Yes, she needed some time to herself, she needed to be able to digest it all... She needed... She needed... She needed... God, what the hell was going on in her life?!


What did she do to have to go through that?!


Finally standing alone, Liu Wei stared at her right hand and remembered it was full of blood.


She cried, cried like she never remembered crying.


She found herself groundless and found herself aimlessly.


What was she supposed to do now?! Should she move on?!


Liu Wei didn't know, she also didn't know that at the same moment when Wang Zheng left the room, she found Anna and burst into tears.


They watched the little world they had so lovingly built fall apart and they just couldn't do anything to stop it.


Anna tried to calm Wang Zheng down, but it was in vain, all her attempts resulted in even more crying and wailing.