Weather was really stormy that day ...Wind was strong enough to pull umbrellas of people passing by ....Ranging storm ...Noise of wind ...The storm correctly reflected the inner turmoil of researchers ...They all knew that today's conference was not going to bring anything good ... But their minds couldn't stop thinking about all worse possible outcomes that the conference would bring ... Maybe whole world would shun them after this ...Maybe not ...Who knew ? ....

Today's conference was not something ordinary ...People knew that the conference would have great impact of recent news reports from ZERN ... It would be held specifically to defend ZERN 's position ...The matter would no longer be limited to narrow scientific field ...It would spread its affects on political , social and economic sphere ...

Thinkers from all over the world were going to analyse it ...


SHAWN : Are you ready?

LAYLA : Yep ...I am ready like always...(smiling)

That day Layla again turned into a confident woman who was followed by people ... She was no longer a timid girl who cried the day before ...She was the woman because of whom Shawn's heart fluttered ... Her heart was beating fast enough to scare all other researchers...

Everyone was waiting for LAYLA in the main conference hall, where the

conference was planned to occur ...Because of bad weather they weren't able to conduct it outdoors ...

IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM: Everyone was assembled with cameras , notepads and other important things ... One can hear clicks of cameras and murmur in the hall...Reporters specialised in science and research from all over the world had gathered in the room ... When Layla entered , people stopped murmuring ...There was pin drop silence in the hall ... Layla was the only one on stage...No one was strong enough to stay besides her or to back her up on the stage ...Hence there was only one podium , with no extra chairs ....Stage backdrop intentionally showed the picture black hole ...As if the stage itself was trying to reveal the truth which researchers once hid ...

It was baffling scene for someone who already knew the truth ...

LAYLA : Good day ...Everyone ...I know you all are anxious today ... Actually I am also quiet anxious ...I am terrified more than you ...Anyway ...I don't know how to explain what happened ....I don't know what I am blabbering actually ...Well ... Our research institute has managed to form our very first black hole ...

Everyone was shocked and terrified ...They were all in hysterics ...They were all shocked enough to gasp at once ...Despite all the mess Layla managed to keep her composed stance before everyone ...She smiled at everyone ...

LAYLA : I know what you all are thinking ...You all think that ....

REPORTER : What are you even saying ! ...Do you even know ....

LAYLA : Please let me finish first ...I am quite sure once I have made everything clear ...Everyone will be able to understand that it is not that grave situation as it seems .... We all know that when we started this project everyone was scared that if we try to smash two small particles with opposite properties ( matter and anti -matter ) to discover golden particle there is a possibility that we can form black hole...But I claimed that even if that was the case we would still be safe as it would be small enough to vaporize on its own ... I still stand on that claim ...The black hole we formed is harmless as it is right now ...It will not affect any species as such ...Yes , it did emit some radiations of different intensities from time to time but those radiations are already blocked ....

When Layla said that everyone calmed down ...But it doesn't mean that they were not anxious ...

REPORTER : Assuming that whatever you say is hundred percent true ...How will you explain those forged reports which you published around the world ?...

LAYLA : There were no forged reports ...We just hid the fact that black hole was discovered to save the world from chaos ...Please let me finish ....Well , I was saying that when black hole was first formed ...We all were terrified like you but we decided to keep it a secret until we have properly investigated the situation ...

REPORTER 2 : I beg your pardon ! Are you saying that accidental formation of that black monster which can eat fabric of space time is not a hazard ...on which people should panic ...?!

LAYLA : Whenever some thing big was introduced by science , people were always sceptical of it ...When steam engine was introduced people were scared of it , when someone claimed that earth is not flat he was murdered : all because of the beliefs of people which were usually baseless ... I am not saying that it can never bring hazard ...Yes , it can ...But only if mishandled ... But if we research on it ...It might do wonders...Like atomic energy ...When atomic energy was first discovered ...People were uneasy ...Yes it did bring hazard but only when it was not handled properly ...

REPORTER : I seriously think that you are out of your mind ...Atomic energy doesn't eat universe ...Atomic disasters are not able to eat everything that it comes across...!

LAYLA : I know where you are coming from ...But there are many people who know that black hole's can be sources of energy ... They can be alternatives of solar energy ....They can help in the discovery of wormhole ( the entity which is assumed to help in inter -dimensional travel...), it can help us to understand time in a better ....And I know you all think that it can destroy our planet...But if it could have it ,would have done that already ...And we all would be dead by now ...

REPORTER 3 : I have heard that you used atoms of ZEUS 235 recklessly ...

LAYLA : I didn't use it recklessly I knew that it will be used for the project ... Even now there are some researchers in our team who recently joined to examine it ....

All other researchers were in the main building doing their work ...Only Valeria sat in the audience to listen to Layla's speech ...After hearing Layla , she knew that what the woman said was totally different from what she prepared in her speech ...She was again deceiving people ...She was not presenting the truth...She was manipulating it ...They say : 'Man's true form is often evident in dire situations..'.So , does that mean Layla was a cunning woman? ...