After the unpleasant conversation with Mother Liu, Wang Zheng was hurrying back to the great hall.


Really nasty, that woman had crossed boundaries.


She sighed irritably, but soon that feeling faded as she saw her wife talking to Liu Jing.


She didn't have her usual loose smile, but there was a charming and extremely sexy seriousness.


Liu Wei was in the hall again with Liu Jing, and it was clear that the matter they were discussing was serious and important.


To be honest, Wang Zheng didn't know the extent of Liu Wei's knowledge of running a country, she also had no idea of Liu Wei's thoughts on such an adverse situation as a country on the brink of war.


For a few moments the queen thought about what it would be like if Liu Wei ruled Martana, it was a situation that was really impossible to happen under the current circumstances, but imagining it was something instigating.