After five minutes of charging, Liu Wei was struggling to get free.

"Majesty! Put me down!"

The young princess was touched by that gesture, but being carried like that was so shameful... her face burned.

Wang Zheng thought the girl's reaction was funny, she looked like a little child, but the queen was not willing to give in and would only release her when they were in the infirmary.

Her arms were already hurting and if she dared to stop for too long, she couldn't bear to carry Liu Wei around.

She had pride as her fuel, but it didn't make her stronger than the vast majority of people. The queen was far from a super heroine and her strength was not infinite.

"No. Let's take care of your foot first, you're full of bruises..."

"It's no big deal."

The princess could hear the Queen's serious tone and felt her guilt only rise within her heart.

Meanwhile, Wang Zheng felt her glands burning from the sweet mint touch that enveloped her. Liu Wei was fragrant and warm, holding her made her anxiety only grow more and more.

It wasn't intentional, but each time Liu Wei increased the strength in her arms, it touched the queen's glands harder, making her more sensitive to her touch and to mint flavor.

Wang Zheng had never felt that sensation, of course, she knew exactly what it meant, but to feel it especially through the touch of an omega seemed a bit much.

Well, they were two omegas... But that was fine, right?!

She didn't owe anything to anyone so why should she care if it was wrong or not? She should just be happy.

In addition, marriage between equals had been legal in Wang's country for a few years and technology had already advanced enough that two omegas could father a child with their own genes and pheromones.

Being happy sounded good.

Having kids and a noisy house.

Perhaps Wang Zheng very much wanted to see this come to pass.

Liu Wei had no idea of the thoughts that were running through the queen's mind and the young princess could only think about her own guilt. So exhausting.

She was insistently lamenting and Wang Zheng was already starting to think that the princess didn't want to have her around... Was it so uncomfortable to be taken care of by her?!

That brief thought made her a little sad, the queen wanted to take care of Liu Wei and make her completely healthy.

"Liu Wei."


"Have you forgotten I'm a doctor?"


"I'll take care of you, you're my guest."


Liu Wei nodded obediently and accepted the fact that she would be carried to the end.

The queen was happy satisfied with the docile way of the girl. She laughed funny.

"Hold on... You're a little heavy."

The little omega heard the request and gripped the back of the queen's neck more tightly… Wang Zheng almost saw stars at that moment. Her legs went weak and they nearly collapsed together on the floor.

The queen had to force herself not to let out a groan. So embarrassing.

Liu Wei, who was very immersed in the sweet pineapple flavor, didn't notice the awkward situation. "You are such a strong omega…" The young omega felt a strange satisfaction in being held by Wang Zheng.

The Queen stopped and stared at Liu Wei leaning on her chest and even saw her sigh.

Anyone who saw the two from afar would not be able to understand what kind of relationship they had. Their pheromones were sweet and blended easily and when they looked at each other they could even tell they were familiar with each other.

Something very big was growing inside them.

Wang Zheng couldn't tell how long she stared into those sweet eyes.

Liu Wei could feel her throat completely dry. They were so close to each other.

Liu Wei felt her glands burning… She remembered very well when she touched the Queen's abdomen, she really blamed the alcohol, but that didn't mean she would forget what she did and now that it came to her mind she couldn't help but feel extremely embarrassed.

Her face was red and her voice nearly muted. "Q-Queen, don't get me wrong..."

The queen could feel the girl's anxiety and even the mint sting softly reappeared, this made her a little displeased, she liked it better when the taste was sweet and intoxicating.

It was already common knowledge that pheromones changed according to the mood, health, and intent of the omega or alpha. The happier and more satisfied, the sweeter and more pleasant it would smell. Whether an omega was intended to express reassurance, irritation, or excitement was possible as well. The compatibility between pheromones was also something necessary for a good acceptance, opposite extremes did not mix and generated a lot of confusion and irritation among those involved.

Pheromones were a great form of communication between alphas and omegas.

The queen heaved a long sigh, kept walking, and in less than five minutes they reached the infirmary.

As soon as the queen entered with Liu Wei in her arms, one of the two nurses present promptly separated a bed for the young omega to be attended to immediately.

Wang Zheng gently placed her on the bed and quickly went to a nearby closet and grabbed a lab coat.

"Get me a chair, please… I'll take care of her wounds myself." The nurse placed a chair next to Liu Wei's bed and began to prepare the materials the queen might need for cleaning and dressing.

Wang Zheng sat down next to Liu Wei and tied her hair in a loose ponytail, a few strands fell awkwardly across the queen's face and in a delicate motion Liu Wei tucked them behind her ear… Unconsciously Wang Zheng she closed her eyes and leaned her face towards the princess's skin… So warm and fragrant.

