"Maybe I have a chance, right?"

The shortbread cookies were truly delicious. She chewed them slowly as her heart calmed down.


Though the queen had been gone only a short time, Liu Wei found herself unexpectedly eager for her return and to rejoin the table.


Instead, she watched as her maid, accompanied by the royal secretary, approached.






"Has Your Excellency decided on your skill for the presentation? We are gathering this information in advance to better prepare the Palace."


"Have the others already chosen?"


"Yes, only Miss and the Queen are left."


"Well, I'll dance to a song. Anna, please take the files to the secretary that we've set aside for the presentation."


"I'll do it right away."


"Thank you."


Anna soon went off to fetch the files, leaving the secretary with Liu Wei.


"We will prepare everything for Your Excellency. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything."


Liu Wei smiled but seemed preoccupied with something more important at the moment. "Of course... Is the queen all right?"


"The Queen?"


"Yes. She had to leave in a hurry."


Despite the queen often having people inquiring about her, few asked about her well-being. Huan Yang smiled, pleased to see that the princess cared so much for the queen he served.


"Yes, Your Majesty has just left and is expected to arrive at the hospital soon. It's a complicated situation for the patient's family, but the queen is very experienced."


Liu Wei felt a bit more at ease, but the idea of the queen having a profession beyond royalty was intriguing.


Was there anything Wang Zheng couldn't do? Liu Wei doubted it.


"I see. That's good to know."


"Yes, I must take my leave now."




With only two shortbread cookies remaining and the tea barely enough to fill a cup, the sweet taste mingled with the confusion in her heart. Liu Wei had many things to consider and resolve.


At noon, as everyone prepared for lunch, the guests behaved with grace despite the queen's absence from the table.


Of course, they behaved knowing that the royal officials would be Wang Zheng's eyes and ears in her absence.


Liu Wei took the last chair in the row and, despite her efforts not to attract attention, could feel the eyes of everyone on her.


Though some looked curious and others hostile, she managed to converse easily with the omega sitting next to her: Li Zhang. Liu Wei wasn't very talkative, choosing instead to listen attentively as Li Zhang spoke animatedly about various topics.


As lunch neared its end, everyone was engaged in lively conversation.


Li Zhang, however, seemed lost in thought and let out a sigh, catching Liu Wei's attention. "I'm curious about the skill the queen will display."


Liu Wei's heart raced. She was very interested in anything related to the queen.


"There are many?"


"Well, she's exceptional at a lot of things… She has won numerous titles from countless championships."


Liu Wei listened to the admiration in Li Zhang's voice and felt a pang of jealousy.


"I see... You seem well-informed about how things work in this country."


"I've been working here for a few years now and have lived here for at least 15 years. I'm almost a local now."


Liu Wei was surprised, not expecting to meet someone with such a background outside of a royal lineage. "Are you a noble?"


Li Zhang had a somewhat tragic backstory. Her home country, a small island in the extreme south of EuroAsia, was invaded by a neighboring country, forcing the royal family to flee. They spent years seeking refuge in other countries until Wang Zheng's country accepted them.


"I'm a princess without a country… It's a long story, but we've received some privileges from the royal family and have officially become part of the nobility. In exceptional situations, I'm considered a princess."


Regarding exceptional situations: the Bloody Spring.


It was clear that Li Zhang had an interest in Wang Zheng, and their shared status as omegas didn't seem to affect her at all.


"I see. You chose to come here."


"Yes… The queen has never been rumored to be dating anyone, not even a teenage crush. I wonder if she would be interested in an omega like me… Maybe I have a chance, right?"


Liu Wei knew she had deep feelings for the queen, but was she truly willing to go that far?! In her country, marriage between two omegas wasn't even legalized.




Night had already fallen for a few hours, but insomnia still plagued her. Even the soft bed and the clean air didn't help her eyelids feel heavy.


Liu Wei was content with her room. It was a sanctuary, free of any trace of pheromones.


She took advantage of her rare free time to read, with only the soft yellow light of the bedside lamp illuminating her.


Suddenly, she heard a car screech to a halt. Someone had arrived. Her first instinct was to get up from her bed and peer through the small gap in the heavy curtains covering the windows to see who it was. She hoped it was Wang Zheng, and her hopes were confirmed when she saw the car door open and the queen's elegant legs slowly emerge.


Wang Zheng was dressed differently tonight. She wore tailored pants with a high-collared blouse that accentuated her defined waist. The slightly disheveled strands of her hair added a touch of naturalness and sensuality that Liu Wei had not previously seen in the queen.


Liu Wei's glands itched and her heart raced uncontrollably.


The princess wasn't sure how long she had been hiding, watching the queen interact with her servants. She felt a pang of envy at the warm, kind smiles Wang Zheng offered them.


