DAY 44...

A day ....A day passed but no one was able to find them ... Carol , Giovanni ,Ceycey and Mustafa perished in the blink of eye ...Rumours spread all over the world ...Someone said that they must have been killed by some dark agencies ...Someone else said that researchers of ZERN made them disappear with ZEUS 235 ...Police had sealed the ZERN ....No one was allowed to enter ....Govt's secret agency were planning to lock up researchers one by one ...It was now out of hands ...There was black hole in the research centre ...And three researcher perished into thin air ...Political parties got involved ...Politicians severely criticized research team at ZERN ...Public was frightened ....Almost everyone believed that it was the end of world...Layla was unable to do anything ...She didn't even try to hide this fact anymore ...It was expected that the ZERN will be banned for good ...No one expected them to come back anymore ...anytime ...As for black hole...Well , because ZERN research centre was now given to ISC ...Black hole was also investigated by them ...ZERN 's council was also dismissed ...

When Layla 's father heard it he was fuming with anger ...Albeit angry he was still a father of that ungrateful child ....He had to do something in order to save his only child ...

IN THE PRISON : While other researchers were permitted to go ...Layla , Zen , Shawn and Valeria were still held in the in the custody ...

All of them were expression less ...No matter how many times interrogator entered the room they didn't answer any of his questions ...They behaved like statues who had lost their ability to talk or do anything ...

On the other side , Valeria ,Shawn and others were held in one room ...Of course , they were not interrogated ...Only Layla was interrogated ...

Police officer : You know ...Many scientists are requesting goverment to arrest you all ...

What you all did ...Its unforgivable ...

Second Officer : It indeed is ...

VALERIA : Its not our fault...Everything is Layla 's fault ...

With this she explains everything to them ...

Layla was sitting in her room ...The room was dark with only one light shinning which held Layla in spotlight ... Some interrogator entered the room wearing casuals ...But they way walked indicated that he can't be some normal man ...But someone with keen observation ...

THE MAN : Hi , I am Debey ...

LAYLA :....

DEBEY : Look , if you don't talk ...Things will be very difficult for all of us ...

Layla started to stare at him intently ...

DEBEY : Look we don't have any evidence against any of you yet ...But we have to find out what exactly happened ...

LAYLA : I have already explained everything at the conference I don't want to explain anything else ...

DEBEY : I know that but you have to say something ...Anything that can explain what happened with Ceycey and others ...

LAYLA : What am I supposed to say when I don't even know anything by myself ...

DEBEY : But we have to answer others ....

LAYLA : I don't have any answers ...

DEBEY : But Valeria says that its all your fault ...

LAYLA: Look I don't know what you want but right now research centre needs us ...

DEBEY : I don't think so...After you have done ...We won't be able to let you go ...

If only he knew how wrong he was ....

DEBEY : Your colleagues have revealed everything to us ...

LAYLA : I don't know what exactly they have revealed but they are all lying ....They are trying to put all blame on me ...Though I understand ...Look if you want to arrest me then do it ...But let me ...At least complete my research on that black hole ...

Layla's father was the billionaire ....He planned something very neatly ...He advertised the black hole's possible advantages by giving money to researchers , politicians and news channels ...He also tried to prove that those four researchers didn't perish , they ran away with the element ... At last people manipulated to think that they belonged to some terrorist organization ...All of this happened within fifteen days ...And Layla along with all other researchers were released though ZERN was sealed for good ...And Layla started working for her

father ...

ONE MONTH LATER : Valeria was on her way to the job interview ...She opened her mobile phone to check the time ... But what she saw totally blew her mind ...Carol , Giovanni and Ceycey were back ...

They were found in an unconscious state in the same room they had disappeared ...

As soon as some officers found them ....They brought them to the hospital ...They were still lying unconscious on the bed when Layla and Valeria entered the hospital ....While Layla looked so much better than before with perfect hair , black skirt and beautiful blouse , Valeria looked worse ...She looked like she had aged more than before ...Her hair were shabby and her dress was totally worn out ..She and Layla hadn't seen each other for a month...They didn't know what to say to each other hence they ignored each other ...Running towards the same hospital room where Carol and others were kept...

The hospital was highly guarded while Layla was easily allowed to enter the room ... Valeria was not allowed to enter ...

When she entered the room a doctor was already in there checking on them ...

LAYLA : What is wrong with them ?

DOCTOR : We don't know yet ... All we can say is that they look alright ...physically...

LAYLA : What do you mean ?

DOCTOR : I don 't ...Its like they are physically here but there unconscious is still somewhere else ...

LAYLA : I have to find out ...

DOCTOR : How have you been , Layla ?

LAYLA : Excuse me ...Do I know you ?

DOCTOR : No , but I do ...We were classmates ....In highschool but you were too focused on studies so you probably don't even remember ....

LAYLA : I am sorry ...Well I guess I will try to talk to some neuro biologist ...

DOCTOR : I have already tried to talk with neurologists ...Albeit you can investigate on your own ...

LAYLA : Then I have some important things to do ...Take care ...

DOCTOR : You too...

When Layla came out Valeria was still standing there ...

VALERIA : What happened ? .

LAYLA : Nothing much they are not conscious yet ...

VALERIA : What exactly happened to them ...?