"…Update me on what happened in that short period."

Anna sighed briefly and faced Huan Yang who was still focused on the traffic, she then began to speak about the most urgent thing that had happened.

It wasn't a surprise to Wang Zheng that relations were getting rougher and closer between many sides.

She had already gotten used to that kind of atmosphere, it wasn't like life on the throne was easy.

At the very least it would be extremely stressful and that was a fact that couldn't be ignored.

  "Well, Chow Niu seems to be involved in a big scandal…she has made relations closer."

Wang Zheng nodded, she had obviously heard about it.

Liu Wei was a great friend of Chow Niu, it was impossible to escape news about her.

Well, it was also a little funny to think that Liu Wei had played matchmaker, so she wouldn't say much about Chow Niu's possible guilt, after all her wife had helped in all that chaos.