Liu Wei gently caressed Wang Zheng's cheeks.

The breathing of both was heavy and the pheromone by that time was already spreading throughout the ward.

The queen took the hand that was touching her face and kissed it, so sweet. Liu Wei's eyes were filled with lust. The two of them no longer had any control over their pheromones or their emotions.

The two omegas were looking at each other in complete contemplation.

Maybe that moment lasted five minutes or maybe ten seconds, they didn't know and they just didn't stay that way when they were caught off guard by the nurse's approach with the materials for the bandage.

The vast majority of the staff inside the palace were betas and the nurses were included in that statistic, they didn't have the slightest suspicion of what was going on between the queen and Liu Wei.

Wang Zheng opened her arms and began to put on her white coat. The queen was such a stunning woman, she in her work clothes looked so serious and elegant… Sexy.

Liu Wei sighed in her heart, she wanted Wang Zheng very much.

"Alright, let me see."

The queen started to examine the princess.

The Queen supported Liu Wei's leg on her knee and helped her take off her shoe.

She noticed a slight swelling in her right foot and she expressed feeling pain when touching.

"How did you fall down?"

"I was walking through some trees, I tripped over some roots and fell to my knees."


The bruises matched the way she said she fell. Wang Zheng asked some more questions and did a basic physical examination.

After checking the wounds, she would clean up and then bandage them.

"It doesn't seem to be serious, in a few days you won't feel pain anymore."

Liu Wei looked relieved and smiled a little lighter.

"All you need is ice and rest. I'll prescribe you some medicine and ask Anna to take it to your room for you."

The little princess nodded, she would definitely obey any order from that beautiful doctor.

The wounds after cleaning and using medicines would not leave scars.

The Queen got up again and went to a sink next to the beds. She rolled up her sleeves and started wetting and soaping her hands.

Every gesture, every expression... Every little detail was charming in Liu Wei's eyes, she was very much in love and felt a little irritated by it, could the queen get tired of her if she kept being like that? In her heart there were not many certainties.

When she finished washing her hands and drying them, the nurse came over with a pack of gloves and she quickly put them on.

The queen sat down again and began to handle all the material that she was going to use, Liu Wei's injured skin was cleaned and covered.

Wang Zheng did everything so quickly that Liu Wei had barely seen the time pass.

"Still hurts?"


The queen laughed amusedly, the young princess was making a little drama for her... So beautiful.

To be honest, Liu Wei didn't feel that much pain from her wounds, but she wanted to spend more time with the queen, even if it took another twenty dressings to do so.

Wang Zheng asks one of the nurses to come closer and whispers something in her ear, the woman leaves shortly after leaving Liu Wei's field of vision. Now she was very curious.

The queen started to remove her lab coat, but kept her hair still tied back. She laid the white fabric against her chair as the queen chatted carelessly with Liu Wei.

"Well if it hurts I need to make it up to you."


Liu Wei was a little shy, the queen's gaze towards her was so intense and strong, she felt that she was more and more immersed in that gaze.

The princess seemed surprised by the queen's sudden attitude, but she didn't complain and made room for the two to sit side by side with their legs stretched out.

The queen sat up and leaned against the headboard, her body was a little tired. She sighed heavily.


"A little bit..."

The queen turned her face away and found Liu Wei's lips, so red and thick, she wanted to touch them. She swallowed hard.

Wang Zheng coughed a few times trying to compose herself.

"Liu Wei, do you know what semi-mature glands are?"

Young omega had a curious look on her face. Yes, she knew what it was, everyone went through it when they went to differentiate into alphas and omegas.

"That's when the glands are about to go through maturation and the gender will definitely manifest."

The queen nodded in agreement and took Liu Wei's hand for her own and intertwined her fingers with hers.

"Well, some babies are born with semi-mature glands, you know? I was born like that."

Liu Wei looked surprised, a little shocked by the close contact and a little shocked that the queen was born like this.


"Yes. All that you find so surprising is just an omega who's been living since she was born dealing with her pheromones..."

The queen was at first irritated by Liu Wei's comments about her being strong or about her being as good as an alpha... Wang Zheng was now afraid that the omega would be disappointed to discover that she is as weak as any other omega .

The queen laughed awkwardly. "...I'm still weaker than an alpha, I still have estrus and if I stay in the rain I'll probably get sick... There's nothing surprising about me..."

Liu Wei did not agree with that. Wang Zheng could smell the sweet smell of mint rising. Comfy and kind.

