Preview of Seth's darkness. MEET ASGARD'S ROYAL FAMILY.

*Ps: This book is not a tragedy.*

My parents always told me I was special. For many other reasons that I can't recall anymore since I was very little. At age three I was crowned the King of darkness in a dream, there some demon named Evox was burnt to death for treason against the ex-king who happened to be my Dad. He accidentally passed the genes to me when his tenure was over.

Somehow Evox had taken over my Grandma, Queen Hollieta, causing her to wreak havoc in my parent's marriage, my grandpa noticed something amiss but suddenly disappeared without a trace. While Evox's core was ablaze, Hollieta fainted and turned to dust immediately. My Grandpa who had been missing for nearly 699 years appeared out of nowhere, apparently, Hollietta had held him captive in a snow globe, under the direct orders of Evox. The reinforcing chains used to hold grandpa hostage was bound by her life force, it was only after she died that he could break out of it. Talking about my mum's parents though.

My parents on the other hand have been so overprotective of me and who I come in contact with. Any emotion that's linked to animosity or unfairness like depression, pain, anger, or the like, triggers the darkness inside of me.

As for depression and pain, what are the odds of the crown prince getting depressed or feeling pain? Just so you know, I'm a really lively person. But unfortunately, my anger kills.

Not that I'm violent but when I was six years old, my butler Robbie was ordered to take me to an ice cream shop but stopped on the way to face some guy who harassed his girlfriend. When we eventually got to the shop they were out of my favorite flavor. The anger that fired up affected Robbie so much that he coughed up blood and dropped dead right in front of me

I was terrified. Of myself and the power I possess.

Because of that, I wasn't allowed to go to a normal school anymore, I mean like what were the odds of me flaring up and boom! my classmate drops dead. And for twenty-four years of my life, I've been home-schooled.

My mom was always there for me, and my sisters too. Oh right, did I forget to mention we're triplets? Sage, Skipper, and I.

Firstly, Sage, she's the firstborn she came out twelve minutes earlier than I did but in Asgard, its male children that inherit the throne. Sage is the definition of obedient, like Sage because she's a Sage -get it? I know, I know okay, I'm not funny. But I try to be sometimes. The point is her name says it all.

Straight A's, perfect attendance record, super respectful, she doesn't do clubbing and she's even gotta curfew! Oh but don't think she's boring. Hell no. You'll find out more about how fun she can be once we begin the story.

Skipper on the other hand is Sage's opposite. Well, technically speaking she's still respectful but she's broken Asgard's detention record, and she's a princess! I know like, what! She's dyed her hair twelve different colors, has dated almost all the famous young wrestlers, and has twenty-seven piercings, even on her toes too. She's fun itself.

My sisters are god damn gorgeous. Their beauty is known around the kingdom, they are the best siblings to ever have - but don't tell the twins I said that.

The twins are my younger siblings, Serena and Soteria.

Now these girls are THE opposites. Soteria is all fashion and is quite self-absorbed. Makeup, tiaras, heels, lashes, you name it. she kinda takes after Skipper in a twisted way.

Serena is all-natural, she loves animals and the environment. Compared to Soteria she's meek. She's a lot more of a tomboy, cuz she hates gowns, nails - anything else artificial.

My family makes me feel as special as possible. It's hard knowing you're a ticking time bomb and not thinking of just ending it all.

I had a destructive touch property, strong enough to melt diamonds and turn steel to ashes. So I wore fingerless gloves. My family has to be at least two feet away from me when I'm not wearing them.

Only my Dad could get close to me. Although he's not the king of darkness anymore, he still possesses it. It's just the concentration in him is much less than mine because of the hierarchy in its distribution. The leader gets the most, the dark subjects get just fractions.

I honestly don't mind being a subject right now, anything else beats being a potential killing machine.