Arman," Helen replied.

Arman smiled at Clara, and Clara smiled back. They had completed the breakfast; Nicholas took Clara outside for a chatter.

"don't go alone, Helen; it will be hazardous out there; let me accompany you," Nicholas said.

"Nicholas, the people, will find us as strangers if we both wander; let me go with Arman as he was native; no one will doubt my actions," Clara said.

"Okay, Helen, take care; just remember to watch the surroundings," Nicholas said.

Arman joined Clara.

"Helen, shall we go," Arman asked.

"Yes, I am prepared," Clara replied.

"Take care of her, Arman; come back before dawn," Nicholas said.

"Okay, uncle, don't worry. I will take care of her," Arman replied.

Arman and Clara left the house walking. Arman was a young boy slightly older than Clara; she was a handsome boy with blue eyes and a muscled body.

"I think your father was worried about you. Have you ever gone outside alone" Arman asked?

"Not like that in my place I will go out with my friends, but this is a new place, so he is worried a bit," Helen replied.

"How is your first day? Are you pleased with my family, house, and all" Arman asked?

"Yes, I loved your family; they were very mannerly," Helen replied.

"Your terminology was very formal, Helen; never watched a peasant daughter with such a beautiful vocabulary," Arman asked.

"Ha, I used to have a friend from big families, so I learned from them," Helen replied.

"So, what do you like to visit first," Arman asked.

"Anything," Helen replied.

"Okay, first we will visit the market, which is the biggest one in the north," Arman said.

"Oh, really, I am excited," Helen replied.

They have entered the market, Clara watching the market with excitement. Many people were going to hang out and performing arts where business was conducted.

"In our land's market is called as an agora, it was the center of daily life, here people would work, trade good's and meet friend's," and conduct business deal's," Arman said.

"Meet friends?" Helen asked.

"In most of the northern villages, the young boy goes for trade to different towns so they will meet their old friends in the agora; hence you will find so many hangout places," Arman said.

Clara observed that garden-grown fruits and vegetables, along with meat, fish, and cheese, were selling at agoras; honey-laden pastries and candy were also available. Arman observed that Clara loved them; he purchased them for her.

"Have it," Arman said and gave candy and pastries.

Clara ate them while wandering.

"Why people are purchasing olive oil more," Helen asked.

"Olive trees were scared for us; we worship our goddess with olives and olive oil," Arman replied.

Clara observed that various structures surrounded the agora.

"What is that structure," Helen asked.

"They are the idols of old gods," Arman replied.

"Can you describe them?" Helen asked?

Arman took Clara near the idols one by one.

The statue, which was almost 12 m high and placed with gold and ivory, represents the god sitting on an elaborate cedarwood throne ornamented with ebony, ivory, gold, and stones. The god's left hand had a scepter on which an eagle was perched.

"Who is this" Clara asked.

"This is the god itzama, the creator," Arman replied.

Clara moved to the next idol. The Idol appearance was a bearded, young man pictured with seashells and other sea life and holding a trident.

"He is chaac, the god of seas and the earth," Arman said.

Clara moved towards the third idol.

The idol was a beardless youth, naked and holding a bow and an arrow.

"This was AHAN, the god of justice," Arman said.

Next, the sculpture appears as a muscular humanoid demon-like deity with Curley hair and red tattoos. He wears very grotesquely designed robes and clothing with asymmetrical shapes and a cape seemingly made from darkness and fire.

"He is EK, the god of the afterlife and the destroyer," Arman said.

And the last one was a female sculpture; the sculpture was 12 m tall; she was helmeted and held a large round shield and spear, placed on the ground to her left, next to her sacred serpent. The lady was beautiful but with a stern face, unsmiling full lips, and a graceful build emanating power and authority.

"She is AHAN, the goddess of love and serpents," Arman said.

"Goddess of love, but she had a stern face," Helen asked.

"She is the most furious goddess, when anything harms the people she loved, she will become furious. The stern face of AHAN warns us that never mess with her people", Arman said.

"Such a beautiful idol," Helen said.

"Yes, in our religious books, her beauty was described as even the gods were guilty of her beauty; no mortal or immortal can match her magnificence," Arman said.

"Why there was a snake beside her," Helen asked.

"She was the goddess of serpent's Helen," Arman replied.

"let's move; hurry up, "Arman said and drew Helen by holding her hand.

"Where are you taking me Arman" Clara asked.

Arman took her through the market into the building; it was full of pottery, the pottery of the ancient ACROZEAN empire, important for the intrinsic beauty of its form and decoration. Clara was shocked by seeing the beauty of the ancient pottery.

"These pots were made of clay, large pots were used for cooking or storing food, and small bowls and cups were made for people to eat and drink; pots were also used for decoration, and when people died, they were cremated, and their ashes were buried in the pot's," Arman said.

"They were beautiful," Helen said.

"Of course, they were Helen. I am feeling hungry; can we have lunch," Arman asked.

"Okay, but what we are going to eat," Helen asked.

"Let me taste you our food," Arman said.