Wang Zheng delivered the flowers she had won to one of the staff accompanying her and they were quickly taken away with him. The queen would hardly walk unattended and there would always be someone around. Her employees communicated constantly to ensure her safety, after all, the queen couldn't be exposed to risks.

It was very clear that without Wang Zheng the country would collapse.

The royal family was limited to Wang Zheng and this was seen as a big problem for the royal councils, there was constant tension with the possibility of something happening to the queen and the throne being completely empty.

Around a King there were countless people willing to betray him in exchange for the realization of their ambitions and it was public knowledge that many families would fight with everything to wrest the throne from the Wang family.

Wang's country had some extremist parties that supported other families for the succession to the throne, but there were also groups in favor of a democratic system.

A few years ago there was a great global movement where several countries were established in the midst of democracies, but in a few years many revolts took place and monarchies re-established their power. Continents were changed and cultures were more and more immersed in each other and it was not more than half a century since Europe and Asia united to form Eurasia.

Wang Country has had many problems with the uprisings of neighboring countries and has experienced decades of tension and impending war. Wang Zheng's government was the most calm and peaceful government in half a century, but the threats still existed and were not ignored.

Yen Bai was the representative of Wang Country's most important military ally and the marriage between the Yen and Wang family would mean a big step towards improving the armies and arms trade of both countries.

The beta man was a great political leader and even though there was no possibility of inheriting the throne, he was the one who controlled the parliament and royal councils of his country.

Wang Zheng saw her employee carry her flowers away and turned to Yen Bai. They walked side by side and chatted cordially.

A few steps were needed to make it possible to see the huge tent of the circus and soon they entered the enormous structure. The place was purposely dimly lit to increase the anticipation around the show and a large spot of light was fully focused on the huge open space.

Around the spotlight you could see the rows of completely empty chairs. It was an exclusive show for the two.

The smell of popcorn mixed with that of caramel and made the experience all the more tempting.

Yen Bai smiled inwardly, he had a feeling the queen hadn't eaten yet, so he would take advantage of the situation to show the huge variety of stalls that were fully at their disposal.

"Would you like to buy popcorn? Here's everything…"

He smiled kindly and she agreed. She was hungry and the air filled with the smell of food made her stomach turn.

Outside the circus there was a small fair with several stalls… It was a little terrifying to go to a completely empty circus, she felt a little nervous.

Wang Zheng loved horror movies but didn't want to be a part of one and went to great lengths to avoid thinking she was with killer clowns.

After getting popcorn, candy and soft drinks, they went back to their seats and in a few seconds the great light that illuminated the arena was gone.

It was possible to hear footsteps.

Gradually, a play of light was present and colored the center of the place. A tall, elegant man had a microphone in his hand.

As he spoke, people and animals came to the center of the arena as they walked in a line.

"Well, well, well… Rousselle's circus has arrived and we are ready to make your day unforgettable… We have daring women and lions who look as docile as cats… Some play with fire and others love heights… We have something for all tastes. : motorcycles, cars and horses. Oh..."

A clown appeared eating the queen's popcorn and taking her hair. "... But be careful, some want to bring the show to you and get you out of your mind..."

A man was illuminated by the strong light of the spotlight and he began to juggle fire as the joyful music became stronger and more intense.

Trapeze artists jumped and seemed to fly. Contortionists ran with fabrics and bent over.

A large piece of cloth was dragged away and set on fire, but within seconds the fire was extinguished and doves flew away.

"Things seem to be heating up around here..." the lights went out and darkness took over the place again.

Footsteps resounded louder and louder as they approached where the queen was sitting and a strong light appeared next to Wang Zheng and the presenter was now in the chair next to her. "So let's start the show, please don't bother with me, I'm just a mere presenter who sometimes plays with cards, doves and rabbits... Your majesty. I will be your humble servant." The man took Wang Zheng's hand and kissed it in an elegant motion.

The show lasted a few hours and although Yen Bai was a little regretful for always trying to touch the queen as if they were lovers. He also tried to be cordial and funny.

He seemed like a good man, but he didn't impress Wang Zheng… And she always found herself thinking about Liu Wei.

Unlike what happened on the first date, she managed to stay until the end, the day was surprisingly pleasant and when Yen Bai acted naturally she seemed kinder and more friendly.

The first dusk was getting closer and closer and you could already see a few traces of darkness in the sky.

The queen's car was waiting for her, already on and ready to return to the palace.

Yen Bai accompanied Wang Zheng to the car as they talked excitedly about the attractions they had just seen.

"I hope you enjoyed the ride, your majesty."