But the climax came when the queen suddenly gazed at her window. Their eyes met, and the queen flashed a wide smile. Despite the dim light in front of the palace, Wang Zheng's amused expression was unmistakable.


Liu Wei quickly hid herself and dove under her covers, her heart racing. That smile was the end of her.


Even as she cowered in her moment of shame, the princess couldn't help but wonder shyly: when would she feel that pineapple scent again?


Wang Zheng found the little omega's reaction amusing. The girl was full of youthful energy, making her both sweet and attractive. If it weren't for the overwhelming mint scent nearly suffocating her, her first impression of Liu Wei would have been very positive. Pheromones weren't absolute indicators of compatibility, but some scents just didn't blend well—perhaps that was the case with them.


The queen looked at the window one last time. There was no sign of light or Liu Wei now. She waited for her secretary to approach and then finally entered the palace.


She needed a good rest.


The next morning, breakfast was already on the table. Liu Wei slept peacefully until her maid gently woke her.


The subtle touch of icy fingers stirred her awake, though she remained a bit dazed as she got up.


"Good morning, Miss."


Liu Wei wasn't in the best mood upon waking, and Anna was used to this. She kept her instructions brief until the young princess was fully awake.


"Good morning..."


"The queen is calling all the guests for breakfast. She will make an official announcement. Take a shower, and I'll help you choose a comfortable outfit."




Anna selected a comfortable wool blouse and a simple black skirt for Liu Wei. Her long hair was styled in a side braid, giving her a sweet and gentle appearance.


Her fair, flushed skin needed minimal touch-ups; a light application of lip gloss was all she used to keep her lips hydrated, and she was ready for the day.


The breakfast table resembled a small battlefield. Everyone was dressed in fine, elegant clothes to impress the queen, and each guest's personal servants seemed on edge, as if prepared for any eventuality.


Liu Wei arrived early, finding herself alone at the table. She glanced at the unanswered messages on her cell phone. While she preferred reading books, she found the internet useful in situations like this.


Gradually, the other guests arrived and took their seats. Within fifteen minutes, everyone was present, including Wang Zheng.


"Good morning, everyone."


"Good morning, Your Majesty."


The queen wore a white dress adorned with black lace. Her slightly wavy hair gave her a cute and sweet appearance, and Liu Wei admired the sight very much.


"Well, as you know, today marks the first official day of Bloody Spring, and the country is already in celebration... If you walk around the cities, you'll hear music and laughter. The atmosphere is truly contagious, and today we will have the first official banquet with everyone from the nobility and royal councils..."


In Wang Zheng's country, there were three councils: the Council of Elders, composed mostly of nobles; the Merchant Council, consisting of the wealthiest individuals after the king; and finally, the Clergy Council, made up of religious leaders from various faiths. Their role was to advise the king and, on rare occasions, make decisions in their respective fields.


Royal feasts during Bloody Spring were always held before and after some of the stages. As the first stage was about to begin, everyone was prepared to be showered with alcohol and food.


Every important person in the kingdom would be present, from nobles to merchants.


It was a time of celebration, but also a moment for political maneuvering.


The royal wedding was a political act.


When you were king, everything involving the kingdom was viewed through a political lens, and celebrations were not merely festivities; they were opportunities for negotiation and alliance-building.


The queen continued her speech: "As you know, while you are inside my palace, all your movements are being monitored. I hope you don't mind..."


"And finally, tomorrow we will begin the first stage of the event, with meetings conducted in order of arrival. You have already been informed of your assignments, so please prepare accordingly."


At that moment, Wang Zheng directed a pointed look at Liu Wei. The little princess was expected to prepare well; it was a subtle warning. Liu Wei glanced away in embarrassment, focusing instead on the small piece of cake on her plate.


The queen chuckled as she noticed the girl's ears turning bright red.


"All of you are welcome to leave the palace and explore the kingdom, so don't be shy. However, please notify the Royal Guard beforehand. Since you cannot use pheromone control drugs, it's crucial to have extra security..."


"... The guards are already prepared and ready to accompany you wherever you go. Additionally, we will provide some of our specialized barrier protectors for the glands. They are only distributed within the country, but rest assured, they are more effective than standard barrier protectors..."


The queen was always accompanied by several servants, and in the absence of her secretary, there were half a dozen others capable of performing his duties. A young woman approached and whispered something in Wang Zheng's ear.


The queen smiled contentedly.


Wang Zheng had been the national equestrian champion for many years and had only stopped competing due to her demanding duties running the country. Now, she was planning a grand return to the sport and had requested that the venue for the national championship be the grand royal ranch—a perfect location for a high-level competition.



The queen intended to host a grand spectacle with a fair and fireworks for her subjects and guests to enjoy.


"Good. Ask my secretary to prepare a thank-you gift."


