"The mint scent was still there."

 In Wang's country, it was still the second dawn. Despite adhering to international hours and calendars, the tradition of using the old times persisted.


 The first dawn was at six in the morning, the second at eight, and the third at ten. Midday and midnight were referred to as zero hour. The afternoon was also divided into three sunsets, and the night into three parts.


Queen Wang took advantage of the pleasant weather to visit her horses in the royal stable. She was quietly preparing for her skills test, aiming for perfection. It would be a grand spectacle for her guests and the entire kingdom; her horses would be as crucial to the event's success as she was.


 "Did you manage to speak to the organizer of the national riding championship?"


Wang Zheng wore only a sweatshirt and baggy jeans, her hair tied back in a loose ponytail. Her makeup was minimal, just a touch of color on her lips and cheekbones.


 "Yes, Your Majesty. He said he would do his best to fulfill your request."


 "Good. How is Huan Yi?"


 "Papa Huan is feeling much better; the Queen has been very kind to our family."


 "Your family has been serving the royal family for decades. Thank you for your hard work, Huan Yang."


 "It is a pleasure, Your Majesty."


 "What are the first things to resolve today?"


 "The priority is to welcome the newcomer to the Bloody Spring."


 "Okay, I don't think anyone else will arrive after her. Prepare the room and make her comfortable. I'll have tea with her later."


 "Yes, Your Majesty."


The Huan family was one of several that directly served the Wang family, with nearly all members holding administrative positions around the Queen and her family.


 The newly arrived princess at the Zheng Palace was Liu Wei, a delicate and young 20-year-old omega. She was currently second in line to the throne of her country, Martana.


Accompanied by her personal maid, the beta Anna, Liu Wei was attending the Bloody Spring at her family's request.


 Liu Wei found little meaning in participating in an event to marry another omega...


 It seemed impossible to her! She couldn't imagine two omegas or two alphas being intimate.


 But formalities and diplomacy had to be observed.


 Liu Jing, her sister and the future queen of Martana, was an alpha already married to another omega. Only single suitors were expected to present themselves for the competition.


 Martana was the second most prosperous and wealthy country in Eurasia, though not as modern as Wang's country.


 Its land was fertile, its climate ideal for large-scale agriculture, and it boasted one of the largest stretches of beach on the continent.


 Martana was a great power with both sea and land at its disposal. If anything was lacking, Wang's country provided it, leading to a strong alliance maintained for decades.


 Given the commercial importance between the two nations, Martana was expected to send a representative.


 Anna was chatting with Secretary Huan Yang while Liu Wei meticulously inspected her room. Although she was not difficult to please, she needed to ensure the room was secure from any pheromone interference.


 "Is the room to your liking, Miss?"


 Liu Wei nodded in satisfaction.


 Few outside her family knew that she was a high-level omega.


 Omegas, alphas, and betas were once considered equal. However, studies on pheromones revealed that some omegas had greater or lesser sensitivity to them, and the higher the sensitivity, the higher the level of classification.


 The same applied to the other types.


 Initially, this was used for segregation against low-level betas and omegas. However, academics later reinterpreted this by associating pheromone sensitivity with disease treatments and gland therapies.


 Liu Wei, after her differentiation, was classified as an S-level omega, but upon full maturation, she was reclassified as SS: the highest level achieved by an omega.


 She had to be very cautious with the ventilation system in the rooms where she stayed. In addition to always having the highest quality barrier patches, inhibitors, and suppressants, her estrus would be intense and chaotic without preventive measures.


 "Yes, the ventilation system here is very good, better than the one in my previous room." The secretary smiled in satisfaction.


 The queen was known for her attention to detail regarding the quality of the palace's infrastructure.


 "Fine. If anything is needed, you can speak directly to me."


 "Certainly. Thank you, Mr. Huan."


 "Welcome to Wang Country Palace. Additionally, the Queen invites Miss Liu Wei to afternoon tea for a more formal welcome."


 It was customary for the queen or a royal family member to welcome guests. However, Wang Zheng was the only family member residing in the palace, so she couldn't always host everyone.


 But for Liu Wei, it was somewhat surprising that the queen was absent from the palace. "Is the queen not in the palace?"


 "No, she had engagements outside that could not be postponed. She apologizes for not being able to greet you personally."


 "Don't worry, I'll be waiting for Your Majesty for tea this afternoon."


 "I'll inform the queen."




 "I'll leave you to your preparations." The young man soon departed, leaving Liu Wei alone with Anna.


 Glancing at her watch, Liu Wei noted that there were still a few hours before her appointment with the Queen. She planned to use this time to shower and relax.


