Chapter 123. Blind date 1

Svetlana looked up, the sky was leading and she didn't have an umbrella.

She sighed. Why was she here anyway? Walking down the street to a restaurant.


"Are you still hung up on Pierson Kidman?"

Fisher asked intentionally scrutinizing her for traces of hesitation. They'd run into each other at the movies. He was seeing it alone and she was seeing it for educational-related purposes.

"No, not at all. Why would I be?"

Fisher was surprised to hear that reply. Did she really mean it?

"If that's not it, why did you look so glum these days?"

Svetlana pouted and stared straight at the screen. She was just livid that her credit card was suspended. She missed Pierson but it's mostly because they couldn't be best friends anymore. She really missed hanging out with him.

"It's nothing."

She stuffed her cheeks with popcorn right after. Hopefully, he'll take the hint and stop asking her uncomfortable questions.