She nodded satisfied. It's been a nice day. "It was really enjoyable, I hope I can see that circus again."

The young prince laughed. Getting that circus out of his country was something really difficult. "They are famous in my country for directly serving the royal family, so the circus has been fixed in the same place for over 15 years."

"For real? I didn't know about that."

In fact, one of the crown princes and Yen Bai's brother was kidnapped as a child while they were visiting a circus, one of the clowns saw and averted a great tragedy.

"Ever since a clown saved one of my brothers' life. The circus became a great place for performers to live and express themselves."

"This is really interesting."

Approaching the car the man reached out and grabbed the door handle first.

"Your Majesty, let me open the door for you."

She smiled gratefully. Thank you, good luck on the next stage."

"I'll make sure to surprise you."

The queen got into her car and felt it speed up. The beta quickly disappeared from her field of vision.

It wasn't long before she felt her eyes grow heavy as she vaguely admired the landscape.

The queen fell asleep.

Meanwhile Liu Wei worriedly watched the sky darkening and the route getting more complicated to follow.

Liu Wei followed Chun Lei faithfully, they had been walking for at least thirty minutes and they didn't seem to get anywhere.

"Leilei, are you sure it's this way?"

she asked confused.

The princess found it brave to believe in a little girl she had known for just over an hour, but she was desperate and needed help.

Chun Lei nodded. "Yes, here's a shortcut. To get there by the main road you need to cross the city and go through the mountains, it's a bit tricky. Mom said this place was the Queen's old house, I always like to come here and play ."

Liu Wei felt her heart race, what kind of place would the queen's former home be?

After another ten minutes of walking, you could see a small stream and some rubble.

Liu Wei was confused, it didn't look like a house, but the closer she got the more she realized that half of the house had collapsed and nature had taken up most of that space.

It was beautiful and different, the scenery was truly breathtaking.

Liu Wei was ecstatic. "Leilei, I think you've brought me to the best place in the world!"

The small child agreed. "Who do you want to bring over here?"

"The queen of course!"

Chun Lei like the vast majority of subjects had a huge admiration for the queen. Her eyes gleamed in wonder, she still didn't have an opportunity to see Wang Zheng in person.

Her eyes gleamed in wonder, she still didn't get a chance to see Wang Zheng in person.

"Have you seen the queen? She's so pretty."

"She is."

Liu Wei smiled proudly, that woman was gorgeous, right? It was her that Liu Wei liked.

Chun Lei couldn't hide her flushed cheeks, she was feeling shy.

"Do you think she would let me come and play with her?"

"I can talk to her and ask."


They were in the midst of the ruins of the house and several trees.

Liu Wei could clearly see a big apple tree which looked perfect for an afternoon picnic.

She was determined and wanted to make her date there, but Liu Wei would have a lot of work to do in cleaning and maintenance of that place, she needed to go back and talk to Anna urgently.

Chun Lei followed Liu Wei and they chatted excitedly about what the princess should cook for the queen. They were in a lively discussion of which would be better: strawberry cake or blueberry pie.

Liu Wei didn't really look where she was stepping and she ended up tripping over some tree roots that were scattered around there. She completely lost her balance and could feel her foot turning.

The pain was terrible. Her eyes were cloudy.

Chun Lei was so worried and scared that she started crying in fear and Liu Wei tried to calm her as she ignored her own pain. "Don't cry, it doesn't hurt anymore..."

"It doesn't hurt?"

"No. But do you help me get home?"

"I help."

The girl sniffed and with all her strength helped Liu Wei to her feet, she was limping and panting, the way back would be a long one.

Wang Zheng woke up from her nap when she felt the movement of the car stop. She opened her eyes and saw the facade of the familiar building, finally home.

The car door opened and Huan Yang was faithfully waiting for her.

She stretched her muscles and could feel some of the daily fatigue slip away after the short rest.

She felt relaxed and lightweight.

"Your Majesty, would you like something?"

She thought briefly and just said. "A shower, I'm having dinner in the room today..."

"Alright, your majesty, I'll arrange it."

The queen took two steps forward and stopped abruptly when she noticed the presence of a person... Liu Wei's maid walked anxiously in front of the palace door and looked strangely nervous.

She approached her secretary and spoke in a whisper.

"Why is Liu Wei's maid out here?"

Huan Yang sighed with concern. "Miss Liu Wei has left and hasn't arrived yet."

Wang Zheng lost all sleep over that news, where could the princess be?!

"Did she go out accompanied?"

"No. Completely alone..."

The queen touched her hair a little abruptly, she didn't like her guests not following her recommendations… She sighed heavily and composed herself, there would be nothing left to do if the girl had listened to her recommendations or not, the important thing now was to find Liu Wei.

