Wang Zheng led Liu Wei to the bed and sat her down on the soft mattress.


She still had the bad habit of not carrying her cell phone with her, but luckily she had her beautiful wife beside her who unlike her always had her cell phone in hand.


She immediately grabbed her cell phone and dialed Anna's number.


Liu Wei took the opportunity to cling to Wang Zheng, hugging her and completely enveloping her waist.


Her face felt hot, but it was so comfortable being next to Wang Zheng.


She closed her eyes and for a few moments thought of her childhood, Liu Jing always quiet obeying everything her parents said.


While she and Qui Mei ran around the courtyard, avoiding piano or etiquette lessons.


She always managed to get out of embarrassing situations, but the instinct to go out into the world and explore it was always there and was always so constant in her life.