Finally seeing Liu Wei on the small screen of her cell phone, Liu Jing could only feel a small relief in her heart.


Well, it was really sad to see her cry, her pretty sisterly face completely red and wet, the alpha could only regret being the reason for all of this.


She needed to try harder and protect her sister better, not cause unnecessary worries.


Liu Jing smiled a little awkwardly, her sister was graceful even when crying, but it was a little sad to know what she had been going through lately.


She still wasn't okay with the fact that Liu Wei had lost her pregnancy, if it was just for her Hui Xu would probably burn at the stake.


No matter how cruel it might be, she wanted to be selfish and put her feelings first.


Liu Wei was not a toy to be treated this way.


 "Don't cry sister... I called to let you know what happened, but I think you already heard."