DAY 43 contd ...

No matter how much one deceives or tries to hide the truth ...It can never hide truth for good ...Truth comes out like water which finds its way out no matter how much you try to hide it ...

Layla was still standing on the podium ...Though she hid her nervousness ...Her frustrated self forced her to pass hands through her hair again and again ... Her pale face was paler than before ...Albeit no one was able to detect her nervousness ....She was truly in wreck ...

LAYLA : Well I know its not something you can take at once ... You need time to absorb it ...But I still want you to know that we have investigated the black hole properly ...So we hope to continue this research ...

REPORTER : Fabricating truth ...Especially something this big ...I don't think any of you deserve this chance ....

LAYLA : Even if I tell you that it will help in the discovery of God particle ...


LAYLA : I am not sure but I know its something connected to it as well as dark matter ...

REPORTER : Dark matter ?

LAYLA : Yes dark matter ....

REPORTER : Nonsense ...

LAYLA : Its not only our research ...Researchers from ISC also confirmed the fact that dark matter is somehow connected with ZEUS 235...

REPORTER: What does it mean ?

LAYLA : It means that ZEUS 235 is able to interact with dark matter ...And it can be easily turned into black hole ...

REPORTER : I don't know what to say anymore ...

LAYLA : You shouldn't say anything anymore ....( to herself )

REPORTER : Alright , can you tell us ...What happened to the ZEUS 235...

LAYLA : It started showing similarities with dark matter ....

REPORTER : What kind of similarities ?



LAYLA : I want add something at last ...I know no one is convinced by my stupid blabbering but I want you all to stop panicking and think for a moment ...The black hole we have is unique and it could unravel something new

...Maybe after sometime we will discover that its not even black hole ...Science and scientists have always tried their best to provide new and innovative things to the society ...We have always served so I hope that you all will be patient this time and try to understand us ....


SHAWN : How long will it go on ? She must be tired ...

VALERIA : Oh really why don't you just go there and speak instead of her ....Romeo ....She doesn't need anyone's help ...She is already doing a lot for herself ...I don' t believe this how can she do this ...She is so selfish ....

SHAWN : Hey, you don't even know anything about her ...

VALERIA : And you do ?

SHAWN : Probably better than you ...

Suddenly there was a huge mess and it was not because of conference but it was because of the black hole ...The ground suddenly started shaking ...It was like a earthquake of tremendous magnitude ...Who knows what happened ...Maybe it was because of the black hole...Maybe not ....

Layla entered the main cell ...

LAYLA : What happened ?

SOME RESEARCHER : We don't know but its certainly not because of the black hole ...

SHEILA ( breathless) : We don't know what exactly is going on but its certainly something inside the confined room ...

VALERIA : The confined room ?

SHEILA : Yeah ...

VALERIA : Its where the new researchers are ?

SHEILA : Yeah ...

VALERIA : Well then let us check out ...

SHEILA : No , don't go there ...

VALERIA : What ? But why ....What's wrong ?

SHEILA : No one knows ....Its just that we can't go inside the confide room. Something is repelling us ...

Layla still went to check out what happened ... But there was some strange force repelling her from going in ...What had happened ? What was going on ?


GIOVANNI : What is going on ...

CAROL : I don't know ...All I know is ZEUS 235 darkened once again ....

CEYCEY : And it turned off lights of the room...

MUSTAFA : Hold on , I am near the door let me try to open the door ...

CAROL : One minute if we were still in the room ...We would be able to still see something with our eyes ...

CEYECY : Its not important ...Maybe the structure of this room doesn't allow it ...

MUSTAFA : Hmm...Guys I think there is no door in here ...

CEYCEY : What are you talking about ? Let me grab my phone ...Where is my phone ? Here ...

What the hell ? I am not able to turn it on ...

MUSTAFA : My phone is not working either ...

CEYCEY: What exactly happened ? Carol and Giovanni what about your phones ...

CAROL : Nope ...

GIOVANNI : Nope ...My phone is also down...

MUSTAFA : Hold on ...Guys try to feel things ...

GIOVANNI : There is nothing in here ...

CAROL : Yeah I can't even feel the floor ...

GIOVANNI : Don't tell me that we are stuck in some strange space ...

After a while all six of them stopped moving ...It was as if space around them stopped moving ... Outside the room Layla and others were still struggling to get into the cell...

LAYLA : Its strange that we can't even get near the door...

As she said this Layla again tried to touch the door of confined room ...But this time , she was able to touch the door and open it ...As soon as she opened the door she saw that the researchers had disappear .... There was nothing there ,not even ZEUS 235 , except for the room's furniture ; table , chair and other things ...

LAYLA : What happened in here ...Where the hell are they !

SHEILA : But they were in here when I first came to check ...

LAYLA :Then where did they go ?

SHEILA : Who knows ? ...

Bright shining light that is all that Carol could see when she woke up ...As soon as she got up she saw that she was in strange barren land ...There were only rocks there ...Strange grey rocks with dryness and hardness ....

It was as if they were not on Earth ...As if someone had transported them to a far away land where there was no water , no trees ,no houses etc ...The place looked like some kind of desert ...But what had actually happened who knows ...