"As you wish."


The woman bowed slightly and left the room quickly.


Everyone watched with curiosity.


The saltwater-smelling alpha, Chen Fu, was the bravest in questioning the queen. "Your Majesty, are you very busy?"


She smiled with satisfaction. "No, it's just related to my skills presentation. I think it will be quite exciting."




For Wang Zheng, the pheromone of that alpha, Chen Fu, was particularly unpleasant, evoking a constant feeling of being at sea surrounded by fish and the briny air.


The other alpha, Yang Fan, decided to be brave and address the queen as well.


"I hear you're a doctor. Do you have time to visit the hospital? I was quite curious about that."


Yang Fan had a lighter and more relaxed demeanor compared to Chen Fu. It was clear that, as alphas, they were competing to show who was the most impressive.


The queen laughed at this trivial competition.


Despite their constant need to assert dominance, Yang Fan had grown up in a traditional environment and believed in wooing and pleasing the omega to forge a successful union.


Yang Fan aimed to demonstrate genuine interest in Wang Zheng and make her feel valued.


Though a female alpha might be an ideal choice among alphas, potential marriage between their countries would present significant challenges. Wang Zheng would not relinquish her role as queen, while Yang Fan was the first heir to her country's throne. What would happen if they decided to marry?


However, for Yang Fan, it was enjoyable to meet new people and enhance diplomatic relations with Wang's country, even without the necessity of marriage.


"Well, I'm the director of the royal hospital and mainly handle the bureaucratic aspects. I work as a doctor only in the most serious cases. We have many skilled doctors, so it's not necessary for me to see many patients."


"Good. That's really impressive."


Li Zhang was excited by the conversation and fondly recalled her college days. "I remember when we were in college, Your Majesty was very popular on campus."


Li Zhang had spent much of her life in Wang's country, and her passion for literature was well known. After publishing her first novel, she attended college and spent four years studying classical and contemporary literature. Her talent led to her being invited to work as a temporary teacher and later as a permanent faculty member.


Wang Zheng knew her well. As part of the royal college's annual budget came directly from the royal family, she was familiar with most professors. Li Zhang, a renowned omega author, was celebrated for her books, many of which were adapted into movies and series across EuroAsia.


The queen laughed heartily as she reminisced about her college days. "I had so many fan clubs following me everywhere. It was hard not to draw attention."


"I remember that some omegas formed a fan club and attended all your competitions," Li Zhang said, her voice tinged with nostalgia.


Wang Zheng's eyes sparkled as she focused on Li Zhang, who seemed braver than anyone else at the table. "Did you ever get to attend any of those events?"


Li Zhang reflected for a moment before smiling wistfully. "I started college just before you graduated, so I only heard rumors."


"Oh, I would have remembered you if you had been there."


Li Zhang's rose-scented presence was striking. Her red hair and tanned skin provided a distinct contrast to Wang's country, making her stand out wherever she went.


"Really?" Li Zhang asked, a hint of surprise in her voice.


"Of course. They were quite loud and would follow me even under the scorching sun. I often asked them to bring cold drinks to keep them refreshed."


At the table, Yen Bai, a beta who was keen to stand out, felt a pang of desperation. Despite being third in line for his country's succession, he struggled with his own shortcomings and desired to prove his worth.


"Your Majesty, what kind of tournaments did you participate in?"


"I used to practice equestrianism."


"Do you still ride often?"


"No, I don't have much time these days. But occasionally, during official hunts, I get to ride through the kingdom's forests."


Yen Bai was at a loss for how to continue the conversation. Yang Fan, seizing the opportunity, took over.


"I've heard you're an expert in martial arts. Is that true?"


Yang Fan, a highly skilled military figure, had mastered various forms of martial arts.


"Yes, but it was mainly because of the war back then. I never saw battle myself; a ceasefire was called just as I was heading to the frontlines."


Yang Fan was familiar with the history. When Wang Zheng was a young omega, she had to leave for the borders of Wang's country, missing her father's death and unable to properly mourn him. The ceasefire had been crucial as both countries faced dire situations.


"Your Majesty, would you accept a fencing duel, just for fun?"


Wang Zheng raised an eyebrow, amused by the request. "Sure, why not? Just be nice to me."


The table buzzed with surprise. Would the queen really agree to a duel? Wasn't she concerned about getting hurt?


Yang Fan's excitement was palpable. "When can we start?"


The queen thought for a moment before an idea struck her. "How about we kick off today's feast with our little duel? After a good fight, there's nothing better than enjoying some wine and good food."


"Excellent," Yang Fan agreed eagerly.


Wang Zheng signaled to one of the quiet maids in the corner. "Please arrange a fencing area in the royal hall."


"Yes, Your Majesty."


"Well, enjoy your breakfast—it's truly delicious."