 Time passed quickly, and Liu Wei was in the final stages of preparation. She had brought various clothes and jewelry for any situation that might arise, but she still preferred fresh and light attire.


 She watched as Anna entered her room and positioned herself beside her, fastening the last earring. A subtle touch. Anna was aware of the omega's sensitive skin, so every action had to be precise.


 "Miss, the weather is still a bit chilly."


 "I'll wear that denim jacket."




 Liu Wei had chosen a loose, long, yellow dress that conveyed a cheerful look, complemented by the denim jacket to guard against potential cold.


 Her light, curly hair fell over her shoulders, giving her a sweet, carefree appearance.


 "I'm ready; shall we go?"


 "Yes, please accompany me."


 Liu Wei was not familiar with the palace, but Anna, who had easily memorized the locations, was a great help.


 Without much ado, Liu Wei arrived at the location for afternoon tea.


 The table was already set, and the royal maids were diligently waiting for the queen. Upon noticing the young omega's approach, they immediately bowed in respect and informed her that the queen was on her way.


 In less than five minutes, a woman with firm steps appeared on the horizon.


 Liu Wei watched her with a sense of wonder; the woman exuded an incomparable strong aura. She wore formal attire and had her hair completely tied up, revealing the delicate skin of her neck.


 Liu Wei felt her face suddenly heat up.


 As the woman drew closer, it became increasingly clear who she was. The rumors had not done justice to Wang Zheng's beauty; she was even more stunning in person.


 The sound of high heels clacking grew louder. Liu Wei stood up and bowed. It was surprising to see another member of royalty bowing so easily.


 Wang Zheng felt satisfied with this gesture. "Your Majesty."


 The act of bowing and kissing the queen's hand was the simplest way to show respect, a gesture Liu Wei was well-acquainted with and performed gladly.


 Wang Zheng's hand was soft and cool. Liu Wei caught a faint scent of pineapple, and the sweet taste lingered on her tongue after the brief contact.


 Sweet. Really sweet, Liu Wei thought with a sigh.


 Wang Zheng observed the young princess as she composed herself and detected a hint of mint.


 It was cool and refreshing, almost too much so, and Wang Zheng felt a slight burn in her throat. "Cough... Princess, please have a seat."


 "Thank you."


 One of the maids immediately approached upon seeing the queen settle into her chair, but with a slight gesture, Wang Zheng signaled her to stop. "Leave us alone; if I need anything, I'll call."


 "Yes, Your Majesty."


 Soon, they were completely alone, and Liu Wei's anxiety grew.


 The queen's intimidating appearance and her strong pheromones seemed to create a physical distance between them.


 "Would you like some tea?"




 Wang Zheng lifted the teapot and, in one motion, served her guest first and then herself.


 "I took the liberty of asking your personal maid what her favorite flavor of tea is. Hibiscus, right?"




 "Great. I hope you like my country's hibiscus teas."


 The taste of the tea was clean and satisfying.


 "Thank you... it's delicious."


 Liu Wei noticed the queen's grin, which seemed to grow wider, and even the scent of pineapple seemed to intensify.


 "I made it myself, so it took a bit longer to get to you."


 Knowing that the Queen had personally made the tea was truly an honor.


 Her cheeks were flushed, and her ears might have been red, along with a slight warmth in her glands. Liu Wei felt genuinely touched.


 "Of course. You are the princess of our main ally... It is a great pleasure to host you on such an occasion."


 The princess coughed, trying to compose herself.


 It was clear now that this was a diplomatic gesture.


 How had she not noticed this before? Disappointment was evident in her eyes.


 She had acted so innocently, hadn't she?!


 Wang Zheng also noticed the slight blush fade quickly; the girl suddenly appeared sad.


 She didn't fully understand why, but even the sting of the mint increased. Wang Zheng had to drink tea to ease the discomfort in her throat.


 That girl needed to control her pheromones... God, she felt hot.


 The queen was certain this was a high-level omega. Normally, she wouldn't be so affected by pheromones, but now it felt like she had consumed a pound of pure mint. It was quite uncomfortable.


 Liu Wei attempted to maintain some decorum, chastising herself for believing that the queen had done something special just for her.


 She shouldn't dwell on unnecessary thoughts.


 "Well, I apologize on behalf of the future queen and the royal family of Martana... The eldest is already married to an omega from another kingdom... But my country could not miss such a festivity."


 Liu Wei laughed heartily, maintaining a friendly demeanor in front of the queen. She couldn't afford to create problems.