The queen glanced quickly at her wristwatch and they would have about an hour before it was completely dark.

"I see, prepare the guards for a search in case she doesn't arrive within half an hour."

One of the basic functions of a king was to ensure the safety of his visitors, she would not let anything happen to the little princess.

"Yes, ma'am."

Huan Yang walked quickly into the palace with Anna and the queen decided to stay in the same place and wait for Liu Wei… Wang Zheng had a strange urge to go looking for the young omega throughout the palace garden.

She felt heavy and her chest was tight.

The queen was walking in circles, not knowing exactly which direction to look. She was feeling impatient and anxious. But at one point she turned and saw an extremely familiar face.

Liu Wei was finally here.

Wang Zheng could not contain herself and ran towards her.

Liu Wei could sense Chun Lei's shaking hands as she faced the queen for the first time. She laughed in her heart.

The queen was frightened by the princess's condition, her clothes were dirty and torn.

"What was that? What happened to you?"

Liu Wei leaned on Chun Lei, almost begging the small child not to let her fall.

"I just tripped and fell… Your majesty, this is my new friend: Chun Lei."

The child smiled sweetly and it was possible to see one of the missing teeth in her mouth, so cute.

The queen briefly forgot her anger at seeing Liu Wei in that state and bent down to match the girl's height.

"Chun Lei? Where did you two go?"

The queen whispered as if she wanted to win Liu Wei's new friend to herself, the younger omega found that scene funny.

"I took Weiwei to the queen's old house!"

The little child spoke without thinking and widened her eyes, realizing that she had said more than she should have… After all, that was supposed to be a surprise.

Liu Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "This is supposed to be a secret..."

"I'm sorry…"

The queen felt confused, that place was completely abandoned and in pieces.. What was Liu Wei doing there?

"My old house? Did you go that far?"

Liu Wei looked at her with guilt-filled eyes.

She sighed into her heart.

The queen sensed the other's frustration and put on her best smile as she released a bit of her pheromone to reassure Liu Wei.

"Did you guys enjoy yourself?"

Chun Lei was a sweet and sensitive child, the queen's smile softened her heart, but she still couldn't help but feel guilty about Liu Wei getting hurt. "Yes, but she was injured…"

The queen touched the top of Chun Lei's head and patted her lightly to reassure her.

"I'll take care of her… You should go home, it's getting late, Chun Lei."

The girl was startled after noticing how dark the sky was already, she needed to get home urgently or she would be grounded.

"I will. Bye Your Majesty. Bye Weiwei."

"Bye, Leilei..."

Liu Wei and Wang Zheng were waving as they watched the girl run away.

The sweet pineapple flavor in the air left the young omega dizzy, she was too afraid to irritate or upset the queen. She sighed heavily in her heart.

The queen couldn't deny her relief to see that Liu Wei was okay, but now they needed to tend to her injuries.

"Come with me..."

Liu Wei felt panicked. "No... Please don't mind me, your majesty..."

Wang Zheng frowned and thought in her heart: How can I tell this girl that it's impossible for me not to care about her?

"Of course I'm going to mind. Hold my neck."

The queen saw Liu Wei's frightened look and resolved not to expect her to cooperate. She placed her hands under the young omega's knees and arms and lifted her.


"Just hold on."

Liu Wei hugged Wang Zheng's neck and now they could feel each other's warmth. They were so close, the young princess was afraid of losing control of her pheromones, but her heart was beating so fast that anyone nearby could hear it.

The sweet pineapple flavor began to envelop Liu Wei and her only reaction was to bury her face close to the queen's neck.

They started towards the palace infirmary and Secretary Huan Yang soon appeared on the horizon.

He was a little scared to come across such a scene… Was the queen really carrying someone else in her arms?!

Wang Zheng continued walking and was only followed by the young alpha.

"Huan Yang, let Miss Liu's maid know she's arrived and I'm taking her to the palace infirmary. Show her the way."


"Also, tell her to prepare light clothes and a bath, she should shower immediately after the first care that will be done in the infirmary."

He nodded and then walked away when he noticed that the queen had said everything.

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

Was the Queen ever so kind to an outsider? He couldn't remember...

But he had already noticed the queen and Liu Wei's strange relationship, they looked at each other and treated each other differently.

The queen with the young omega was patient, affectionate, kind and curious... the little princess cared for and courted Wang Zheng like a true lover.

He was already starting to wonder if the queen had any intentions of marrying another omega, it would be a little problematic to explain this to the elders...

He sighed in his heart.