Days passed, Liu Wei and Wang Zheng slowly started to get back on their feet.


The days were still difficult, remembering the pregnancy was still a sensitive topic, but now they could bear the pain of living in that situation.


Liu Wei was very firm in whatever she decided, she said she was already ready to get pregnant again, which only wore down Wang Zheng.


She felt that the little princess was pushing herself beyond what she was really supposed to do.


Think of salt recovery, no matter heirs or children at a time like this.


First think about moving forward.


But it was true that the stubborn temper was what kept Liu Wei from breaking down into tears, she wanted to have a child and that was very firmly in her mind, she would strive to recover her body and be able to get pregnant again.


Even if it takes time, she will do it well and become a mother together with Wang Zheng.