 "No problem, I personally helped arrange the couple's match. It's a pleasure to hear that they are organizing a wedding."


 "Did you help?" Liu Wei was genuinely surprised. Despite knowing that the countries were close, she hadn't imagined that the families were so intertwined.


 "Yes, with your mother's help… She also mentioned that a beta is pursuing her."


 Wang Zheng thought it a great waste for a high-level omega to be involved with a beta. It seemed like such a missed opportunity.


 Liu Wei wasn't keen on discussing marriage. She didn't like the beta pursuing her, nor did she like the idea of marrying and having children for the sake of diplomacy. She disliked everything about it.


 She had no desire to delve into this topic, especially with someone she wasn't close to.


 "Yes, but nothing official yet. Are you very close to my mother?"


The queen was thoughtful for a few seconds, enough for Liu Wei to observe her.


 The queen possessed an exquisite beauty.


Wang Zheng smiled and replied in a playful tone. "Well, your mother is one of the few who likes to follow my boring life; she is genuinely an intriguing woman. I've traveled to her country a few times, and she has always welcomed me warmly."


"I understand."


 Liu Wei found it peculiar that they were such close friends yet neither she nor her sister had met Wang Zheng.


 The tea was not just a formality. The queen decided to address the matter directly, as the omega in front of her seemed uncomfortable discussing very personal topics.


"Do you know what the Bloody Spring entails?"


Liu Wei nodded. "Your Majesty will choose your partner from among the participants, correct?"




"I hear there are excellent alphas among the participants."


Wang Zheng sighed heavily; she was weary of hearing the same praise for good alphas.


Liu Wei could clearly hear the sigh and felt her heart sink. Had she said something wrong? After all, they were both omegas, and it would be natural to look for a suitable alpha... Right?!


 The faintly sour scent of pineapple became more noticeable.


The queen was growing impatient with this topic. Although the young woman was not at fault, Wang Zheng's patience was wearing thin, and that irritating minty scent did not alleviate her discomfort.


"That might be true... But it's still a competition. Don't you think you have a chance?"


Liu Wei disregarded the pineapple scent; it didn't affect her much. It was simply amusing to see the queen becoming frustrated.


"Well, I didn't come here for that purpose..."


"Really?" The queen rested her chin on her hand.


She momentarily set aside her irritation, intrigued by where Liu Wei's response might lead.


But it was undeniable that she admired such boldness.


Liu Wei quickly realized her mistake... her glands felt warm, and so did her face. She was embarrassed, deeply embarrassed. "I apologize for my presumption."

The queen smiled kindly and poured them both more tea. "It's okay, you're being honest. But I'd like you to compete to win, even if you're not chosen. Being an alpha or an omega shouldn't be a determining factor in your ability to impress someone, do you agree?"


Liu Wei could feel the sincerity in the queen's words, and with that came the sweet scent of pineapple.


It was remarkable how the queen could swing between two extremes so effortlessly; now the scent was wonderfully fragrant and sweet, almost delectable.


But even so, there was no logical reason to compete to win. She... Would she marry Wang Zheng?! No, definitely not.


She still felt reluctant.


But yes, maybe she should try to impress the queen. Right?!


"Well... maybe."


"My country is considered the best place for an omega to live, isn't that fascinating? Forgive me for boasting."


Liu Wei was well aware of this; she had thoroughly researched Wang's country before her trip.


"There is no problem with that. I understand that since your Majesty took office, there have been several changes in the country."


Wang Zheng smiled, noticing that the girl was genuinely flattering her.


In a way... it was cute.


"Yes, I'm an omega, so I should strive to create a better country for myself, don't you think? Anyway, for me, gender is just a detail... If you're the best, it's only fair that you succeed based on your merit, not just your pheromones. Anyway, I requested this meeting to discuss how the event will work."




Liu Wei leaned back in her chair and listened attentively.


"The first phase is a meeting. Do you already have an idea of where you'd like to take me?"


Liu Wei knew how the Bloody Spring worked, but she had never considered putting it into action. Now, thinking about it and being questioned by the queen herself, she felt extremely embarrassed.


Her family would probably be ashamed of her. "I hadn't thought of that..."


"Oh... Your Excellency seems rather unprepared."


Wang Zheng's words were harsh and piercing, striking right at the young princess's heart. "Please don't be offended… I…I…"


Liu Wei was in a panic.


That wasn't Zheng's intention, so she tried to diffuse the situation by releasing a bit more of her pheromones to show that she wasn't upset by the words.


Despite the strong pheromone presence, the girl looked as innocent as a newly bloomed flower.


"It's okay, I'm not angry. Just surprised."




