Liu Wei walked smoothly through the hospital corridors and it didn't take him long to finally reach Zhao Tao's room.

The honeymoon trip had been a unique experience, Wang Zheng managed to be a distinguished woman when she was completely calm and trouble-free in her mind.

Liu Wei couldn't help but feel a little complicated in her heart, she wanted her wife to live immersed in that tranquility forever, but it wasn't really possible.

She understood that perfectly.

The little princess wanted to lessen the burdens and difficulties that surrounded her wife and she would do everything in her power to do so.

She didn't have any worries about the pregnancy, she was sure that everything would be fine in the end.

The doctor quickly got up and greeted her with a soft smile.

The little princess looked at Huan Biyu who walked beside her and softly asked the beta to wait outside the room.

"Liu Wei! You look great!"