"If I exercise I can have some muscle and be strong... If I eat well I won't get sick as often... I just have an extremely controlled life, it's hard not to be healthy."

The young princess didn't say much, she watched the little blush on the queen's face and that was so beautiful and cute.

Liu Wei had one certainty in her heart: no matter what Wang Zheng was or what she looked like, she would be just as wonderful.

But the queen now allowed herself the luxury of showing her frailty and exposing a little shyness to Liu Wei. The silence between them was a little disconcerting and increased the older woman's anxiety.

Wang Zheng even tried to let go of her hand and go back to the chair, but was stopped by the young princess beside her.

Liu Wei looked at the queen with eyes that brimmed with lust, it didn't matter if they were two omegas... Liu Wei wanted to have that omega for her.

Their faces were naturally closer by the second and they could now feel their breaths mingling... The pineapple was full of mint... Wang Zheng couldn't think clearly about anything other than kissing Liu Wei.

"I'm glad you are who you are... Regardless of the details... You take care of me so well... You're still beautiful and strong... I can only think that I want you..."

Liu Wei spoke in a husky, almost mute voice. Her heart was pounding and her breathing was getting heavier and heavier.

"If you're an omega...be my omega then."

Liu Wei in a delicate movement released Wang Zheng's hair, put her fingers between them and pulled her closer.

Her lips still didn't touch, but there was so little left...

Liu Wei is young and daring, despite her sweet and gentle appearance, her temper was hot and strong. "I didn't really prepare myself in the beginning... So I ask you to forgive me... From now on I won't waste any more time."

Wang Zheng laughs at Liu Wei's statement, she could feel the girl teasing her reason, she wanted to drive her crazy.

"How can I forgive you?!"

"I can offer a kiss, what do you think?"

"Can I taste it before agreeing?"

Wang Zheng ended the distance between them, Liu Wei was soft and sweet.

The mint flavor in her mouth was intoxicating and made her weak, she felt as if her body was floating and a thousand butterflies were in her stomach. Was liking someone that good? She couldn't say… She just knew that Liu Wei was like that.

Liu Wei had longed for that moment since the day she saw the queen for the first time and the feeling of finally having some of her for herself was so comfortable and satisfying.

The queen could feel a victorious smile appear on Liu Wei during the kiss.

The soft skins touched and scratched in a fight for space and dominance.

They held each other together in a tangle of teeth and tongues.

The sweet taste of the pheromones was already almost unbearable and they could barely breathe.

So hot.

Wang Zheng touched the princess's slim waist and felt her moan into her mouth.

They were going crazy...

The kiss was intense and heady, but they both needed to breathe.

Liu Wei looked at the beautiful sight that was Wang Zheng completely out of breath after kissing her and smiled. She planted a few kisses on the queen's cheek and she could feel her face turning red, the young omega smiled in her heart.

Seeing Wang Zheng completely embarrassed was a dazzling and funny sight, Liu Wei wanted to see more, wanted to see all the expressions that no one else would see.

The young princess can't look away, she feels completely enchanted.

The queen felt her face burn with that pair of eyes turned fully towards her, her hands covered the young omega's eyes. "Stop staring at me…"

Liu Wei smiled funny. "But you're beautiful, can't I look?"

Wang Zheng couldn't help but smile, that girl was so silly… She liked it.

"Don't I look very old?"

The queen was no less beautiful for her age, but she felt that youth had a different, passionate beauty, Liu Wei had a charming smile and a confident aura. Just by looking at it you felt that she would rule the world all by herself.

"I think you are perfect…"

Liu Wei took the hand that still covered her eyes and brought it to her mouth and kissed her.

The queen wasn't used to such affection, her heart beat so fast and her glands were hot.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"I just said what I see."

Liu Wei smiled confidently as she faced the queen, they now looked like two lovers.

The thin white curtain still separated them from the world, but she was still waiting for them. Concerned about the delay, one of the nurses decided to speak out for fear that the queen needed help.

"Queen, are you still busy with the bandage?"

"No. I forgot to remove the curtain."

Liu Wei laughed at the queen's embarrassed way and watched her open the curtains. No one seemed to have noticed anything out of the ordinary.

The nurse carried a tray with two small containers. She left them on the bed. "The kitchen has just sent what you ordered."

"Thank you… Here. After eating it won't hurt anymore."

The queen asked the kitchen to make pudding for Liu Wei, she thought after a hard day nothing better than a sweet. After all, sweet things made the pain go away.


The queen saw the young girl eat the little pudding contentedly, she laughed in her heart.


"Yes, very sweet."

Wang Zheng knew that Liu Wei was referring to the kiss and not the food… Her glands seemed to burn from the heat.