Liu Wei flinched, feeling her face flush while the queen's intense gaze made her shudder.


"Anyway, choose something you'd like to do with me or a place around the palace you want to visit. If you need assistance deciding, my staff are at your service."


"I understand..."


"The second phase will be a competition of skills. You can choose to showcase whatever you do best... Show off. It can be anything, and I assure you that resources and preparations will be made to accommodate your needs."


The second phase was the only part Liu Wei felt confident about. If there was one thing she excelled at, it was dancing, and she was ready to showcase it.


"Okay, what about the final phase?"


"An intimate night. I'll come to your room, and we'll release our pheromones and see what happens... Well, I don't plan to engage in anything too intimate with any of the candidates, but I will be in estrus, and it will be challenging for me to control myself. So, there might be more than just sensing our pheromones. You understand, right?"


Wang Zheng spoke with such naturalness that it only made Liu Wei blush deeper. Her glands were heating up, very hot.


Anyone approaching them would likely think the two omegas were in a heated argument; the mingling of mint and pineapple scents was ambiguous and confusing.


They couldn't make sense of it either.


Simply ignore.




Wang Zheng tried to reassure the nervous girl.


"Why do you look like a frightened cat now?!"


"Don't be nervous. We are both omegas, and the chance of not being able to handle our pheromones is high, but we still need to follow tradition..."


The queen's words were not entirely accurate.


After all, she had no problem bonding with another omega, but her reaction to Liu Wei's pheromone was extremely intense and uncomfortable.


How could anyone believe they would make it to the third stage? It seemed like a joke.


They probably wouldn't proceed to the third stage, but that didn't matter. The goal was to give the girl a sense of competition.


"All right."


"Have some cookies... Yes?"


The queen's secretary quickly approached and whispered something in her ear.


Wang Zheng's posture became more rigid and concerned.


Liu Wei was unaware that there was an emergency at the hospital where the Queen worked.


"How long ago did she go into labor?"


"Less than half an hour."


Wang Zheng briefly tapped her fingers on the table as she held the teacup close to her lips, contemplating the best course of action.


"Okay, get the car and my equipment ready. Send a notice saying I'll be there in an hour."


"Yes, Your Majesty."


The secretary quickly walked away and grabbed his cell phone. From a distance, Liu Wei could hear him speaking urgently to someone.


Liu Wei was stunned. "Something happened?"


Wang Zheng smiled softly and explained, "Yes, I'll have to leave early. There's an emergency at the royal hospital."


Liu Wei was genuinely surprised; she might not have done all her research. "Your Majesty is a doctor?"


The queen's demeanor remained gentle and composed.


She didn't ask for composure, and despite the emergency, she still had some time.


There was no reason to panic.


"Yes, I specialize in omegas with gestational syndromes... A patient has just arrived, and her glands are unstable."


Wang Zheng took a final sip of her tea and stood up, motioning for Liu Wei to stay seated.


"Please stay and continue your tea. Shortbread is my favorite, and you look so thin. Eat well!"




With one last smile, she bid farewell and quickly departed.


To Liu Wei, the queen was truly impressive... But seeing her in doctor's attire was beyond her imagination.


Her heart was pounding, and her glands were on fire.


She took a deep breath, picked up one of the shortbread cookies, and savored it slowly. Sweet. Really sweet.


Wang Zheng's secretary watched carefully as the queen hurriedly walked towards her room.


In emergency situations, he would stay and oversee the palace until the queen's return, so he needed to be prepared for any orders or requests before she left.


The queen appeared unusually nervous.


He saw her discard her blazer on the floor and then rummage through the closet for clean clothes to go to the hospital.


"Prepare the bath; I need to shower before heading to the hospital."


He only heard her voice echo through the room and then took action.


"Is there a problem?"


The queen's face was marked by fatigue. "The incoming omega pheromone is somewhat unpleasant."


He rarely heard the queen complain about pheromones, so it was surprising to see her so uncomfortable.


Huan Yang kept his curiosity to himself.


"I see. The bath is ready. Don't worry, I'll assemble a change of clothes for Your Majesty."




She walked swiftly to the bathroom, unbuttoning her shirt. In a moment of frustration, she threw her used clothes on the floor; the excess fabric was irritating her.


The shower was quick; there was no time to wash her hair, but it was enough to calm her glands and clear the lingering minty scent from her nose.


As she exited the bathroom, she saw her clothes scattered on the floor and, in an unconscious gesture, sniffed them again.


The minty scent was still strong and lingering.


Well... Liu Wei was certainly an unforgettable omega...


Really refreshing.